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Our Library Table

... our itbrary Zabtef 1ieoecsS Afaga-il' Library, Vol. VI, Edited bG L aurene Somnme, F.S.A. (London: Elliot Stock.) h volume, of the Gee-Remnan's iicgazine Thel Pretse1,in a reprint of the archmological pa ers .rihi-er C old Anglo-saxon subjects oontribute to oa British -, it is divided into thefollowingseotions: he ?? 'tihe circles miscellaneous antiquities, -Stofllea' early Anglo-Saxon remains ...


... iiti, - I lxV;rSBUitY UPTON AND TRESH-M FLOWE X SHOW. YLUN\16 0tt-uVY. The aurnal show of these villages took place on Yednnsdav ina field -indly lent by the Rev F. W. leruno, The exhibits were superior to the former att4 &ori0 Owing to the chow being held later in the she ta30nthan usual, aiad also the greator amount of yea rterrct ihowin by the cottagcrs in the cultivation :of fail heir ...

Theatrical Mems

... ?? hems Miss IKate Phillips opened the Strand Theatre last q t. evening for six nights only. A~n original comedy, in. t three acts and a prologue, written by Messrs Bagot, t and entitled The Rubber of Life, was produced. I Bachelors, adapted by Messrs R. Buchanan and Herman Vezin from the German, is to take the place 0 of The Fool's Revenge at the Opera Comique next C Saturday. ...


... ATWORTM FLOWER SHOW. ?? _!1 Aa ' o _a.. Hi. 3to n. to a- M1. A, or C- tg 31 n d e. I. g it,. I, I- Ia a r0 I, I, The second annual exhibition df flowers, fruit, amd. vegetables in connection with'the Atworth and Dis-' . ict Horticultiiurl and Cottagers' Show, was held ?? yesterday by~ psmissidn~ of Mr G'GP` Fullei, M.P., in the beautinl- grounds-of Neston Park; near-Corsham, and proved a great ...


... A SAILOR NOVELIST'S CAREER. In There is a peculiar charm in stories of the wild, capricious, perilous deep, which makes the delight of d, youth and chains the attention of their elders as well. Vo T. The gleaners in this field of literature have, however, a A. been comparatively few since the days of Marryatt C and Dana, and the world gladly welcomes the advent 1 lo: of a new writer so richly ...


... The annual exhibition of flowers, fruit, and vege- tables under the auspices of the Keynsham and District Horticultural Association was held yesterday in the Abbey Park field (kindly lent for the occasion by Mr J. HJ0lifton), Keynsham, and proved a most gratifying success, the entries being exceedingly large, and far in excess of those at other shows, and .the patronage ofthe public being of a ...


... -- . I .1 v - _ _ _ Z de muA6AA ?? Yesteiday the third exhibition of the Thornbury end District Flower Show was hold in the grounds of Thornbury Castlo, and the large and energetic com- mittee may be oongratulated upon the success which attended their efforts. The exhibits were arrangediin two spacious marquees, those for the open classes occupying one tent, and the cottvaers' exhibits, which ...


... X.M.1 A VXA XL'U TV _Y Q_ D TY . D :r The fourth annual exhibition of the Yatton, Cleave, I E o Ken, and Kingston Seymour Horticultural Society E t, was held, yesterday, in Mr Avery's field at Yatton. O It The collection Was better all round than those of Si r: previous years, especially in the vegetable classes E t, Some capital plants were sent, not for competition, O . by Mr J. E, Jefferies ...


... | The third cottagers' and juvenile industrial exhibi- tion was held yesterday, in the charming grounds of Cleeve hill, through the kindness of Lady Cave, This was in itself a distinct improvement, the two previous shows having been held in the schoolroom, Visitors further had the privilege of inspecting the admirably kept lawns, gardens, and greenhouses, under the guidance of MrPoole, head ...

Literary & Other Notes

... tftra,,rp,- I ; otto vl OM , DU . + I, I The collected edition of the works of D. G Rossetti, vhich we mentioned some time ago, will be ready before Christmas. His'prose, whichisofsomelmpor tauce, included, as well as. lis.poems-and, translations. ?? said somo time ago that the late Mr TV, B. Forster kept a jgurnal many years before his death. W. are now told tbat. the first of his ...


... Of13LW iAGINA FLOWER SHOW. : T hefifth d noual sho ewassooiatedith che v ragna and'the neightisriig 'ditrict. took 'p'ace'yes erday in the carvenient ' .and prettily situated-grounds - at ig1hfield, the reside nee of the president of the sb- ciety, Ml, WV G . Crothers. - In additioon to the. floral display, the O ddfelllows, inaccordanoe with a custom of some years standing, make flower-show ...

Theatrical Mems

... ra trica Memo+ the off -0as v. With the London theatres, and Ot ?? (,til seneeather thich now prevails there, bi e l * of a heated, ill-ventilated playhouse of i.ter,,aoltc1Y unendurable. Two theatres in the of 1oorlboed o f the Strand were playing last week to br receipts of about £8. On the other hand, ?? for tile last week of the Daly Company P1 CtOa]ld were over £1100, and more than once ...