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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LORIDA.-Tlhe 11ov. C. IV. Arnold OFFERS F s oomfortable HOME in his house at Or- lundo to youngw mnu gOlle out to learn ora~nge cul.-- tare; large house, bearing grove, private chaptel; 1 good groves and ;rild lanuds for sale in neighbour. t hlood,-For informa tion apply, G}. G. Arntold, 62, sm L~eadenhall StreetF, E.(,;, or Ask in, Gaibbitnis, &i fin Killik, 38, Saickvillo Street, W. 70 78' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. IIA'SI AT Fmn-1.Pw00) s'rF-xrl1is'2itgi '222 Y ('221211121 12) So 0 (.m. Frol. 11 II 'ITWOOI)22221 II M222g 221 22hI'f 22 i') .;i I22 1'Y . 1222. iLt 9.1. V ' `Lh, 10.25i: 2). ' ,' ?21,21 hi. I) n -t-r I.- 9 ~ ''n . ti . . S I 2, I II'2 M222 L.2.2 2,2 Y.2t~. 02 n29 I 2.L Vi.12II . II IitL,2'22I2 I Ir ~ I22.2. 22 ['Or (ho th921 2inforyin,,to2, ~,(!Tim,, T'r*,] e, or u2(21ly to0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ]3E LET OR SOLD. L B 1T, ON LEASEI FOR MWfIER, aou d ic 13rv,!j.c IStrecct ; cl,;oa cioticccccc oi Mbicct A nucIv Itc. Iiiw N! ucr.r-,c tr Oj'i.Co; to'E X118. ' kp!j4J-31,T l-. Sobivtior, 29,1 1igb, -ItrcOt ; or I]. J-.H H tCvcl lntinomer cccd AColuicet,11 V~cezoc j t5A , C JIlf~wt. 51'0 2 IPO BE 1 o01) O, MIfT, IVNELYZ'I LOI)G-1,1 & ~Vteciwlj, wi.l tw ci-c-c of ~cctd c anId 'buvv, c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~-.cmsns~~~nnnmnnrnOM TO BE LET OR SOLD. rw BIE LET, ON LE,'ASE FOR EVET-R, SLBUI Lit NG G COUN1, it Newtnwnitrdst Hicand anid I1,rv-qot Striat alsa~it iirtir of Albert rifxRolnd and Naavtownai'd.-~ tinfid. App~jlY itt thn N(1V-,'w te-t7t 0DilCC to I). F REIDSK. SPI lhLElI, Jr., Sdtieitar, 2i, HUIh Itreet 017r, 1. FI AMSE I %, Ci v iIEr,, un oer an id Arch IitLect, I I 5.j Vicolin i, Stree't. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - TO BE LET OR SOLD. oBELEpiTF,ON -LFAS F0 R E V ER, B1LDI)IG (AtOMNL, wi N'owtoveiiads lload and BrYHOII Street; also at =oner of Albert Bridge' Rotud Pnd Newtownarde flowd. Applv tkt thie News.Lptter 01i1ce; to D. P REDE. 9PILLER, Jri., Solicitor, tO'., Tii0i Street; or, .3. FRASERI, Civil Eng_,ineer an~d Architect, 115A, Victoria BrPt ,lfmFet. 6808 r~ 10 LET, Tl EEXCAMLIENT HOUSES1 ..inl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C lKNEIZM,! AS~IA.'J11flY, yr,~!(.W:.':11 ;C1TJ1, ASi~lt5 d i's ' ;tdi str'ilX ri to pIa.a' theI)u [Ir/jr.s (,(?,. I l .z!I. Ip j., ;;,it ,.I ~i~ t o ,, e~c iac Pi'l'A NCt(. (U1 l.~LE ~, t2 .''' ' l' RI 1 1 I I () () Ni2S ITA i; Cl 1. E't \. D S T O G K; b1 01' Q 2i>-.;T Il' l .S lFO CAST. i'LLUI.tI'M ''l{. 1' :\ND ANDIi l !)1,'1'ET, A. MIELVIILL E CO. : : ; 1 raxl:u:. V' 1gii le 'LCA s, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OPR SOLD. rg-t3BE I,ET, ON LEASE FOI1 EVEPT, :1 BUILDING (R110 UNI, un Nowtownards load and ]Irysoui StreeCt aIlso at orner o!Albert ]'ridio Ronid and Nowtmuownerd, lRoad. Appl5 at thle Nemaes.Jet'er Of91e: to D.FREDK. SPILL JER, Jr., Solicitor, 29, Hiih Street; or, ,1. FRAS1EI, (,vil Eughneer and Architect, 11;5, Victoliat S rsot. Blfast. M0103 O lrET, T1lfN EXCElLENT T-IOUSES T in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A5S 011: Al~liA:N(ii':llE'N'I'3 IS lIIUSIN;ESS A 1i1' ill Oil the ('ISll Hvtt'III llklIiS,, we :IU il- IU.. I st~p ositiotLt Ie , ilt,! to give *:very oi d vail.t(te ill jwit., Ll Ils, 01119 o LO ILC M' lloolj-c- j toilll t I I) aIV l 1 011,J I lt 1 lt S i ole OUR! i ll _ tsi,i :Ir.c ald It a ttiml. SUO oill StOch Mjid to-i beltt bi ing.-Curllhill Cloth CIJuIL- C 0TT a-AA FS fh( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. E BE LET, ON LREAE FOR EVE',R TLIBIil'DING CGROUNL Netowitivard Ioad 1LJO BryFon Stret ; also at jorner o; Albert xlidge 1.oad and NoNwtowutrdvs Road. J AjplY at the Ycws.LoerOftice: to D.FZEDIX. SI'11 ]L3t, Jr., Soliitor, 29, Tigh Street; or .1. ll SE 1t. (Civil Eiu iiieer aud Architcot, 115;, Victorict Sir.,t. BIelfl it. .. 51108 ef'hFFIGES A1N v) SO VC K ii ., 17/OO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v ; (' ti I11 A A'; 1 ENl I''' lN Iil-SINI' ;X :,~~~~~~S , III 1, > Itik ,- ! N i. 11- i~L ;1i 1.i I ' I LI I ,,. i t t I ,, I, ; , (l1 si,ZlX]8' \> i : , :.', . LiII ( ,1 ;,:: I I COl, I1 *' 1 -'.'.;1 SI OIZ I- (J( )T T~ A\ i\ ES 8 Fo: m uN MAlXTURE. l I rLI). 333 Sec i it] Aproi i ment to 11 .11. thc 1'P iI, co of \\ airi-. ''t A A1;G 1, AN 1) \ A l'lD STOClK 114, : 0 O K % r~n0wl~s}e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIV1E 'RI ESi. SUPP'LA' 'IItJL (Ct.A.tSlS 0U1 olit'l, ll'S , o it st Qii . at U)J l M lot)'It' I'ie)fS. ] )rabe, hwt;., clor. ts'. e., i stool ;or. o er i ; al .,O We. ct of 1 K;,li d s' u in a it 'le,, tor moic h mae's or lnotll'i)u l;r.(lit(ft;.S .. t 1,i .,a l.C' (a) ;u.,critr lIRISHl, l'ki ;), ),.;Si *,S. LII FRAt NClISi (. fvILEY\. . A 1Z G E AN D \ VAlJED STOCK t) 0 0 ,, : .O11'>1T ] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 BE LEI, ON LA. APE FOR EMYFTI, T BlUl TJ)lNG GROUNIL en NewtOWivIS Itoad til l Blryson Street; also at rrner of Ailbert Bridgo iltnt and NeOtOuWnaIs ltnad. Applv at the Nerrs.-Ltter Ofiee to l).FIEDK. J SPI LJITLr, Jr., Solicitor, *i'. fliitli Street 01, - J. FiNASEII, Civil I'ngincr and Architect, 11; Victorin Streit. Belflust. 5908 . THlE AL131:Itl HOTEL, CAPE, ANtD - ...