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Advertisements & Notices

... NO19TICE TO ADVERTISERS. Aa order of the Post Jfflice states that - letters addressed to initials or Fictitioua Nitlrqqtffl be sent to the Dead-Letter Ofiee, Dublin. Advertisers should,oonsequaontly, give their full and proper nanies when r they desire to rocewoe cooi) ea110tiolls at a Post Office, LeT-ters can be addressed to Initials at the Niws.LETTER Office, as 5 heretofore. o 131 LOST. 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sGOOD HEALATH' OGENLZXEN-Having received something like a intew lease of life through taking your invaluable Hq ,lBitters, I feel that it would be not only ungrateful, bet .absolutely unfair, were I to Yr:ihhold my testimony. i JFor upwards cftwo ycar I suffered sverely, being a victim to ?? dreaded LIver Disorder, wit- all its attendantpafulanddepresaingresaits. I 1adtogive u r- eating anost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 , a rIe' ()o rinoa.', /'X'I'I..I u ,al hGI' chZ1 , : c Stm-11 ,..a?,. {/lso' some, ?,lr!l W:oe i.' 'r Or r. I t I 0, /. 0 i 11y, 1lut niCe a rlit uj'. ' vmpd a iosl Itisih andl -'ctce iTl'eeds, at ?;1ijes frona EP-F!ANCLS cuRLEY. 121 s I~,1\I7 - 11.(. A~ nllllet I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EMISERABLENE>2j3IiiSS. i Youir ti'it foxe-s :ro dePioered you have a feel. 'e,. a, ii 'iii talc a :iiitie ahcteite, areeacilv jf.;tia,.t il:-iit frI't tie at it. rle' titItef oif breathII on ftttd .C l'i tJtI0O fPClel'n8 ,js - t ttv J Illilltt i 'on, v.u t stiff cring fln(III I' al et o t it-:Y or 1.titea in fit iI I Ave .tit a tillc of itlit ot 'ell'iet j'tiIl tfu l lti,, r C:t:'li'4.;li ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ApPoInTM VTS VACANT. 1.Swanted ,whocanbe veilrt cotamended, to follow ..l~i~dray or van. Address39E 19, ' reeman Office. - q s jESSE1IGE3; wanted a em art R -oy as Messenger; must willi to make himr eU I -euerally useful; most readanwriteadeell recot Umel ided. Address 158 Pembroke road. p4025ocq 1DAGE; walted s respectable B oy a i above. Apply Por. .1. tobello Hotel. p4427q R1PNTING;wanted ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO Bii!, LE}T OR SOLT). 13 BE L}El, ON FOR EIVT11t ro BT!TT DING GBOUNI, *. RItaol, wl BrysuI lti ect l.nso at :ormler of Albert Brid-- f11:e .d and'viovrdvs Jibid. A&py 1n the NS'wv- r!dlter O'oX to D. FlsT7ED. SPlLL. R, Jr.,, '!. High Street t or, J. 1-'J' \ER Civil Engitneer aid Arctitecr, 1 5A, irortoil% S ureHt BeifLAst. o,¶itl iTCENSEI) PIMER;.lS]:i in Hit~h Street, ex- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' emo:mrbr Card, at Eaton's; the largest assortment Rll: ?? is at E!atob'ss;samples senx; posat zree on a3pnl- c_:r;vIclevxesai, cheapest, and best in qualitv, desig-n. aire, are ?? s; lrish, English, ead French patterns;1 allo t.cltnary Cards a speciality; Cnurctl Porch ;rd t -~on Cards in great variet; NIotice o' Deaths, (Mmenta Ole ,ento 3ori) Office An ouncements sent LC, >~r -pest. 31 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pARE' PATENT w h h ~xs i a e ase fb esey -powerf, ad 5supiy f in fnt hi state of effcienmtforvemedlal applicon,, pARKES' PATENT COGMPOUND MANS Are made in five different forms,,at ls,.15.8d, 2t t~d, 3s, and 5s 6d each, complift and zeady Ror=ns sent postfree on teceipt of r nimtanoe b t. e Pro _ -LONDON, F C. P ARKES' PATENT C0MPOUND MAGNETS. C Are covered-ad fitted o ut at by carabse eap~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALE THIS DAY. HIGH-CLASS ru~NrITUT 17 PALMERSTON-BROAD, BATIMINES. - ~ SALE On THIS DAY (Wednesday), 20th January. 1886, Of High-cLass Furniture and Appointments, Quite equal to new, A suit of Furniture, upholstered In rich poncean reps Best bordered Wilton Carpets and Rugs, Steel Fenders and Fire Furniture, Excellent mahogany Secretary and Cabinet, Stair Carpeting, Brass Rods, ...