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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... I ,LONDON GAZETTE, JAN. 21, LoNDOX.-H. ;G, Bishopp, Borough-read, Soatthvwark, tobacco manufacturer-J. Grieves, ILime-street, meflerhOn5t-H. 11. Euiogton anld J. T. Aldred, Friday-street, warehlousemen-C. Macdonald, Quleen Victoria-street, merchant- J. Slheermanl, 3un., PaddingtonS-street, bulilder- D. Tallermito. Easinghall-Otreet, club proprietor. HA3reReuprOY Ax3Uht.ED.-H. 1:. Cooper,~eSt- ...


... Iv 'LONDON GAZETTE. DEC. 25. Lonnox.-Maria L. Dean, late 81, Charlotte- street, Fitzroy-square, artist-A. De Belin, 26, Vestcroft-square, ]Raveuocrofttpwrk, Hammer- smith. pensioner-G. M. Downle, 10 and 11, Aldermanbury-J. Foulkes, 7, Kilburn-square, Kilburn, gentleman-J.I M. Freymuth. 5, Park- hill, Forest-bill, Kent, clerk-W. *T. Marriner, 25 to 28,Aus'tralian-avenue,commercial traveller -G. ...


... KIEST MARKET INTELLIGENCE. CORN EXCHANGE. MARKI-ANE FRIDAY, August 20. To-day the rise caused by the unoertainty of the harvest has been- maintained, all round. Wheat has been ip poor demand at 368 for Red, and 37a White. bheinu an advance of 1,. Flour ibis also advanced 15 too d, the highest being 34i Gd. Bstrjey at 263 for Grinding and 40s for Melting has been well supported. A sgod trade ...


... LONDON GAZETTE. JUNca 8. Loyrow-A. S. Green, 6. Coleo o-road, Clap. ton, ?? Ann Holmes, 69, George- street, Fortman-oquare, dressmaker-S. Jones, i79, Friorn-road, East Duiw~ich, brick merobanS -J. F. Feasgood, 28, Gleneldon-road, Streat- ham, commercial clerk-G. Robinson, 26, Baa. lughall-street, commercial ?? Toppin, 14, Gateley-road, Ecixton. solicitor. LONDON GAZETTE, JUaE 11. LosNroN.-J. E ...


... LATEST MAR ?? ?? UO.IN E[xACJiAIRlUE Ult.LA1i7 - A rise of Is in hult Fu IDii) Ot 29, white being 36 a old, 355 slew; he~rd new 33s. Demand pretty briS , ld ?? 3 gold.i.B~le nds.~cedtriek C, and EnPled 34 od.Flour also rose is pe st and I ?? to 42s - I-nd 'lish 3d and Matz dmoe h i ; * '482an Oat and Peas being on nqlres tor price took plc.Lnee e is cha,~ ' at 40s Callutta ex ship, a rn 6rra ...


... I LATEST MARKET INTELLIGENCE CORN EXClHAGE. MARK-LANE. TnunsnAY. April 22. At Mark-lane this week the fine weather nss been a prime factor of inactivity. The Wheat dealings on Mondavwere small imextent; English White selling at late values (30s-34s) and red sometimes 6d advance (28s-338); foreign Wheat at unaltered prices, demand very limited. Flour (34s per 2801b. top price London; country, ...


... LLOYD'S WEIEKLY NEWSPAPER OFFI3E, TzURSDnY, Jan. 14. CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE. In consequence of the snow and frost field work has boon partially set aside; the land and roads having been in a con- dition rendering farm labour next door to im- possible. Wheat plants are fairly strong at present, but stand in some danger of injury from the alternations of frost and thaw sustained in the past ...


... LATEST IMARKET INTELLIGENCE. CORN EXCHAM;C;B. 3sGARKIJ-LANE. FRI.Dky DeC. 17. Owing to light supplies and foggy weather. business has been very himited. From the begin- ning of theL week ?? and ?? were held for an advance of Gd to is per quarter; Flour was 6d dearer; matting and grinding Barleys and Oats in moderate request, at pre- vious prices; * lfeice Eshort, in supply) 6d advance on the ...


... CORN EXCHANGE. MARK-LANE. FRIDAY. Oct. 1. Trade is dull again to-day, and heavy holders of British Wheat are glad to take 6d less; foreign growthb are a little more steady. Flour is again dull, transactions being only sufficient for immediate wants, and then at a reduction of 3d. Barlevs are doing better than of late, the demand bting more active. Oats again exceed the demand, and best sorts ...


... I LATEST MARKTE~ INTELLIGENCE. : f ' . ?? .: ! . CORN EXCUANGE, MARR-LANE,: F'Lsasly. Jan. z 22. '.Despite the fresh'lt'pplies of .Britishh and rloreign Wheat, trade has beeu extremely dull, and 1u5lefousf dholders have readily 'actepted .Ed lees than iest weck's' tep Proe of ISl. Fionr go erii 7od supply, but siuoteady in'v'slne Barleit on t ' provyehd of good demand, with ea airtls, thze' ...


... I CORN EXCHANGE. MARK-LANR. FRIDAY, Nov. 5. Wet weather has retarded the attendance of buyers to-day, but nevertheless Wheat has been firm, New red Baltic Wheats made 37s. Flour, in small supply, has done a quiet trade, but values remain unchanged fromthe recent advance. good and fine matingl3arleys continue firm; grinding steady in5 values hut fewer inquiries. Maize rather scarce, ietehed Gd ...


... CORN EXCHANGE. MARK-LANE, FI EDAY. Feb. 12. Trade to-day has been very little better than at, the heginmnin of the week; buyers refraining from heavy pelrchasas. The rates for White Wheat remain unchanged at Ibs, end Flour at 34s. Oats and Grinding Barley sold well, the former at 27e for English, and the latter at Ifs. Ma21ize, Peas, and Beaus6 wo re in slow demand. CATTLE, &c. (METROPOLITAN) ...