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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 LET, that first-class SHOP, situate 5G, T ligh Street; specially suited for a Fancy Trade.-Apply to Joseph Fortde. l;;Ut;3 f'1LIFTONVfLLE AVENUh.-TO LET, free C till Ist November, superior Dwelling.hline, 1 eoruer of Broolhvale Avenue; containiun three re- aeption and five bad ?? closet, 1mistrcqs,' pantry, &c. Pinkerton, Agent, 2S, Doneaal Street. 15763 11TLTTERV1LLr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. TO0 BE SOrl, OR LET ON LEASE, T OLDPAlK M, LtNSMTfN, skitahle for pu1lblic institution or ?? at 92, Royal Av,-nte. 1 -:31791 rjjjo BIH LET, MUE PRElMi SES IIECE,.'T LY OCCMiPIED by .Itesisii. KIENNEDI)Y & SON, C(oachbuilders, in AIOu3TGO ERY S1.ii ET. There is a large Yard, Stores, Stablirnt, Offienq &e., which wvoul(l he very suiatble for Ilax trier. ehint' or ttora e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I SIXN.D NINVE PEl N CE. OV W NOW LAID ASIDII, AND 11. ?? in D 'I l olie v. 1 Sirplaq Stock of 5 1 10 ?? JSc UIu, or C)RlNHILL CLOET COMPANY. r'TE, MIKADO CIGARE TTES, (rot PER 100. DT BF HAD AT CHIARfLL COTTAM &r CO.S, ;)2, C.tSIL P;ACE, BELFAST. __ __ ?? 11482 A. )1ELVILLE &r CO. WFDDIj38. Carriages amd D1roughnms turned out ueatls. Shiouds, Collins, aud evcry r reqluisilesupiieiid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON APPROBATION. 1 j} .4 VIELY L.4 RGE DRMANVD THIS C 0 c for H lerprootf Coats a(d R1 RegulatioL ?? 24t e I Send free by post for approvld. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR soS, O B LilsONLEAI4E FOR EVER, 'I BUILDING GROUNL on Newtownards Road an~d ?? Street; also at :orner oi AlIbort Bridge Road anld Newtownards Boad. Aspply Pat tbo yews-L~etterOffile; to D.FREDK. Jt SPILLER Jr., Solicitor, 29, H-igh 8treet; or, J. FItASE~. Civil E3ngineer aud Arohitect, 115k, 1t Viotoria~ 5treet, Belfast. 5908 r-mo B- sold) OR LET, EVELYN LODGiE, t; J7 Sydenhlaru ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LEI~' OI1 SOLD. 7jt D LET' FOR`1 A T`Ni. 'f OF YEA-RS T NLEiASE', o'r L , h u~liluoitdi~ULI Ii Pre miaes, siituiate t t i 26, ?? 'I'T1 ST ltE0 ?? Jh.r1 fast, cou5ihtiiig oi tin~~1A W wIOS hud l1EON STURtE,with' c,LJw-Lrs. ilciks, 4helvin~g, i iroil (Cid steel rat-ks, &o ., compl ete, tand in whichri for over sixty years Ilhe late 21cassa. AITH UR b OltAWFiOlI) uid ALEA DI) L RAWFORDj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .JDNEY VORT. The SURE CURE for AWNEY W ORT. Kidney Diseases, Liver Complaints, Constipatiou F7IDNY W5°ORT. piles, and Blood Diseases. AIDN'ry WORT. This great Remedy acts at J(IDg flY YV the same time on the *rvNEY XXORT. RIDNEYS, LIVER, AND JIDNEY 7 ORT i BOWYELSr p r W This combined action W OEYxlRoT- g vea it ond~rin]power to .(ID-Ey C, cr diseUCAi.i. by causing F'ItEE ACTION of all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMAB PREPAID ADYERTISEMIENATS OF SITU ATIONS WANrE}D or VACANT, O1USES to LET or WVANTFtD tO RENT, LoomelNei W, NT0 or to LEar, BOAtID WANTED oO CrFRI', P B]I'SNF qFS WANTEID or for SALE. AirticLEs Losr or FoUND, Srpeinric AriLas WANvuD rifor SALE, PATrNPIIHIIIPS WANTID or O eFhiEn, Are inserted at the tollownhe rates, bat only when di tfrepaid: U 20 Wkfords 6d, or Six for 2s G5d. 801 Words is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON APPROBATION. T 11.11' i A I'l'I LAIGl, DEhAND piS rC I eaett for Jf'iCe p~roof (2o~ats ttudl ltE t t st t pr~i Cji).s. P1- Sume I send free ly post for approval r o i it}l height sad Ici44h roundi chest over ordinary ove, FRANCIS CURLEY, T] hUGHlE STRIEET. 11050 A. ME VINMLE & CO. S Carritges aud Brouglhams S 1) DIXG S. turnied out neatly. fglwrouts, CoRlini, and every IRMMRALS. requisi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. ij EAND D SOOTLAND4, ,j ~jL1OiAj0AL EXHIDITION AT RDINBURGH. ,1,SspS~rAL REDUCED FAREST Frote pSLFAST to EDLNBIJRfH a~nd Back, 1ncIil1' AldmlisIinn to the Exhibition. (AilAi lto C ,8, 25s: Steerage andi Ord Class, log. C~10' is~ssd on any day) avaltlablo for Fourtadn li4i ROYAL HrAIL LINE. S8liVI0E TWICE DAILjY, St G;LASGOW ANDEDINBURGH, &C. ai: ViaGrenek.Via Mrdreesan 01 00 ~~Al .j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E5~JvJ P'p;PAD ADVERTISEMSENTrS SITSJITIINH WANTEO or VACANT,- IlnetoSE tO LE;T or WANTE;D to ZTcs, l J½00INIO5 WANTSEO or to Ln~r,* BOAIID 'is AST Dn or Orss anR:X ?? Wl;IFStFMANTED or for SAL}, hOI AirricLEs LCST or 1;OUND, SrsDfl'iC Ali~iC.LiS WAS'raj cofor BALD, , PACT iSISiP5 WANTEjD or Orrlisor; liS Ate inserted at the lollowiiig rates, but enly whens Ad Trojiaid:- 20 Words 6dl, or Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. AND id CsuIiltaexeepteti)-. ?? 11 otlint at 14-at p'm.,otx. .~.t 10-1 ld 1tit, 31, SJ.O p0 lbth, at ust.c~ the sthiflwilbel'ore 7.0 pVOL it fiet it~i1kU11 Oes. lilifatit. ?? to ?? t~ L. &, Y. or L. %r N. W. Trains I tr~ ,ot Li rrsoul withitutt etri.i nitaigi. 1 it'0 ?? 1,0 ?? TablvL;, 01 ill ply to altlotrgI Quay, Befliast, or to THiOtS, El.d. 1.. A AND S CO0TLEA N-- i. I6XIT1I1TlON ...