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... FI1SK UNIVEtRSlTY JTIJMILEE SINGEBS. LAST night, these Dow most popular siugers gave their inimitable pirformanoc in the Belmont Presbyterian Church before a large and attentive audiencu. The sacred edifice was crowrled in evrry part, and one of the oldest liembers of the chiurchI stated that he hal only once Heen it so twell tilled. PLuuetilalhv at. eight o'clock the nine singers canm upon ...


... f1lrTOnY OF TrE Tis 1'J1.5DYTnA1UAN Cnuacrr. By the Rev. Thomas Hamilton, Dr,., Belfast. 13ddiuburgh: T. & T. Clark. Tuis work by our townsman is specially intended as a handbook of Churbh history for Bible classes and students connected with the Prefibyteriau Church in Ireland, and is a iinely-executed piece of literary Forkmanuship. Mr. HIamoilton, thougb a aoe.nparatively young writer, has ...


... THE Paris corresplondent of the Daily Telegraph says :-An amusing comedy in three acts, L e Tailleur pour Dames -the ladies' tailor-by a young author, 'Al. Georges Feydeau, son of the famous novelist of that name, has just been pro- duced at the Theatre de la Renaissance. The play abounds in comic incidents and situations, and is acted with such sparkling and spontaneous gaiety and Verve, ...


... PAIRS. Tcsrl:ntroitr.-The' Milay fair was lIe! nti 'o n1n lav, and w; Ono of the ?? JIi, ;i n i i vI' nzontits. IPrices wvere as fotlotrs:-l'eie er l 'se0 beet qttality, 58.-3 to bi r ctiS: sep.rl 1 'ii - to 58s; third dIo, 48s to i3s aproig'get-, z' £f4 uI' i £12 ls: strippers, £5 10s t stirs tetttr'tl ltcifers and bullrclc,, £ii to 1; iti ' - Veir ...


... NArROW.WATER GARDENING SOCIRTY. ANNUAL SHIOW, Wl. Nrnwny, TucsnsAY.-The annual exhibition in jot connection with this society was held to-day in the we beautiful grounds of Narrow-water Castle, kiudly dit thrown open every yeac since the oetablishinent 8PE of the society, in 1878, by Major HIll, D.L. The thc show altogether was a great success; the Weather was delibghtful, the attendanoe very ...


... MRS. SCOTT-FENNELL9S CONCERT. Last evening Mrs Scott-Fennell's annual concert came off in the Antient Concert-rooms, under the immediate patronage of the Countess of Aber- deen. The audience was very large and very fashionable; and a well-chosen programme, sup. ported by some of the best vocalists and instru- mentalists of the metropolis, rendered the concert a very enjoyable one in every ...


... A~ . LITERATT..RE. t - I ?? i: At, -. n t . 7 ?? I A DI,4UY.OF TWO:PALLIhMNTS - 1E;j[tlenY W l;a4 . ucy., . ondor: Uaesel and Cco.v . .&e ru3ig,,t..bfi.epspeted,.> Inz~i~s ,a Irish , figur~e . proueutlyo * Mr, Lucy's -wo~rk,, bod are, the;ineaz,. o, ?? - the l Hagt,,hgr ., ,, nis.r' f0 3 cleeer sketCh. W e howfever;,. one Cannot but ad- ,mire their 'brillifanc~y and ef~etiveness in some ...


... I - The third eeries of the Popes, under Ahedirec- tion of Mr. J X Sullivan, was inaugrrstv d mod aspiciously in the Leinster Hall n -Saturday night. 4 large audience, who3e in fact too fre- quent demands for wres testified to their ap. preciatica of the displays of the Orphean corps, filled all parts of the spaseis andornate baildixg, whicl presented a briiliact cqup ei'eil. The can- cert ...


... FA|HIOX ANDI VARIETIES. I ' . I_ -- - THE COURT. TE '''Osborhe, Tuesday. ' The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon attended by V Lady WYaterpark. ae Colonel Nightingale, commanding the 93rd Argyll and w Sutherland Highlanders at Parkhrstrt, had the honoirs at of dining with the Queen and the Royal Family in the evening. Her majesty went out this morning attended by the a Hon Evelyn Paget. ly ...


... THE LELNSTER HALL. I CONCERT TO-nonOnW SIGBT. 'The erits of the grand new music palace are not to remain veiled in silence. On to-morrow (Saturday) evening the hall will again resound with good music. Mr. J. M. Sullivan (of ?iesars Pohlmann and Co.) will, with characteristic en- terprise, on that night bring forward a very dis. tinguished party of instrumaestalists and vocalists, The principal ...


... THE BEST HUNDRED I IRISH BOOKS. I _ * i -- WE give the premier place to-day in the ai contributions to the discussion on the Best I Irish Boolks to the interesting letter of Miss a Charlotte G. O'Brien, the first Irish lady l who has addressed us on the subject. The other letters-those of -Frank R. H. Hill, late Editor of the Daily News; Lord Justice n Barry, Rev Dr. Greene, of helfast, and a ...


... FASHION AND YABTIES. I I VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excellencies the Lord I~eutenaat =4 the Coun- I tess of Aberdeen, attended by Captain Hort C Lambtoj |and Lieut Hon Thos Ashburnham (Aides de-Camp-in, iWaiting), were present at the opening of tli new wving i of the Church of Ireland Training College, Hildare-place, I yesterday afternoon. Captain Joy has left Kingetown for Eng- land. Captaiu ...