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... The fifth annual exhibition under the auspides of this society was held yesterday i a series of marquees erected on the ground of the Victoria Athletic Club. The exhibits of plants, fowers, fruits, and vegetables, were very artisti- caly arranged, under the direction of the committee, and presented a most attractive and creditable appearance. The entries wvere nure numerous then in previous. ...


... AO VT THE T TrAwsx: E ssays and Studies. Byy WimzS A RIWIIR. [London: T. Fisher Unwin.] This simple, title briefly but fully illustrates this volume, which contains ten articles of pernanent interest, -which have appeared in various serials, and which are nvllo worth reprinting. Since the Essays in Theatrical Criticism, by I fr. Mowbray Morris, no such volume has nppeared as anl exanmple of ...


... |. - ?? - ?? SI ~llf)JUM By V .lui'x. ?? [L dondoii 5 Iiieftillanl andi Uo; Sone time ago at poor womani priweiiineled ]mrtoclf at aii Len- dci olic IJ10court, and Biliielthtse baaii io cool. Sho~ appecared to thlinkc ho1 ci is exepitsooal ia th at recipect. Mahloinet had, hscelver, aff~irmed theacmeil ~thing ot hot whole Raxhin large arid 'general teri18 n N Iorrs has hieis IlrL'tuntedl ...


... The Vienna correspondent of the Times, telegraphing on Tuesday, says :-AM.Verescbagin was sentenced'to-day to n fine of M. for-having allowed photographls of his pictures to he sold without asutborisation, this being an offence against the Press law. Bl. Veresehagin was well advised in not appearing at the trial to meake a speech in defence of his pictures, as lie had intended to do, The ...


... - . A woman can no more neglect her dress nowadays than she can overlook any other social obligation, The matter )fbecomes of greater importance everyea. I a ams e be said to have ceased to be one of vanity and personal .e satisfaction ; it is a, duty every woman owes to society to look her best, her tastiest, otherwise she is a, discordant note in the general harmony of things. Moreover, ...


... PRINCE OF WALES THIEATRE. | THE MHIKADO. Thle most piquant, melodious, and, fascinating of the s long series of mirth-provoking operettas webicit we owe to a the joint labours of Mr. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan abrought together a crowded and enthusiastic audience at sthis house last night, Although The Mikado is . rot, absolutely new in Birmivglham, having been Ggiven here by the same ...


... ' 'ITALAN OPERA COMPANY. The revival of the enterprise known as Her Majesty's Italian Opera Company, alluded to yesterday, does not necessarily imply that Italian opera itself, like the fabled Plicenix, is about to renew its existence. Pending the long-talked-of production of Signor Verdi's Ot4llo, Italian opera appears still in a moribund condition. But opera in Italian isquite another thing; ...


... THE FIRE AT DERBY THEATRE, OPENING OF THE INQUEST, On Saturday a numerously-attended meeting of the inhabitants of Derby, convened by the Mayor, was held in the Guildhall, to initiate a fund on behalf of Mir, Terry's company, and other sufferers from the calamitous fire at Mr. Melville's Grand Theatre,.-Tho Mayor expressed his deep sympathy with the relatives of AMr. Adams and the joiner, ...


... THE CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY. The new opera 'Fadette, edapted from Maillart's popu- Inr Dragons tie AiUars was repeated last night toga erowdedl and enthusiastic 11osc, with results in some rc- epectslenperior to those of the first performance. The only change in the east eas inl the direction of; improvement, the pa~rt of the falrmerfs wife, C'eoredc, previously filled by Madile. Presane, ...


... | Inlieu apparently, of the Thursday morning performance of opera which is usually given here by touring Iyric com- panies for the benefit of country visitors, Mr. Mapleson's company gave on Saturday a so-called morning concert in the Town Hall, at popular prices. The performance, which commenced at half-past two o'clock, was exclusively vocal in character, and the programme was so ...


... 7F'- l'it' owr Syutaj Correspondent.m LEa, W Although shorn of the usual attraction of a Royal visit, the Festival was openedthis mornig with becoming dignity the Mayor of Leeds (Alderman Gaunt) prestding, and wear- ing his chain of office, The morning was fine, and the towin presented an animated and cheerful appearance. The. beautiful Victoria Hall was filled with a fashionably- ...


... . Last evening this society gave the second of its current series of concerts in the Town Hall, the programme con- sisting of Eanileggers dramatic cantata Fridolin,' and Mr. Anderton's The Norman Baron. the principal vocalists were Madame Georgina Burns, Mr. Barton MicGuckin, Mr. Robert Grice, and Mr. Watkin Mills. Mr. A. R. Gaul, Mns. Bac., was at the organ, and Mr. Stockley conducted. ...