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... SIR LOWTVTHIIN 1ALL ON THE IRON TRADE.* ITS . HISTORY: toI ETS IMMEDIATE FUTURE. o CLEVELAND ECONOMY. oh( So OUR CARRYING TRADE. tha ski The Liberal party are accused of having pr tooked with disiavour on the Trade Commissioce. pvc They are inerinbers, of the Liberal party, how.%' Th ever, who have afforded to the Commissioners inf, the icost vahceiable and suggestive evidence it bas ski aso ...


... L I CONCLUDING DAY. Thle second and concluding day of the'bazaar S and fete at Wyvyard on Saturday, on behalf of eigi the rebuilding fund of Thorpe ehrch, was5 a Grc ~.duli and gloomy AS the previous and opening day $Pt e.was beright, genial, and auspicious. Till noon tbri is not onily was the sky overcast with leaden-hued pro it clouids, but a wretcleed drizzle prevailed, After mol e noon ...


... REDCAU1 AND CO&ATHAJ2 I DOG SHOk . ?? D IJUU iOtU Vv. se Yesterday, the first of whar is, ntendorl to be Yei an annual exhibition of dogS, 3owmev2, fruit, ?? t was held in a fiold behiad theck ine ,t~,a sRedcar, and belong-ing to Mrs WVotherill. There t t was a good isltoudsanco of visitors, though the of 0Nweathor ivas somewhat unpropitious, Ti fl Istq lowing is a list ot! the *pizs' Se ...


... A FALLENI IDOL. By the author of Vice frn Versa. London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 15, Pc Waterloo-place. 1&8ii. VI A FALLEN ItioL is yet another of Mr F.- G Anstey's grotesque but inimitable flights of fri fancy: Although he has never qaite equalled Al Vice Versa for pure fin, he has given as us one or two genuinely amusing books, nud A la Fallon Idol in its quaint mixture of the sub- Cl ...


... A Welsh sailor with a turn for poetry thus sings of the woes of his class:- Don't I wish my name was Jansen? Don't I wish my name was Smidt7 Don't I wish my name was August? On that you may bet a bit. Then I'd stand a chance to ship for- Ship for climates hot or cold ; Stand a chance to cross the seas il Vessels built by British gold. Matteo Petrio, from Genoa, Gets a ship fore poor Bill Jones ...

New Books

... I VI i t W- 0 I, - - _ Ccn siR. FRANCIS DOYLE. seds, Rwinstsdrmcas AND OmuONs ?? Sin FAurorsWe HASTINGeS DOYLE: 1813-1885. London-. Long- pe coaan, Green, & Cm;, 1888. ig Sir F . Hastings Ddyle's Rerniniscenicei and fiore: opinions have already been welcomed with Com acclamation; and we can do no more, and no self. less, than join the chorus of approval with which fatb Wha. the veteran's ...


... 41II, Lt. DralRcli: 411fl, .1. A.. XJTIIUUI , RE DCARPrOULTRY 911MV. The second annual exhibition of iee Redear Poultry, Pigeon, and Rabbit ocfefty Was opesnd yesterdiay, in the Contral Eell, Hligh-ff~ot, and will be continued today. The ontiles in all departments were quite eqdild to last year, and arnong the classes for ?? eaxibits, tate- fully arranged in the laeo roorA of the buildinig, ...


... KILDALE FOAL SH)OW. - . . . A - . . ( - ?? Yesterday, the fifth annual show of this society havI was held on tbe chtirmingly-situated ground exat , adjoining Kildale Hall, and the fixture being a werO E popular onP., and the weather fiue, large num- 40' 406l t bers of visitors were attracted during the after- failt noon. The entries in all numbered 167, being 1S8:, fifteen more than in 1884, ...


... IEDALE AGRICULTURAL. SHOW. The. eighth annual show of the 13adale Agri, cultur al Society was held yeserky in 4 Paddoeks, at Bedale, kludly placed rat that di)posal of the society by gir Henry Beresfordl Pairo,36 Barb, the president. h hw hsya is held 'nearly two months earlier than it hDo4 been previously; but this, with the exception of oue department, has not affected thle charaot4L of ...


... eI AGRICULTURAL SH'0 V- AT' i . SEDGEFIELD. The Sedgefield Agriitural Society yester. 'r day held 'their twenty.eighth annual exhibitio of horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, and dairy pro. ;o duce in a field 7 well suited for the purpose at the e rear of the Hardwick Arms. Sedgeflesd. There Is vas an unusually good show of young animals, particularly in the oarse departmeut. . The foals n. by ...

New Books

... WIV (7Ooho Ire WVAnDAri NAMPS OF FiLD AMND FELL. BY c William Morley Egplestone, Stanhope. Pub- ile lished by the Author, Cloth gilt, 3s. co d) A handsome little volume, ent tled Weardale Id Names of Field and Fell, lins just been iseued be to the public by MTr W. M. Egglestone. of Stalln ie hope, who is at once anthor, printer, and pub. .isher. It is an etvmological and historical et ...


... 17 1'Ps cohtroversy over the ?? - Review attack on Mr ?? GossB has excited more interest than any tuere 3 literary subject has aroused since the days of MIaOeULAY. The gentlemaa wiho pilloried Mr GosspE so maliciously on being - deterre' has proved' to be Mr' CHUIRTON COLNLIS. Professor FitrpMii confessed [)el the other day that hie had niever heard of cal the Dean of RIPON until tbe advent of ...