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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 6MALL r1REPAID A1)ViM6E~MENITS SITULATIONS WANTED orVANT I1001.1!W to LEITi 01r WItANTED! to I10:Nro j~I) ! :Ilssi:s \'I t-'rI:I' or for SAil:, \o r or 11 0 )'.!', 1111 Are ;)sr ted :It theL I A or.% ifi, rauoi, bi. Only when '20 WAord., lid, or S:fra- 2i Cd. !0 W.opO i Ii' 6ni, or S: for Ti;1 Ad'irtibers tii'iilid i111 ltAOW'i ,' t' INVIQF, to po Th~ epin. rtcq thir str ic d to. Time ii!%w. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EBitILL PREilPAID ADVERtTISEMIMETS or~~, SITUATTONSi WANTED or VACANT, - lOUerS to f,XT Or NVANTYID to e, Lionoeiuis \Vs'eor to lwT, BOARD WANEDtI or Ossenti'.1, BUMNiE~SSES WAV,riwr or for SAIX, ARIirCLES LeST or 1ouN i), Srivic Airriimes WANTEDi or for SALE, Are inserted at the following rateS, bat ooiy when * 20 ~Vor~ls 6iG, Or Six for 2s Gd. 890 WordsH 1i, or Six for its. 40 Wordj la 6d, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BE1LFAST CORPOR1ATION ACCOUNTS. AUDITOR'S REPORTO lfR-I have time hioourn to report, for the, ii,forronrtion of the Local Government Deoard, that I have Andited the Accounitts of the Corporation of Belfast for the yearBEuea the 1st; Decsmber, 1888. at)(1 InGoop aIcewithI thIIe I, t stI6o Iill Attt 3I itnd L 35 \'ic., Ott . 10J, 1 hortojt I tra II.,;III iAbstracts; Of thie stivoal Accounts, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL il P A) IPN ADTYE1. T MIEM'iIN'IS Si'i -0 AIO\I WA N r r ii or 0 I ,:c: I,;. )li~i-:'; t Li r orX ini i or SAT..! Bo:I-cl \VIC e-, NVU; i PoriA' ALE Fi'is~irli IC tie rNwn, Y:' liks but Sii1 SwrI: 1'AT;C:l~r~i .I, or.- Sii for (1 0. A 'soiosrte Wat- t lIs hoLoSixg m :e5, L:t : . ~ '20 WIorldi1 fid, or Si': for 7s Gt.. TurMIMI) M\iinted iii, inSi ora lve~ I;I:It Ad1'hr-tlddr Iwu- ciiti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M r. r - - -_ ,. . --. .- .N~110. ! ks:OlV AlrlAN j(i: T';N S IN l'it'INl:!:S QuI 1 i LPall AI p tiv. t . I' S Oil w a (I.,t j AU I,1i beti. VJositlil p.-,jbj. lo gilj il ))jC J,, jj|ls , 1 1!1,i :t tlf :.1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. r BR, LET, ON TLEISU FOR EVERI, T BUILDI~NGF GlROlN), un Newtoxviiards Iload atuti BryHonI Street altio at -oruer of Albert Bride7o roagd aild Nowi ownrards i Road. AFply at the C,'ewiT..Leter OlTioe to D.FltEDK. SP1iLEll, Jr., Foohcitor, 12, High Street; or, J. FRASER, Civil Engineer uud Aichitect, 116j, Victoria Street, B.elfast. t18 ri0 LETr, A LARGE, CONVWNIENTLY. 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 TE LTON LIPIASE FOR EVER, T BUILDING GROUNL, un NewtOEwiIA9d Road and Bryl'oit Street; tAbso at -or'ner of A~llertt Bridge Roa') and NewtOWnardsk ROIad. Apply at the owsf1eer dio to ).FREDK.. SllLiJr., 'Solicitor. 110. fllh SLrce; fit, J. FRASEM, Civil E~ns n rhtCI3~ Viot~oritt Street, Belfamt.0 SEPAND SIOR6E;S_, -ANN STREET. F1,00Tile' TILE , EXTrl \N ICI SHOP, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -. - --II ________ LOST. ST, 30th April, WHITE B311LL TERRIE R ,EU l(JPpY, foulr moilthls, lately cropped; sloy one returning tamine will be rcwarded.-Lieut. LuMIdaIne, Iligillandergi 7831 LODGINGS-. I..i)Y, liin I(-Uar the sea, would lihe I anllother Lady to Board and shiare home references excianged,-AddrcsS, IS,, 71;0, NeriJ. Letcer Oilice,. Itesprotable Lady olild ihmve it good HOMli . A\ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1{IDNINY yTORT, 5311U ONLX M1 DIriN) . e rdither IUiuici or Dry IDNZEY \Vfo RT. luilLi ll;Ut irLt taicU \':IC: till)( oil I IDINI ,'Y O T. T1lE lWlVlt:, THli t l~\ll, \IAND ''lTi-i -IDNtEY ltY Ir oL' N. E'i Y -S. IDNEY WH~V~1Y AlIfl VE, SICNZ'?, 11IDNEiY '%\TO1V. II Y'' AeI tile Sl ,, X 5 V ~~~~rr~L'e31 tiie Isonnz tt'seo lK~7jIDNiIY '7'\,TO1RT. :i~,vld ior tortlrt, arv It IDN 1 Y 0 I, t;'J'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ~~ ~ ~~~~- U- - SHIPPING. RIOYAL MAIL RO0UTHIO T0ALL '-RSO ING1NN 1A.COTLAND LARATNWE AND STILAN1-A.E'l. 'Irlinp 0 C 321Il 1113ii omwr III Mid0'00( btratI n L . Ciciinavy wiid Sle-i oo'l CalrriltgtIi lIn troulll II-'vi'. 'i liir 'altoor Eitc I .wnido, i11h via L-. I1A1 I 31 (14 Iii frititii VR. 01. .1'. D1.1(1( S1 01IN (SII' '(.I'It 1(11(.ri Uom1, '1il 4ol. Itan )ciun (Si.101 0111.t),o 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Iias Io 1,; -r 01 WVASI P to RE4T, I ,OilliI~u~s 71' I oi - 0 to Lvr 1 j'slI:rS81_'4 WA\~NTED or fur SAIX, Ad Ar II lcl U' .;I ov 1w,i t' Ai1lli( A.Pi s W ~i:or for SAL,, Are io ngt:d: at thle jolloo iII4 rtiteS, butL Oily whtr.ii MD 'I0 7i'rid, Cd or Si% for 2S(c l. ;:0 WoO.';I.o SI fo ;',S. 4i W NVord,, ic1 61, oi Siix for 7s CA. il 'fie n oc oun t(, is par t oif a I ort~isiC it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. /o0 BE LET, ON Jl- ARE FOP. EVER, T BULIiNG GOItCUlNI tn Newtomnards liond and Brysoni Street; also at orner of Albert 13ridtg llaoad and Newiewnards Roud. Apply at the Neivs-.1tter Ofiiue; to D.FRFDK. SPILLER, Jr., Soheilor, 9, Tligh Streeb; or, .3. I tSE , Civil Engineer and Arohitect, 1.5., Victorii Street, Bclfitat. 5908 rT0o LET, A LARGt3, CONVENIENTLY- M FUATED, and HT ...