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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... PATTEI T. NS OFFE ?? E1). a, - c uiniw're oft , /e Vr e ;rItr' erit, oit tbev yrio IC ?? (J'onny M N,/ltilll/lo il/ wo It' ?? or Vl t2rlul ;me/ ;r i',atterflt of Sw peiO l' -i ot S' IO I ,- or ;3 .or lDress. Ofice. or I. IrI-Si surpores, FRANCIS ('U.1LEY. ] 21 A iiG E ANID VARhED STOCiR 'll 0 0 K S. 1O tET PL 11tI ( 1. t )IE CA.SI-I. EYI1(; .IUV ?? ('T AVND) 1iU'); DEPOT, Fli, EiUYAL AVENU E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENI''AI ACSS1l*.1,0 . y aj1niXI . l:S 151. I.i ?? c11 ?? Bl . t -;t.thu ?? LU: . ?? L~(! 'a I~'l p0: U- Aise lt't T .0G 11( t !.1, .) N} 1) V I IE 1) S T0C ?? f~IjLLL 1i[ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S3MALL P1REtPAID AD)VERITISEMEN'1S or SI.ATIO.SC AVA?;rrirj or Y A'ANT, : 11S, S to fJ:' or \WANTM to IuiT, I.rltttJ x I NI'S NV ri.p ?? to Lur, BOA.RlD WkN TD or 1 oPP* 1). S ` l:ri lA * r iir Ir S1F \WAs'iF I, or for SAII: ]'rI:iTgr1I?' IS WX IANTI1 or UYF:IlItD, Are itiiertsd at tisw lollowing rates, but only hllen P.repaidl:- iO0 \Nklord1 61, or Sixi' for s (hid. ,?t Words Is. or Six for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AwRT~IICUL TiEETJ:L WVALTE1R C. JAGi-O, :EIwNTAtL SUROCE'ON, 64, YORKA STIREET, buruR of attten lnce-! am.a till 8410o p.m. 4032 D A\IFI Si-IE ET I NG ;J-\AVE8, TA IA8Y &k CO., LTD., I1f.\'IN ,3J ot crit~to'a (Ii'e 4) aen. eitI I nalned al1or Sio- t !,a. ?tall theii- ?? Lriir.'a, Smac1a-:lraa.--, iii W 1ltsi, TiwtIII i.N aS. Dl.~ la'aIa~i:, G Uis A C L aaI:ir, da. , lowa at prices taivalZ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATT'ERNS OFJFERED1). i Ir v , hA,' 11) I P, 0 SuSONS TlWH0O (I, oe ual .mart ol' t/le ielatt e mte'it, v., tile varioul .'hTiloin nQ F.l ?? h' , i t ?? al. ?? *r ad ,ne Ir I'ttiol-n oi S ,iu ?? i . i N Li irs ,4t 7;,. ., ?? ?? - 1 D ' 1., (qHl'e, or X'tl I papposes. 121 T AlRG E AND VARIE1D STOCIK 13 0 o [K S, LOWVEY'r Plch1lS 1O0R CAR. 7RELICIOU1S TRACT AND B1OOK DEPOT, 8I, ROYAL AVENVE. 18 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. X f!5o B, LET-;, ON LI A',11 FOR EVE1, .i BUILI)ING GROUN , O n Newtox ^tl- I 4 Iluad Mid Bryson Street; erlo at worn-r of Albert I Bridge Rload and Ned.viOW~adC Road. Appl: at the X,N.s-T t!er Otico toP . FREi)l. ' SPItiLLER, Jr., Solw.itor, 2U .igh StJLV or, J. F 11A4E It, Civil Rngiuoer min Arcthiteet, 1.4 ViCtit 'i Rtrnet, Belfast. i)S tTI),E13. -Extew ivo Pr lnin-es, 25 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OTR SOLD. ro iJE, LET, ONT LEA5E FOR EVERI, .iL I3UILD)IGN (.L!OUNL t.n Nowtowntards Ruard anl Dry\sor Street; also as Borrrer of Albere 1'rii ?? JAov.d arid Ne wtotw Ir d!i'i RtosA1. Apply at the Ne's. frtter ?? ro ).F PREDtK. SPILElE, Jr., Solicitor, 29, High ?? or, J. FRASER, Civil Enrdinecr and Aichitect, 1158, Victuria Street, i3e]1ta . 56!08 , I1'FiCE1 AND STOCK lOO-S, 1,,. 0fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL FRiPAIID ADVERTIMEM T3l'B SITSATIONSINANS 1 A0 or VACANTT, BUSRS LO ft.T Or or ANTED fo tokI, )ocaisos NVANi rt or to .l.. , - BOAi O WANI ED or Orm-tevi,, H WsS.XX'ANTED or for SAMiS, A esxc-:s i lssi ur Jou on, tiP ?? Ariuitr.,; WAN PIAD or for SALE, T P.A0T511SMP9 WANTOJ'ANOV ?? : Ar Ar inserted aat the lolluling n ites, but buly WhOLn v I reiejdn.-d P20 NVor(s 6d, or Six for 2a 6d. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RMALL1 PREPAJD ADVERITISEMEN'TS ?? tor l~tr, S141 to ?? \A1N1-1 NVANTF' Or 1`T 01, A~. Are iliiuIti' I tt it IllunC routt, but ouly when PI i'ii~l - '20 Wl'rd'l 11A, or (lxN for 2s ltd. :ml Wmdii 1,4I, Or Ml' ftii :s. Iit Woui,` li 6d. or Siax ixr 7s ld. Tile c i. . ?? d part off IIolreiitisimet Ad veii-wrs dloild w-11d sI antptu on velopas Lo) pro pov~ rip! P to 1tiirttiint oftfi ?? be. isni) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * S Ot 1% AIIIAN-(:I EII'XINS IX IssNIYS 1 A ll ?? (il j J ,Ca ?? II.I ;.\V It I ! ill tL e1 I, :t Ilo;i Li OI l ?? lel ti ?? * Y 'Il t- Vt-1,L:I1- Il -~t ti ?? II ! t $%II /t s~itt tI 1 1 \Ii ll -1 ?? ti,: 1tov lae v. ?? If x e t I 'vL III~tt \% It ?? : L~t .tt~s t liiill wh'o Lstv 0 j vi rie :;ol I I,: . - 4. rjilt Chi i t C - . ?? ?? _ _ ?? _ flJ.-_I SMOiE, u 0 u COTTAITS FOREIGNX MA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L T VER T E' S. a. 411 t l t 4l' .il 4,se I b.,b i.jzt , ( ?? t, ins!e! k r re Usq {i. T ii. ,; ?? ,, l 1;,: ; ?? I (IlIl Z IdCC, Ior tol- or . u S7 tmenlC ?? stS. bdiob1 SGn s ot 1PIZVANC1S (CURL)EY. 0 ARIGr AND VAlIED STOCK 13 ll.l 01( T(.)WlO;r J.'17PIZIUS FOR CASH. IHLIGIOLS Tl'A(I' ANDI ?? DIPOT, bti, lVOYAIL AVENlUiE, S A. MELYILLE & Co. I.E~ ~~Buse RfulNS |ini Vadi Caritiges u Vjicult ...