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January 1886
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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTIOE;RS. AN order of the Poat )f5co states that letters addrsascd to raitials or FiotCtious Nameusvill be 5ent to the Dead-Letter Oiice, Dublin. Advertiserm should,conseqiltutly, give their full and proper iarnes v-hei tbev desire to reeiave colurnnii1oations at a Posit Office. Letters can be addressed to Tuitials at the .NI:ws-LLTrC: i One, as heretofore. LO]D)GING S. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE, L''FIT OR SOLD. TO BIE LI'T OR 'gOLU.) rJ1o BE LET' F'Ir' A N'-,,1A OF YhE,S, !3 ON L. ASE, or h()J.A), tilO90 ColtiliOdi)ltSi Premiises, sitriao at 7126, NORiTI hS'l 11 1'.]3ed. uast, conA tinuv oL the e:tanrr\ e Y\l:EIOUSL andQ IROsN S'ltORE with I OrtcrF. (Cl3kStl;:i ' ironl anid steel rods', xc._ Complete, mui il wV.hich for ovor si-tv vyealrsz th e 1iMe zsss.AiITlt C RAWFOliD 'L1( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;'. !'t n'h*'1i;, (1/: ;-.' l.i 1..!.(G: S'/.Z;, |a il at1 '.1: :q r :. 1 . ! ,,' :! , I fr ?I uj, 1' 1;1l !O: 1eP. vii-l'i, , I ; *ttut : re, 1: (it pr ie ttt7 1iA\\-C P- CURI.ALY. 12I FU . . .L . __________ :l l, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOt]). O BE L.ET, ON LEASE FOR EYEB, T BlUALDING GROUNL bn Newtowivaris } RP.LeUI ritnd Bryoi iw Street; sIo at oruer of Albert Bl idg- R.,Ad and iJ' WIOWCn .rdIS Road. Appi) 'tt tho Seiri.f-tre. Ot'ice; to 1). F Rt'I)K. SI'LLER. .Jr., So 2iu9r, 94, MiO. Street; or. J. FRztsEU. Civil lEugifier and Atlhitect, Ilij, VCLoria Street. Bellat. O .'J, AVk'CN;: AND ('ASTLE PLACE. OTFJ(l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TULLYLISH. -1,TANTED, AN A G B N T voil THE 13 EL FA ,-C IV EP''KL Y N E IV Itt TTILLY1L!SH. Apply to the MANAGL1, l~itws-Letier Office, B~ast. Ii56 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. As order of thle Post )ffice (Itatts that letters4 adidressed to Initials or Fictitious Nitrnt~i-sill be sent to the, Dead-Lettero0fflee, pfive their fill andI proper 1nuiues when tbev desire to recejive colmmrntliomtions at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : -___ __ _ ___________-' (I, FOR THXIYHi'J E'-AN.D-SIX. V,' lll tR; \SP'(:] 7A, LOT 1' N% \ ).S-I' t^ | T' *\1 \' ! y 5 t.' ' . , 1't'('1 \ '. 11 f' 01(: O-Flll' Il v i'; 61' j F I' Se t I I) .0r w - * . 10CEHfIL((01 OPN.G COTT V'S: r FOREiIGN iMIJXUR E bN 0 .u1 I r. D . By Speeial Ap roilniment to R-RH.- the P)-ilcee o Waless. 226i C 4, 3flrJ-1A Ll' .: CO)., tndertakera : wo r;l lln~r~e ...