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Advertisements & Notices

... - *hPUBuC- NOICS - l Al ETY THE'AT ER. U' Last Night of MIss JENNIE LEE (After her enormously successful tour round the world), and MrJ P BURNETF. SuPPorted by a'specially selected Company, Under the direeson oe Mr H CECIL BKRYL. THIS EVENING (Saturday), May 29th (at 8, The enormously successful drama (in 3 acts), JO0, Adapted from Charles Dickens's Novel, Bleak House, by J P Burnett. #o .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS..r a CRiOOKR Auctioneer andValuator, begatco M1t. state that he co1trnes toake liberaleash ad- v ConFreehold ?? t.tndsand piuses, Interests in Grocery, Wile, and Spirit Estab- Ushment5 and on all kinds of- Merchandise or Chattel Property that may be transferred or consigned to him yar bna fide Sale either by Publc Auction or Private 5reaty. There are always on his books a variety of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HS EbAY (Fidayl. Decate, Nd Sp O H-N B RU KE Ran lrecdrved instrtionsfrom Frederick J Hamil- ton, Jeq P, r oyt Enfeld, to SEtU, BY' AUCTION, .In hs Great Rooms, it UPP2E SACKVILLE STREET. THIS DAY (Ftday). 2 May, 188 ES FOURTH GREAT SALE OF PLANTS FOR THLE SEASON, Inudig a very choice and carefully-seleeted assort. mab of 'bthe orpmmental, decorative, and specimele .vareties, which prlncip dly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )I ) Nl AST AND I'1.12I.TW0I)) N It VtlttMEiS w1 ilIll j '*iu tt 1 8 o . 1' 11.,It jWOS oenry (I ItI6No'.it I ' it1,I 1)II, ', ,IL .l.F'A8'' tu IV t v t L wI. 01I11 .. CA IA ICL,AN1lI AIC I' I'uii'' 'I ''U tll' IN S111T ' \ii'i]' i ori all)ch tose I Q-, T) I' I ii'iI ') L Q II ;'Ln. [I I.1, 7iIN I' IL JAN D Di NAL [I [C. II -mIt-, t (''i, ittOlii t N rl , , I'i-'ltichei1 ti f~w3't~t I N, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PR;LPAID ADIYE WTISEIdE3N 1 (iF Rl'ri'Arlo~s \i AN I aor Var( INT, 114-,i:S to I j,-j1 or \\'aNit'J't:. to I ,tti T, 1 tIl:t iCS A X . I I D r to ]I. :rI, BOAIW avico or (Oril a:ii,D ItiSI': 'SYi,, W'a.AAN'1 or ibor SAIX, I In II iv' .1 '\ ii it or tr' SAI to., P IitiNt.t'.tIFts \\ A~ Il II' oI to'L I- Iii IP I Aye riinerted a tII ollO o iI n ri Lte, j 1)n1 OIlY wVhIIa Pret,.id- .2O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PTY'I 'NOTICES, .. GA I E T Y T H E A T RE ,. CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Monday), May 19th (at 8), CARMEN. Carmen. Madanse Marie Rowe; Eacamillo, Mr Max dugene; Remendado, Mr Wilfred Binionsd; Dancairo, Mr Ansley Cook; Zuniga, M- W H Burgon; Morales, Ir campbenl; UWPst3k MrStewartr asui, Miss Pressno; Mercedes, Miss Marion BurtWon Jose, M Ed- ward ScoveEl; Micbael, Miss Vadini. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTrCES. I E T Y TREI A T R E. THE MIHAIDO. DAY ' TO-DA¶Y (Saturday), PERFORMANCE f May Sth (at 2), lt Nigeht of MIr I D'C -IY CARTE'S OPERA COIFAYX. THIS MIEVNiNG (Satrday) Mlavy Rs (at 5), W 8 Gilbert antl Artil]hu Sullivian s Entirely N ew and Original Japan se Opera, THI- AMIKADO, Or, THE TOWN OF TITIPM. Now being played to crowded honses at the SaPoa Theatre, London. Prices as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6MALL r1REPAID A1)ViM6E~MENITS SITULATIONS WANTED orVANT I1001.1!W to LEITi 01r WItANTED! to I10:Nro j~I) ! :Ilssi:s \'I t-'rI:I' or for SAil:, \o r or 11 0 )'.!', 1111 Are ;)sr ted :It theL I A or.% ifi, rauoi, bi. Only when '20 WAord., lid, or S:fra- 2i Cd. !0 W.opO i Ii' 6ni, or S: for Ti;1 Ad'irtibers tii'iilid i111 ltAOW'i ,' t' INVIQF, to po Th~ epin. rtcq thir str ic d to. Time ii!%w. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S OUN AElBANGH'EXT'NS IN BIUSINEI'S A ' i t 0: . It Iy t il l 1, .,1l S '~L(:lM i/ xb:, 1s U ;1. L; ith l -:stlls I( I I J -t, o I,,i ko evry !tdl- ill i . t Ifl !Oi.iV C AYV ,d tiull to jIL, (C.n.I d jl and bll l W ilVlt' ii to hotVc 010 til u L o (oL., vIt I i5 lli de c ilh sJ)LcuiII (.12 luitctal1L. Ste 011 S.0' i u ,1kl I'ricei IbL41-i' d ill-C rli t LII Cki1- pan-. -' J COTTJO'S F OREIG ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BMALa PRIEPAID ADVEVI2I'T'IEMEN213 SITUATION NVNI)O 'til'lOl OA WAN TEDr it' INT, 1tivst..It,~10 WANTOP hr It iur to AloT, Al:~~~t' \\'ot, or or ft Are nt3,rte at hc 0lio14 Ing t u',bit Oinly wheni .0f \Vordtt 1, ot Six for 2.-~ ld. I \l'VtrdsIt~ti, 01I Sit~ Fur10 1)Wordlo Is, GdI*(o, Si. or r A C. Atit(It ic- A-l', 9tott d 5ti]illIPli CtUlfi to pro of thie Ca,'i uillmtt ratedj, ttilL muiA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. WOOBSIDE, SANDYFoRD, County DubIn. TIS DAY.(Wednesday), 5th 3lag, 1886 SALE .OF .HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Carpets, window curtains, Drawingroom tables and chairs, onamental items and some outdoor effects, Including To powerful Farm Horses. T0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, TI.. On the Premises as above On TIllS DAY(Wednesday), the 5th a;y, A quantity of excellent Furniture, Including- Dravwingroom ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTCES AI E T Y T H E A T R E. Last Three Nights Of the worid-reriowned CARL ROSA OPE1:A, COMPANY. THIS EVENIN G (Thursday), may 20th (at s), Only time of A Goring ThVD2om's ESMERALDA. Phebns de Chateauipers, Mr Barton M'Gnckin; Claude Prollo,b Mbr James Savsage; Quasimodo, lr Leslie Crotty; Fleur-de-Lys, Miss Vadini; Lady Lois, Mliss Walsh; Mar- quis de Chevrense, ir Campbell; ...