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... s PHOTOGRAPHIC BEXHIBTION,, hehisambetof persons interested in the a-tt -t'photograpby-is now -very tlarge. There are tot a few, who -investigate the subject as a -scientifioa stdy, and who find in its resources jnostrtvalnble- aide to research anld investiga. tion, Iaithe practice- of photography there is -:nite an aay.of persons who make thereby tseir; dailtbread,and'rtthere is still a ...


... OitCriES 'RAT, CONCERT. r~or't, 0ra50 hi D ?? R H' ?? isic. \V I~. etrho Cor ?? Wo'n- * Sa~si~ ii M~lS?,i ?? jr.4,t:5l II Sourtt. Aim a'ler He 2ia er ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .. The now overture by Tr F. Hf. Cower, 00th` frthe openieg of the Liverpool Exn'l. and Performed her fo h is ime Is:.l right, is one Of a, cls fwrs, the producti ii ~iwhich, has recently becomne epiemlric ina ot r ...


... RLOYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY. ANNSSAL DINNER. . The annual dinner of the Royal Scotis'h Academry, he'd on the tre of the public opening of the exbib-3itiou ...


... LITERA TURE. (1) Eaglish Dranatist's: TJDcmas Jfiddbfon. Fascinating, as tile study of the Elizabethan T dramatists has always been to those desirous of f I making themselves acquainted in a thorough I way with English literature, various influences II are now in ct)orationl, fitted, and inidleed de- r I sicgnedi, to enlarage very considerably the circle i of students. Hitherto, dramatic ...


... ROYALTY- DON JUAN JUNIOR. Mr J. L. Shine's Company began a week's ¶' engagement at the Poyalty Theatre last might, the principal item of their programme being the burlesque of Don Juan Junior. It is ipossible to hav too nuch of even a good thing, 'r anid possibly Mr Sh ine's admirers have bega to ni think so, for last night they turned oat in mach le smaller numbers than they used to do ...


... INTERESTUN(4 EXHIBITION AT ' AUGSBURG. An interesting exhibition, consisting of indus. e trial and artistic products, will be held from the I 15t1h of May to the 15th of September of the :present year in the ancient city of Augsburg, which is situated on the line of rail between Stuttgart and 'Munich, the capital of Bavatria. e It is intended to represent the existing state of e industry and ...


... FiOWWR SHOWS. I fl~UTHE RGLES. The annual exhibition, and comipetition undter a - the auspices of the Ilutherglen Horticulltural and Apiarian lbociety was held in the Town Hall yes- te-rday. Thbe cla'sses were divided into apartruents, and occupied respectively the three 5 largest balls xvithin ties luildlings. Tbe large haill was, Wstaged with hothouse plants, cut flower;, &C. - 's ...


... =v7 D DA. Laindoil, Sundlayv iht i-!~ vi:aaI iast nlitii revived the ~ px::t~i0 ' Lavi'l carric:, a l ix ?? ei~tta tae..twD'; years ago. a tr rile~a extra- V 'SCAr~i eIC ' Lard Dnudreaiy i2'd -. ?? hoever, not-as Seelipto i igrn f o vvlre'ryj -IT Ithle Occct:2'IIZ1 rm tentatits will o W'~S onle of 'the reasonis thl a - ' ?? sa that to Jiihx ~ rolto as a new * V\vWndhial~l is alot - to ...


... THE LEEDS FESTiVAL. DVORAKS SAINT LUDMILA. (FsRM OIUR oWf? ?? Leeds, Friday Night The music lovers of Leeds expressed great in. terest in the first oratorio ever tpecially corn. posed by Antonin Dvorak for this country, and despite a heavy downpour of rain, which lasted .all day, the Victoria Hall was this morning quite filled; nay, more, the audience waited with the most exemplary patience ...


... NEW 'MUSIC. (Hln enry Kleint London.) I t eta, a Legend, by / arli Zoeller, o with viio s d'amour ?? and effective music, which only requires passable words to mlake it acceptable to a baritone. At present it is accompanied by both French and English verses, and of the two sets the English seems the more imbecile. Farewell, until we meet again,' song, in D, by Carti Zoeller, with viole ...


... EXHIBITION FNINANCE. DEFICIT OF £17,JUO AT LiVEit-OOL. The official stateincut was issued last nlight of the result of thie Livcrriool Exhibition, which closed threeweekssince. Itzshows totalreceipts3 £13S,000, and expenditure of £4S,000, leaving a deficit of £15,000, which the gua; uators. will have to make good. As an alternaitive to the pa-pinent of this defit t thc executive propose ...


... I ?? r ^ gOF 500 £VBSAY T bdrO yeats is a prpdo of tme soi 'that Ieopie are apt to think of it as pd with hum3anity generally rather than rt or tate in partiular. Nor is t say* ca0tiu3 alythnag else than suggestive ; tisO. fr aS 0as onrown island is con- s Tgre >.Ch periods carry the md back to o twor was a eoman proronco, and tisi ahet5,a destined to be the first ft G,3peror assumed the ...