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Advertisements & Notices

... HS EbAY (Fidayl. Decate, Nd Sp O H-N B RU KE Ran lrecdrved instrtionsfrom Frederick J Hamil- ton, Jeq P, r oyt Enfeld, to SEtU, BY' AUCTION, .In hs Great Rooms, it UPP2E SACKVILLE STREET. THIS DAY (Ftday). 2 May, 188 ES FOURTH GREAT SALE OF PLANTS FOR THLE SEASON, Inudig a very choice and carefully-seleeted assort. mab of 'bthe orpmmental, decorative, and specimele .vareties, which prlncip dly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )I ) Nl AST AND I'1.12I.TW0I)) N It VtlttMEiS w1 ilIll j '*iu tt 1 8 o . 1' 11.,It jWOS oenry (I ItI6No'.it I ' it1,I 1)II, ', ,IL .l.F'A8'' tu IV t v t L wI. 01I11 .. CA IA ICL,AN1lI AIC I' I'uii'' 'I ''U tll' IN S111T ' \ii'i]' i ori all)ch tose I Q-, T) I' I ii'iI ') L Q II ;'Ln. [I I.1, 7iIN I' IL JAN D Di NAL [I [C. II -mIt-, t (''i, ittOlii t N rl , , I'i-'ltichei1 ti f~w3't~t I N, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PR;LPAID ADIYE WTISEIdE3N 1 (iF Rl'ri'Arlo~s \i AN I aor Var( INT, 114-,i:S to I j,-j1 or \\'aNit'J't:. to I ,tti T, 1 tIl:t iCS A X . I I D r to ]I. :rI, BOAIW avico or (Oril a:ii,D ItiSI': 'SYi,, W'a.AAN'1 or ibor SAIX, I In II iv' .1 '\ ii it or tr' SAI to., P IitiNt.t'.tIFts \\ A~ Il II' oI to'L I- Iii IP I Aye riinerted a tII ollO o iI n ri Lte, j 1)n1 OIlY wVhIIa Pret,.id- .2O ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I lemnnoramn Cards atZlEaton's; the largest assortment is the city is at Eaton's; samples sent post, free on appli- cation; the newes;, cheapest, and best in quality, design, rie, ate at Eatou's; Irish, English, and French patterus- ain 'ioto oriiary Cardisa speciality; Churen Porch and Oratory Cards in great vaziety; Noticeof Deaths, Funerml, and (3Memento lori) Office An ounoementa sent per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hID\LX -~ORT. .L nr OTY Al-WINF IDNEY ' rjOp 1WTIV' I { IN E-Y' OW]'Tl,., iiTrWIttW0tttI IDNE'i0R'iC. S I \ElD(0.N 'L iNli I DuN LlY11 011' .T. V i iitnt. I N I.' :. 010IT ii1 s ilt touacb 4. 1 IiW!M cr tulli: 1301 tt. Hii 1131~ Inl.. e it1 ~,M a I-eI rit fll I labt th I- t, tin] ~ 1 I ) E 0 t .ti til;b-rt tier lto. rID N 1 Y -O Ttlttt Wh ou lr Itat I inIttI I Dltiy cE nlyliA lttt 4J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'BLIC NOTIC. A I E T Y T H E A T R E.i GGRANDINMOR-NIG PEiRFORMAuNaE TO-DAY 'SaturdaY), May 22nd (at Two o'clock), THE BOHE MIAN GIRL Thaddeus, Mr Barton M'Guckin;UCount Arnbeim, Nr WV H Burgon; llorestine, Mr Wilfred Esmond; Devils- i hoof, MrMAysnley Cook; Queen of the Gipsies, h1i-s Jennis Dickerson; Buda, miss BuDess; and Arline, Madailme Julia Gaylord. Conductor, Mr W Lawson. Last Night ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *APPOINTMENTS WANTED___ GEN ERAL Sex% ant ; respectable young Girl wishes[I Gsituation in respectable famiy; is strong and healthy,th willing obliging:' city preferred ;can be well recOn- te merden. NV, Batterstown Pont Office, Co Meath au I tE-NERAL Servant ; steady country Woman wishes Gitituauon as anove; caii milk if required; wash and [ ?? i;well recommended. 2617, Freemuan Office. sS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 1emlariam cards at Eaton's; the largestssortnent 1in the city is at baton's; samples sent pom tree on appli. ;theenewest, cheapest, and beat in quality, design, eaxe at Eatu's; Irisks English, and French patterns; -sphowbi~ortna~ryCards.& specialty; Church Porch Md Oratory Cards in great- variety; NOticetof Deaths iYiet0i, sad (Iemento Mori) OffEce An.ouneements sent cr TeOm post X and S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MALL P'REPI;PD ADVE1[TLSE-USNNIS Sir, to FIx'.r o X ',INF IF' Ill oR ; T I [F V to I .01 III tX I FF IF To , .r B.. INFF W .% (I[F I IF IFIt I ,i. . Ain lip 'xl4 FF1 NoFF pixi O,',A.-,'I..1, Xy: IV FF1' I-I,( r bo li, P~il \F.Ft'IFFF' XXIlrFI Or li .0. Aie i iiq'nod at tlie ilo ig Mios, but 01.113 wiIOFF Prj~ 0 WFF1''.1 (Ii, o r ?s l.2 6F]. :311XFl1 Is. 0II' x'F\ to) FF -itIX WorlFI Is, 01d, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ]3E LET OR SOLD. L B 1T, ON LEASEI FOR MWfIER, aou d ic 13rv,!j.c IStrecct ; cl,;oa cioticccccc oi Mbicct A nucIv Itc. Iiiw N! ucr.r-,c tr Oj'i.Co; to'E X118. ' kp!j4J-31,T l-. Sobivtior, 29,1 1igb, -ItrcOt ; or I]. J-.H H tCvcl lntinomer cccd AColuicet,11 V~cezoc j t5A , C JIlf~wt. 51'0 2 IPO BE 1 o01) O, MIfT, IVNELYZ'I LOI)G-1,1 & ~Vteciwlj, wi.l tw ci-c-c of ~cctd c anId 'buvv, c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. uo BIE LET, ON REASR mOi EVER, BUICtDING GClOU1NL N1Ncwtoavll:14'lS Ro'~d toni Brvso F StreoL; also at *orner of Albert 1-'ridgi: Road and Nw,nvor- i:r'Is Rot 1. Al.plv at the Neirr-1 lter O( bce; to 1). F RTEDE. - Sll UI i;R, Jr., Solicitor, 29, IIi'gh Street; or, J. FHAl.SE R. Civil Engineer cud Architcet, 1145, V c~oriui Street, loielfst. 5908 TillE ALIJEIt' VOTEl,, CAFE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS& CROOKE, Auctioueer and Valu tsr, begs to M . stote tiat hecontianus tomak~elibealeen ad- Sances ?? ?? Lands and Houses, Interests in Grocery, Wine, and Spirit Estab- lishments, and on all kinds of Merchandise or Chattel Property that maybe transferred or consigned to him for bonf ide Sale either by Public Auction or Private There are always on his books a variety of Licensed 3Rouses ...