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Advertisements & Notices

... Ui Ifeaclse Cards at }:aton;fv thae largeslt assortmen tin Ete city is at Launs samiplest sent post free onx appli- nuiui; the newest, eaeapes:, and best in qusalitiy, des~ignt pr, are a: Eas's; Irish, English, and F 'rench patterns LustO's Pboto OS oenayr Cards a specialty;- Church Porchi r.4 Orser Cards in great vanety; Notice of Deaths, Zuisj, sad (IMmen-Mto M0rij) Ofce Announcements sent e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. ClA I E T ?? T HEATRE. IGDAY PERFONIAM CE. TO-DAY (Saturday), Oct 16th (at 2), W S Gilbert 8 MytholOgacal ComedY (an 3 Acts), PYGMALION A.ND GAILATEA. Waatea ..Miss Mary Anderson ifter which an original dmain (in I Act), written spe- cially for Miss Mary Anderson. by W' S ibe COMEDY AND TRAGEDY. Clwice . ..miss Diary Anderson Last Night of Miss a MARY ANDERSON, Supported by a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTIWE$ , ~TH A R . I A I E T T T H E A T R :E:.i G -gagemeut of IR. H. D('OYtY CARTE'S OPEPA CO-MPANY. THIS EVENING (Mocnday), OctlS th (at 8), W S G;lyert and Arthur Sullivan's trcy ltew :pllz L>2 igi~ Japanese Opera 3,111 A:S ^DV - ' TilE MT,,'PTIT'D'. G, ?? or}N ' TITIPI'I., : puw.?z i C irer. led ?? at the Savoy .! L ' nd ?? the Continent. ?? d1 ?? in London. ?? orus al;o' A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ALMO1RAL CAPES. r, '1*IEIU IS A VERY . AJl/9 D1EMBA1,ND ;- t :eason, for BAL111l0AL VJA1'AS flo (;f teue,' 1. II i'J:T, I h a e 'a er'I !ood ,S turk 0t4 iplah X1aterials saitable jbr t/iceS 6'cer- 11(ells, FRANCIS CURLEY, CLERICAL AND GENERAL OUTFITTER, 73 \ G3, hIGH ST REET. 11GS0 0 __ _ , _ _ _ - A. MIELAILLE & CO. WIlmDIjNGS Carria-es and Broughrams I turnzedl out neatly. l Shrouds, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5I!ALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS op SITUATIONS WANT ED or VACANT T,, IOlSo S to L ET Or WVA-TF t to RtENT, 151I0NS0 WANTED or to toc'r, BOAM) No ANmID or OiFvimlcf, A BUSlNES1:ES WANTIA1 Or for SALf. ARAT S LOST LOSr O FOUND, 6piqcivlc A A lltlUI. W ANTED for fAo . 'H, PAlRNEIZI1SE:SH NN'A-NTED or Or On rx., Are inserted at the lullowinri rates, but only when k 1p-0 Icrdr d, or Six for S ixd. 06 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. CROONFi begs to! Vautces ?? atitlhea-it,'nr. - .a,iI Ian~., Giocet-, Nyir-c -rid zn rnt -_ isnetcand etcI alt kind- ?? lernan ,t t. ta P ropertyL- cy Z be troec-el or aoi-i'-i, tO fmfli fo 5lna le Sale either b' Pr-ihc Aonctto tn-naze Treaty. 'tA--re alay n hil,~ a -ea-o ?? ?? ot Sale by Piat'ec;vaso a a.;~ tim '-enseit otea.ehiold and -r oebdi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ._ I TN' Mlemn0mam CarEs a- Eaton s; the largest assortmen -z the I.s :[ ha ?? anpies sett post Iree vlL app;.- itGI: ;i Let; -:c, ee iand ;est in ortalirv. (les-r-n, Dr, are at EIato ,i's ?? En; jets, and i'rench patterns; Latrl's Phroto Mortuiary Cards a cpe.e-aityv Church P.rch i~ttrd .. aaa CarUs in arnt-,ariet; -Notice of Deaths, Fu^er a.d Me~el~c2.ori) ?? se::t P, r zuru pGri, Y a:: S Eo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COALVass; apamma ColVases in great variety of4- ncsfrogs~ 4s 6d to 40s each. Thomas iltures a SasLinlated, 212 Great Brunswick at, Dublin. . ?? N1 COAMERCIAL Gentlemeziiand others bnasing their own e cmatrias ca hae thn-kmade in beet fit ani stye; moderat prices. Rleid, Tailor 23 Dinnowesre Knotes k avr t,~ suero Bedostad, Forms soag easyshar, pmmtress: modr-Sale. aswhte'slon'es, 2th Earl ~Er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIEPPING. IRELvAINDANENGLAND, .ELrAN I3EAST AMD LIVERUOL P)IBECT SERVICE ovLEXPRPSS STEAME~RS, OPTIC, CALORIC, AND DYNAMIC, ,Wil Sanl Asudrto (Sunldays oxccipted):- OCT01IiNt, 1858. At 8-30 P-X.; SATURDIAYS, AT' 10-110 P.M1 Ncte-Oon Fridalys, let antI 15th; ftnt Mfonday, 111th, the Slemaor willl llot leafti l~elfattt till 10.30 p in. 8ow oitVY(' Fre by hit to nti ornthle teasttera and te ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. tNDIA STRE ,, first-lss ee J Batorey Dwelling.houlte, nowly papered and pninted; hot and cold vater; bath amd W.C.- Apply, B. Brown & Son, Donwtiall Street. 18177 p PENCER VILLAS (No. 1), Marlborough Park; J three sitting and five bod rooms, bath, &c.; immediate possessiou.-T. & G. A. Worknman, Bedford Street. 18020 rTVo LET, No. 20, BELGRAVIA AVENUE, .1 Lisburn Roaid, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... meddby Issand former empoye5 be. highy recom- former QL io(re; moderate salary. Il3AC3g3 Assisanit; respectable Toring- Man, 6Y.-, = , oohouse provinci.t IItown, thoroogbidy Q G th eneral busineass; Si Ia cella; ighest re- I erca-'AddresS letter, 33 Sonth 1' telriksret Ea,\'SSS Assiszant; very respe, static young Man, at G.prese&,t ilk chage of reepecrtal lie house, wishes a change; w4~uld act ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. #XRE FOLLOWING PREMISES TO LET BY THOMAS FISHER, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 28, ARTHUR STREET. 7, CLXRENDON PLACE, MAY STREET. ARGE and Superior HOUSE, lately in tho I1A occupation of Dr. DICleery. It contains Front and Baok PPariour, Front and Back Draw. ing-roomn. and evory convenince for the accom. joleialioll of at iti-go family; Stable, Coaclhhouse, ;ld IilanervWnt's Room ...