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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .1XFORDmPLACE.Tomorrow, 1o.30, Mr. SAS WILKNSON 6.5.Rev. ALEX. ARMSTRONG, The, W .ret Multitud beforeOheThron.Clli eD] 0 ANNIVERsA SERICESH. T. May. 1AeL JEREMIAH DODSu oRTH. of Hull. i0g. 63 To~nt~ttO, 10.00 ed 6.00, Rv. W. NICOLSON. of rrate. Ilisloar Metin, ondy. Rev.HO. INZNIEX, frosm ~TOCHO~EANE?53..C.CHAPEL.-To-enor- ra, 00roe.J. HUGHES 0, Rev. Dr. TROUGHTON. 6 ENTNOReSdREgrET CbaEL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jaoe se u. lovey up-sa, a. n avauav, asi. i year.. GOLD MTDA.L, AXT¶RP, 1885 VIEIADD5' A I -D! Mild and _ ?? Smokinc YE7TLE GROVE TOBACOC. Sold by the LOeadiin g TobaccordstI, TOBACCO. ?? Pcket 61. _ ?? .Ib. Tins. Mautahwtured by TADDY ana O., LONDON. COMPLETED SCIMIEI OF LIFE ASSUA.NEO1 li lG-AL and GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE 11* FOOCI NTT. The Sodetv ?? inc3ude the following-:- Immliate payment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bi, 19t fbate5 QLa ntrart. B HIND)LE and SON'S ESTATE LIST lo iV. M-ay is nowready. Grattj, 23,PABI£-ROW, Leeds. B. HN D L a nd SOI'N, HUSE. and LAND AGENTS. w e ~lKRW LEEIDS. (ESTABLESSICO 1355.) ~~'~~DINGLEY.-TO be S~OLID or LT(on aceount JI1 ofthe oivnlO lea'ving Loats), a Deatshod RESIDENCE, with jarer ~pti0O1 o lmogait-reofl, two kitchens. seallory. seven bed- ,~t~otO he attics, garden, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEST, RIDING OF YORKSHIRE. Notldo is hereb ?? thac the Committee pointed to retott de upon the DRiidinc of ?? itading Into POUIRNG DISTRtI TS and POLLING PLACES, will recommend to the Slidsummer Quarter Setsione at Bradford, on the 28th June text, thle following ALTEPRA. b s TIONS in the Report preentted to the eat Spring Qu15tee 8ahlEow, .ts ,tS 8X.TOq 16DlVISf;ON.-That tho townehi of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C O IE E2N T'S I WEEKLY SUPPLE1XENTt ?? '10-T= I I LEEDS MERCURY I OF bATURDAY, MAY 1sT, 1836. , U4TRIA .NDqIRF. By Junxs Vzn-r. Part 1I1 The Cap. lir tits of Antekirtto. chapter V.-Tho poctor Delays. Chanter *VT.-Ol Mata bUAY DAY: Au Ocoasionl raper. Un TIM KNIGE$ 01? LABOUR: EIatory and Workings of tho atc Order. FAVOURInlE WRITMBI OF YICTION: The Most Popular Bp Novels. c0 TBE CONSORIPTION: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ',ucflht0lR * - 1 B7EEDS GIRLS' HIGIX SOOOL,, '!LJ ST. JA1IES'S LODGE, VOODBtOT-irLAl. IPresident .. ?? The R6ev, JOEHN GVP D. Vice-President .. . Mrs. FRANCIS LUPTON. Head it ese iiss KENNEDY.NND. Fees: Four, Five, and Six Guineas per Term, aecording to the age )f the Dupil. Frther inormatiore and forms of anplication may be cbtained on application to Miss lKennedy, at the School. Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is, OYAL and IATRIOTIC UN ION. fare a A MEETING will be held in tlhe COLISEUIM, Cookridge-streel, labs It -Leeds6, on Tui-eday, Ma6y 4th, 1886, at 7230 ~w. wbe ?? Hot, pen G ci J. GOSCHLN, ALP., and this Right Io.Lrd EHOTIN tie will deliver addresies in opposition to Zc. Gladstone's Home Lule and Land Pnxeieise schemes. A The tollowing Gentlemen have Ealso Promised to be Present:- ests: it W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Santu ' gV,,DA ILY MEBRC URY, 8Sanut, r ?? P}:NEY. Turk P£r flALF-YEAR (CREDIT) ?? 229. Od. 8p.Se 8g?.'S Do. (PREPAID).oeeOo 21S. Od. Turk iv E E K LTurk ?? ?? TNTO PENCE. UruE pAGES (ecosnprising Saturd(fay'sAfertery, 12 pages, Vene and 7VTcek'IY Sti8p/elfl4 S pages). Auiit (Par. HALF-TYEA.E (CREDIT) ?? 6S. 6d. FuW 6Y pos t Do. ( p~tD .. ?? , 6.Od. Vlr WiBEIKLY SUPPLEMENT.. Am. ONE PENNY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T rade aid Finance, and Other Commnercia? Amos, till befounsd on tho Tenth and leuvenet Pages. rwo Lexts (16 worad), ls. Sd.; rond S61 for each additlonal 9 words. An annoustementas int be auisetlueated by th3n name and address of the sender. R.B h5e noatices apesaring on rny of the Srst fita days of the Weelc -aon nepeated inl tbe l sakls Srnpplseaca withoat cotra hcarre. {;ljtt1J~. RcSVAMT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,a, 4 B D S 'E O'R Y- PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS,. Bi=A.oNs WANTED, APAnn ToS O D13 LT, SITUATONS Y'VAD1T, PAM=T S313S7 WANTEP, ATan WTED, MoNEY WAiTErD, = MOUOS WANs8, 1 EHousS AND OTHEB Put sx TO DD nE Lx on Sor), ?? Asar s' FoB SAIM 3sx PMATHr CONTrMa. The highwr Credit rates are charged for theao .Advor4dsc vsensts if nodjpaidfors 6efors insereson. Three dayc, Tharee daTa, Any other includingi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T. 3 BUCKLEY 8 IaRP, fJArCfOV ?? Btdford Sale 4,,, 6,'OfftlPARDB aBA.DFORfD. Bur dfoid Sale Rooms.n ii and 6. North- rd . t ?? 1-doO.selold Fttroitia tremoedro 6, Fartliffe- QE WdtOT alelare, ,ilarringharni, adaTbnuRldesoidence, ' I snppliahess Pratt and Soles. n RP Kll ellby Aurtlon, on Zondall -ext, at A, J. ?? Roomen. ,rklUABL8 HOUSEHL FURNITURE, non-I ?? ; ofbrao rnod iron ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIUY ONLY ENGLISH WATCHES. E N S O N 'IS P I wrNEW PATENT, No, 4,658) ' nU D G A T B W A T C 2 ,2 BHas obtained the Bighast Awald of a GOLD MEDAL At the Inventions Exhibition, 1885. SILVER. GOLD. £ 5.5. £1.2. 12. The L Ludgate Watch is a Silver English Lee od my best Loadq make, with Speolal Strength THtREEiigUARTER. Plats MiPvmernt JEWELLED THIBROUGHOUIT IN RtUBIES, TRIJECHBONOMETER ...