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Freeman's Journal


... ¶LEEDS MUSICAL FESTIVAL j ,F LGBAM FROM OUR COREFP(O-D'XIT) I *TWL~G~AM Leeds, Friday. The most important work amongst novelties in point of size being anoraturio. eifficitta tke tp a ende concert Was given ihis morning. The apearace of the composei, Antenix Dvorak, at the ?? desk was the signal for a burst of entiusistwc applause, which was repeated at ire- q, intervals during the progres; of ...


... FASHION AND 7AAIETIES. Layde _ al aft r Lady de Vesci has left Kingstown for Eng- C land. Lady Rose has left Kingstown for Eng- s land. Lady Cole leha left Kingstown for Eng- laud. General Colvile has left Kingetown for n England. I Lord Arthur Hill, 2! P, has left Kingstown for England. Colonel Elmes, D G, has left Kingstown for England. Dr Jacob has returned to .23 Ely place from Brighton. ...


... 1 - , P8HId D AXV xTI *- I . _ - 4 THE PRISCE-SS OF WALES. t- ' X ?? I' -, Li,,jdned>g t !ba princess of -We.4 -alpeared WIMn ±ifo t. Btlnd to-day sins eher anfvd iu tedon fromn Ssdig- ham. .IestioyalE1ighness, 4ho loo1~tv~ry-0ale 'Sft r r; e h ate iniosdtoa and confinement to the hoa4, L1drove at X~~'i0:In A cdotaedr atgge. tg Blnckizdghaln ;rwsce to visit her Msty. Lady Burton has left ...


... 1A4SIION - -D. VARIZWIlL'. VICEREGAL COUr-T. IEer Ea,^cllency the Coantc-s of Aterrd.wc,. T c-- paniald y the lin Lady Ridleyalt awi ?? tended by Licutenazt FArb.n A i; A .. afterroon visited the SiFte s of Chlarity S, Lco. f izopestreet,1r Fsedlen y then oceeriel ta L hi : House, N.Ierriouni ;qare, aad was present at thi: delivered by Profe-sov Barrett, an-d afterw:rln is ;c the Buazaar held ...


... . EHIOR A-YD VDRUITIES. I . I -1 _ I VIMERRGAL.COURT. 7ir Esceulies sthe Lord Lieaawt aad the ouo t ?? Aberdeen, with their Children. =ad wmpmie4 by Sir Mkthe7 sead Ldy. Eidley a.-d attended b; lieuteliaie Colonel A. E Turmer(Private Secrdery)sad Ciptaizis Noa Latbto and 39o Tnjmas Mshub.s (AMsde^Ynp in Watftg), went 4 Ginne'vt'r Circo o@ Saadyaftrnooi ,Their Exselenits 4w Lftrj Lieutaensa: ad ...


... FASHION AND YA RTiES. VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Aberdeen, attended by Captain the Hon H Ormsby Gore, A D C, left the Viceregal Lodge for Lon- 4lon yesterday evening. Colonel A E Turner (Private Secretary)andCaaptain the Hon T'Ashburnhaxn, AD C, also attended their Excellencies as far as Kingatown. ADAME MARIE ROZE. London, Tuesday Night, Madame ...


... FASHIONr AND VARIETIES. PRiNCESS CHRISTIAN. a London, Tuesday Night. Princess Christian takes daily drives, and her health is gradually improving. ter physical condition will not, however, permit of Her Royal Highness being present at the opening of Parliament. To-day the Prineess n paid a visit to the Dean of Windsor and Mrs Davidson. g Viscount Bangor ?? left Kingstown for a England. I Lord ...


... J~AG-ZESFJ AJu{ ,e- t o- iv;R. Mallo-ck'.s n s l )aaal t Order Changes.. The veador cannot help iden-) 8 tifyi~ -at lt oae o .c;haradk in this serial 'w itl a eading -Elish- Democrat and prominent .0 ?? khe ate- G~overnment. Of course the s. fppilos~a~a author dr a caricature and not a ithfulportiitur but the distorted represen- |tation -a modified reprodlucotion of A-what has appeared in ...


... FASE1ON AND VARIETIES. I - I Count Moore arrived at Kingstown yester- day from E1i5:and. - The Marquis bf Conyngham has left Kings- town for Engand . - Lord Arthur Hill, M P, has left Kings. town for England. Captain and Mrs Headley have left Kings- town for England. Captain Smyth arrived at Kingtstown yes-. Itarday from Eng and. C Johnstone, 31st Regiment, has left Kingstown for England. L H ...


... Yesterday the Dublin Art Club opened their jwinter exhibition at thre Leinster Hall, Moles- worth street. The collection of pictures is, taken all round, an excellent one, and the exhibition can claim to be the best which the society has yet succeeded in getting together. The committee may be congratulated upon the way in which they got tbrough the difficult task of hanging the pictures, ?? ...


... [B.A.BALLINASLOK FAIR. I (FlRul *OUR SPECIAL REPORTER .) I Balinasioe, Wednesday. To-clay was the sernd cday of the sheep fair, and it is genera ly reg i de l as the -least iml or- ttant of the fair days, 'Tis year the difference was even more d istinctl. attarcked than usual, for owing to the smidl supply of yesterday and the brisk demnand the number remaining uz sold -Os rather insignificant ...


... FASIIrON AND 1ZAJIETIWs, .FASHIONABILE MARRIAGE. (PDCIJ CUP, COflItE~Oyf\lENy,) Halrris, lednosday. Thle marriage ci MrI Henry Buenan, High Sheriff of the county Carlow, and eldest son and heir of the, flight Hon flony Jiruen, P C, of (isl Park. Carlow, with MiLss Agnes Mary Kerana,,h, yoeuges~t daughter of thle Right H on Arthur M'Mcrrccugh IKavanagh, P C. II U L, Buoris Hou0,se, wits ...