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... I - ART AND LITERkRY GOSSIP. ?? ToDlAY 'S ATl1ENrEU3T.` Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes will leave Boston for Europe thiq month with his daughter Mrs. Sargent, and pass the summer on this side 01 the Atlantic. It is just fifty years since he last visited Europe. The' Far Interior, by Mr. Walter Montaga Kerr, C.E., which Messrs. Sampson Low and Co. expect to publish early in Miawy, deals ...


... I he Iie BY UNCLE OLDMAN. .r. a Eumblegrumble was in a simply dreadful humotr. th I knew that he was more than usually put out by the St fearfully smoky smell which came before him. Talk of fretting and faming I You would have had some- Y thing to talk about if you had seen the vapoury old re giant curling and rolling himself into my room, and if ie you had heard the growling he kept up ...


... T--COUNTRYFL Ii BY RANGER. XLVIT.-TRhESaWATER pIS]? The outdoor study of freshwater fishes is One the most fascinating branches of natural saisnes. takes the observer into every variety ?? ' often of the wildest description-and centrey him the whole of animate nature. Forthe riverst streams are the chief arteries of the land, and yin, to a host of field and woodland creatures the li1 ...


... THE LAWThEI _ '1 .L.LL.Li .L, - __ EDITED BY A BARRISTER AT LAV. m XXXVII. tc T _ ?? :EXECU~TORS. After procuring probate, an executor should at ti onef proceed to get in all debts due to the testator's d estate, sell all property, not specially given to any ti legatee, of a perishable nature, such as furniture, v consumable articles, leaseholds, and the like, He in should take the probate to ...


... I JhJ*S s s .L v.n a.J -A BY UNCLE OLDMAN. To an old man, nob less than to young folks, there are many possible pleasures in a holiday. The sight of the restless sea and of mountains, lakes, and peaceful valleys brings delight to his spirit. It is true he no longer enjoys donkey-riding on the beach, nor yet the making of sand pies with a bucket and spade. But perhaps more highly than his ...


... I VAiZI FR it I an CetaQu dybetionth mam h e tanr 61 th-oeing panby3 1he 4pof iP e aOaths, P and uiiL Sirunanese Grant diesse -h of Burmah have lired so exclusively gade a severe d s may be th g before thywk-p to a of nainaiy Edations,. howewst, is a- pcfrf intent id there i ?? be :aywnttlg agitatorS, interested or to an Icmind thvn of tSuthAm. Sir Cb a siders-t~emst prdnta weltee ttng tren _ ...


... With reference to the powerful and remark- able etching bv Waitner, after Rembrandt's chef d'awr of The Night Watch, which is being exhibited at Mr. (rindley's gallery, the following particuabrs at the oriial picture are both interesting andi curious :-ln 1642, accord- ing to hi. Woemner, Remnbrandt completed his great work known under the erroneous name of The Night Watch, or the Am- ...


... I LWEROL OTMT.AL | I a ' BMON. t in =h_3 ~ f etra t~he sk It bewilrovanst but between. one and tuoo'docks the sua o, cut, d up to fise 'cock the i weather was beigrt and warm. At the late r laosr, b hewer, the ?? gathered agaun, 3nd rain ten throughout theoven. 'be ated of the pv:lo at the Exibibtion w vY lwl- in i -thatr u and, there was but litte diminto of the -nae in the I evening. On the ...


... ARTNOS, . .d At the forthcomirng importt collection of pictures belonging to gentlemen in this neigh- 2e bourheod, which will be shortly exhibited at a the Walker Art Gallery, the liaging Com- -a mite win csist, among others, of Measra. P. H. Rathibone, chairman of the Arts Committee; George Holt, president of the Liverpool Art Club; W. J. Bishop, deputy-president of the Liverpool Academy; ...


... .ARt NOTES. Since the pvte view day the following pictures have sold at the Sontort Sprng Exhibition, vizt -'KLabour and Reroae (a Pair), Dendy Sadler, £6; ' Iountream, .£T. Sibley, 6C.;A, ?? ger,. Ven'c,' W. B. Forcu, .. 'oe ill Londonl, arthar D. Brunton, £15 16s.; Kentish Hop Pickers, Sarah F. Hewitt, £15 16s.; -Niar Tidmareb W. S. Cooper, £615; How will it end 71 M. Goodman, ...


... , T The unsettled state of the weather yesterday had the effect of somewhat thinning the attend- ance at the Liverpool International Exhibition; but even under these circumstances the executive council have reason to be satisfied with the splendid patronage which the Shipperies has received this week at the hands of the residents In Liverpool as well as visitors from other towns. The ...


... LIERPCOL LNThRNATIONAL EXHIHBTION. The dials of the turnstiles at the entrances to the UIverpool International Exhibition registered the number of visitors on Monday as 19,584, this bringing the total number since ths opening of the Exhibition by the Queen, on the 11th May last, to 740,000 Nor, to judge from appearances-the official record is not made known until each fol- lowing day-was the ...