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Advertisements & Notices

... SMALLa PREPAID ADVE1{TIihEMBiNT5 OF 1SrthATIo:8 NVANrITY or \'ACANr, to far or WN7a'rt o to RiENT, Looomis Wv.NrvoF or to L r, ]B3OA.) ?? or 0,1 VAN ,o 1iTSI-rISUIS \W.NrIjA) 01i tir SAI.I, Are ?? ait the folloo1l04 ratec, bit only 'aO-loni Prepaid:- 20 M'Orids4 G11, Or SiX for 2s 09. 190 W\ortir Is, ot Sit i.r . :r l)t Words ii; 1A, or Six for 7s Md. Tile atddre.i; comtetlel ?? plrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AGONIZING. SKIN DISEASES, A GONIZING SKIN DISEASES, A GON-IZING SKIN DISEASES, Agonizing itching and burning Skin Diseases instantly relieved by a warn, bath with CunLciscA SOAP, an Exquisite beautifier, and a single appli- cation of CULTICLRA, the Great Skin Cure. t'his repeatvd uaily,with twoorthreedosesof CUTICUAi RaSOLc;ghwT. the New Blood Puridier, to keep theI blood cool, the perspilauun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES DY MACARTHUR AND CO. nURNITURE AND HOUSE PROPEEnT. - TIS DAY (Tuesday) 41 LOWER GARDINWER STREET. . URNLURE, (substmtial-Broadwood semi- ,l grand pianoforte, walnut couch, in striped da- mask; 3 walnut chairs in rep, walnut marque- terie oval centre table, on carved pillar and clawh v;ahogany oval table, walnut aam chair and lady's chair in stripedreD, resewoodframed couch, 8 mahogany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEGAL NOTICES,- NoTOTICs OF CHARTABL E BEQ lea the Geods of Ci EG :GE O'NEILL, late of Henry Street, in the G c:ty of Dublin, and of Melrose Villa, Eatbgar, in die cosnty of Dublin, E' q. Deceased. . v:;/ce is hereby given, pursuant to the Ac, 3Mth and ?? (p 3 A, t-A the above named George O'Neill, I . .i at Ilelrose Villa, Rathgar, aforesaid, on the o u - 8fJeuary, 1680, by his Will, dated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MALL P'REPI;PD ADVE1[TLSE-USNNIS Sir, to FIx'.r o X ',INF IF' Ill oR ; T I [F V to I .01 III tX I FF IF To , .r B.. INFF W .% (I[F I IF IFIt I ,i. . Ain lip 'xl4 FF1 NoFF pixi ?? Xy: IV FF1' I-I,( r bo li, P~il \F.Ft'IFFF' XXIlrFI Or li .0. Aie i iiq'nod at tlie ilo ig Mios, but 01.113 wiIOFF Prj~ 0 WFF1''.1 (Ii, o r ?s l.2 6F]. :311XFl1 Is. 0II' x'F\ to) FF -itIX WorlFI Is, 01d, 0FF Six fr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *APPOINTMENTS WANTED___ GEN ERAL Sex% ant ; respectable young Girl wishes[I Gsituation in respectable famiy; is strong and healthy,th willing obliging:' city preferred ;can be well recOn- te merden. NV, Batterstown Pont Office, Co Meath au I tE-NERAL Servant ; steady country Woman wishes Gitituauon as anove; caii milk if required; wash and [ ?? i;well recommended. 2617, Freemuan Office. sS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - 1emlariam cards at Eaton's; the largestssortnent 1in the city is at baton's; samples sent pom tree on appli. ;theenewest, cheapest, and beat in quality, design, eaxe at Eatu's; Irisks English, and French patterns; -sphowbi~ortna~ryCards.& specialty; Church Porch Md Oratory Cards in great- variety; NOticetof Deaths iYiet0i, sad (Iemento Mori) OffEce An.ouneements sent cr TeOm post X and S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - I t !I ?? ?? .t\i'IAN'(;I:MEN2'fI' IN IstUSIN J'8S ?? 01A. )1: t'i Lt I ULIII I i ll lit \: it l I sI't'iitI CI IC ii ?? '1I SI() Uth S Cote it1 FOREIGN 2\IXU ?? B| Spt ?? it.- -t r'ii~ il t iL Ui 1t .111 t It) 0 Ija\ I.lIA. . 1) ?? ts~_ I _ it _ , 1 3 _ _ _ , _ . .( P . N I ' . ?? _ 0r _ . _ . , 10' 1, A ND VAV U S.- I O R ?? 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .^vN.VASSER; wanted by a leading Life AmnSaee Cem- Lbpany an energevic Cauvasser for Dublin and suburbs. ldcmas 3589. Ere Office. vz% ( AbbEild every town and viflage in ire- 4 0Ild for the Dublin University aeview and other pope- lar Irish publications. Address braly, Brvers, and WALker,C Pubisher, Dbln. ' P2680 dA BoyR ird ?? gent qmck at -si* nall progesaive salary to one with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISOELA?EOUS. J, EDMU.JDSON AND CO. ;s attention to their Goods suitable to the present Season, consisting of PENNSYLVANIA LAWN ?OWERS, GARDEN SEATS and CHAIRS PETROLEUM COOXIN-G STOVES$ BASSINETTES PERMBULATOlLS, rouses Furnished on the Three Years' System. 3. EDMITNDSON AND CO., General House Furnishers, ironmongens, Gasdtters, Gas Lngineers, PiumbLers, sanitary Engineers, Electricians, et, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hID\LX -~ORT. .L nr OTY Al-WINF IDNEY ' ?? 1WTIV' I { IN E-Y' ?? iiTrWIttW0tttI IDNE'i0R'iC. S I \ElD(0.N 'L ?? I DuN LlY11 011' .T. V i iitnt. I N ?? :. 010IT ii1 s ilt touacb 4. 1 IiW!M cr tulli: 1301 tt. Hii 1131~ Inl.. e it1 ~,M a I-eI rit fll I labt th I- t, tin] ~ 1 I ) E 0 t .ti til;b-rt tier lto. rID N 1 Y -O Ttlttt Wh ou lr Itat I inIttI I Dltiy cE nlyliA lttt 4J IN ?? tI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I lemnnoramn Cards atZlEaton's; the largest assortment is the city is at Eaton's; samples sent post, free on appli- cation; the newes;, cheapest, and best in quality, design, rie, ate at Eatou's; Irish, English, and French patterus- ain 'ioto oriiary Cardisa speciality; Churen Porch and Oratory Cards in great vaziety; Noticeof Deaths, Funerml, and (3Memento lori) Office An ounoementa sent per ...