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Advertisements & Notices

... 1* C, I) ? Al Al' l *UA J~j . A fRA)A!t 'i ' ' '.' ',' V ',. 'V- DU I' ' E 1'' C . ' 1 / TP O 'V ' J ' I 0 [ N II, .- : ) 9ri-)g'r'T prtJ-ll:;gtttTvl' evY~ x '\ :I C THIN E AN -- ; 1) '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ;'- - - . - -. . ., . .- .. l V i V; 1) i1 P /--. 'I YO' P1 J rlt) OJ' g. '.PLU'-U 'U L ENU.(NA ANI) I -, 1r0 ''F ' Y ,', \ f AA N N UJ A L. ~ A.!.~I ': 1:~i~ AMi FO ITL WMINU~~~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 171 i 13FI 1(~'(1 O h (71.).,II I , 3J7111 i'333 1''13(lift 113..1.4' IN ' 1'~ Itor (i!iIC \7.'31733)S ('1½ I 0 'kn .111 w 1'333171'~;. v.1' o 1, plote lmd11' I l'7I I (ff11 II' .rflv3- ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jk' ,,JAi ire c'. vi)44':v 4'l fiii nti4;44 h -- 1 4it, . 41.00D £i'41i J. i C !.L C! ct l I- 1. v.:W ii- I 5f r~ w , I 1) r N.. U.-'titl' u ht -L L I 1 I4I '414A ft ::r-'44451' 244.2 , .'Kcw-L4.IA '154 4 G 4(4 l8 I 111:) i ! * 1~'' 1~~-i ~ _ ,.i LifIf oe-P i sWU i 0.-. ' 14'. )('4, 4 ,?: 'ie -il4j1 4(444 tsr, 4t ii, IVliItE141.l Te~r4''-. 14444 &'d I fitA4444T15)4Q.) ; )J' ' '1( ,1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 * . . . . C. .3 .s . I m .N' 71 Ii' 5. 5. 1 i '.5 Il'S - '1*'I'?? 5 Ills! * . ?.' , , . js }.ssIs 5. 5. *.5'I1'( '.' s 3?r Sr 16.0;1 i i - - nanauamflflgfl~~~~~~~~~~~~ad; r NYI P. I 1t ( I :9-9S th'x \,1 .K'9L9A;, 1( V'I. STO Tr 99';p '9')99'99,9y.'9999 ri't9'; 9 9''r';''' (.T9' 6I voi .99 9'1,~ '99 E'P -x ~' 1 .i 9 9 niv, ¼ '-,9)9' us~~!' A8 vj) tlic( - r-9 \'P' N (9'lT R J Y - I Ilooll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVEIRTISERS. AN order of the Pi,st )Xflce states that letters addresecd to Initials or FictitiOUh JS lrcesivill OC stn to the D-i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. f BE LEITP ON LEASE1 FOR EVER, TL BtJLL1)IENG G:1ROU Nb un Nowtowtirds Road aidcl BI3 vsoli Strcet; t1 o ael ;rner of Albert Bridge Road nid Nc-v oiiwuitdt iRoad. Apply it thU .Nus-7.,'toerOIlice: to D.FKEDK. SPIlLER. Jr., Solicitor, SI). High Street; or, J. FRltASEtE, Civil I lgii-ier luid Aichitect, 11 5), V'iCtOliIL Slrect, BelfaLst. 31J30 Tr1101.17, ELET, OR I.N'J'REST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 K1 \_OTTA701 S, MI L, D. l.y 2oL..;nl Apponu'tu nt to Hl.R.. lhe Prince of A\ aloe. ].it0l FUNITNPALS. 1 id'L-VIlLI *' CO., lTndoertalhcr A I~o L i ir~ Propir' tne,, Supily Shrm!6d7. (o02ijll, al(I C'Voov horrcmiuite for : ,ue rals, ill rncw; re- ctrtlt flilrer, , ;;- . t; ;;. TO Q o , T A E )S. E T 0 1.22 T .THE P'A7- A A PAR, EIN'TER SALE. FLUrS, MANTTLES, DRESS AND MANTLE CLOTHS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 7lO BRP LEi, ON, LEA~ l FOR EVERT, *J&BUITDING ^ltOUNLL .n Nowtowitarda RBod ind BryVson Stee -i.o at orner of Albert V Bridige Rowl and Ncv.,'ownirils Road. 0t Applv xt, tbs Nowtos-.Ltter; ofic; tto D.P.lEDIN. I; SPI.LLEh, Jr., Solicitor, 29. I-Iigh Strcet: or, J. FiASEIi, Civil lEngineer and Archlitect, 1154, Victori Street, Belfast. ;90 Ti:l COO;N i'3SS OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S' Ii' V WINID SW N 7 'r.'I31 xnvn.E . A 1.J' ,O' tO.' Sl.S' SUIT'7. .tXD a ' !7 A 70 . 7S iad .' ipor Phnu! .( i .\'I' of lien's O 'ercoiats, Suits, WQ (. O)!t i . . . 'C1'/ C fl~ E.J'. F R A N C I S C U R L E Y. 121 FUNERALS. iu AELVILLE &- CO., Uuelorta1iora AL/.-a. Floersa Propriotor'i. Sn!vOY Shrouds, Coftius, and every flequistte fur E'nuernle, in a mogt respectable inunnoer, w:th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ______SHIPPING. Ii.(YA1. MAIL RouTlf, I b AM, h 0i9 141464ANEI AND SOOThA1ND TIY ilii11,ii,TAST S1WA PASSAGE Vu, LARNE AND) STIANIRARR. gotxr.- alxxi txx-pi iitc arn-ir Att- runt arni,.f Stxaiir erit ti-ri alrlw t,ljf il J.i wx--- ExcI. 1Dil.- sailfiuig (bunw, I'ya uid (11irirt-rnins Dxy i -ie . 'Irn'iit sexr riot- FrrtWivxgn i f.-:u . (U.ItxthJiariv y at I L-w p lijt I; ,-nxlxiti ist-. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS, AN order of the Post )fice states that Istterse s ddr essed to Initials or Fictitious Vaxnesupill ese snt totlle Descd-Lettur Ofice, Dublin. AdvArtisres shouldcoi iuequently. give ttbiir full aiid lprorp nar ril whvhn thet de-ire to reeive t coniive micat-ions at - a Pos tt Of fice. LettemB canl he addres red to Initiala at the Nxws-LLaTrE Office, as heretofore. - ...