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Advertisements & Notices

... - A PPOLVTM1EXrSY42r27ED I ii)X le~t .3elaant yong irlwants Sitlation in di lwaieiii'aic. Lii dececande.her nnusioess, nac-an be ?? nes lte 21co-her Sunernior, Pie-1 lailtti~l C GP. d, Loate.p9204suI A* 1AtE6l %) OiY or Sime; an-ted by young Lady ofl Stvw xe-engagceslet as above:lI m(iitec&muatkiicg if necessary; uneixceptional HOPeu Aesiecaet and Bookkeeping; respectable young ~L'll dsirs a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISUELAEU J EDMUNDSGN AND C Having nearly completed extensive ALTERATTO}NS TO TEER PRE:mES, Including- re-rooding one of their Jarse Show Eoont 1 ae prepared before the altertions arecompleted- Sell their Stock ot IRONMONGERY, FURN-UREr - GAS FITTINGS, SADDLERY,Etc. AT A LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. TopersonsFURNISHING HOUSEESorreqniring tr~n niongery, Gasfittiugs. etc. the present inll be found. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T XSnoroin Cards a: Eaton s; the largest assorttnen .:n: te ?? a: 1r:aonts sataples sent post free on appli. iseo es., c..pesz. an., best iui quality, design, p ro, _re t Lsaoi's;: Irib, English, amd French patterns- tarti: Paeoto ioctuary Camrs a speciaity; Church Porch ald Ur.atry Cards angreatarieey; Notice of Deaths, i uu, .c t~(lenteto rlO-1 Qitiiec Announcementssens F;r rstLi. ptci:. 31 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jN enasff: i C..!7ls at Eaton s, the largest assornmeu q ?? sc! at raaoYsL saiaupiesz seot post tree on apaii 5 .ltiltw:; zi. L&.sz, Cc.-pest, an;t best iii quality, assign' pr.ce, arc at r Lon's; l-hsh, Eunniieh, anid krench attserns; ?? Gurus aspeciaay; Church Porch i a.t u.saod y LC:adS mgreavaarietv; Notice oi Death,, ruunera,, atiu k j;ezue:ato -icri) Ounce Announcements sent par r=,zz. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APP0ZAT7dktrrs WANTED. I Servan; a respectabe young Woman, W~eta ishe ora e tiaoslesboce. Address 793* iss} Offi, Graften street. p6078h' ?? Girl ws situal ion as Plain Coax 9ervaas; will be ?? williogaand obliglngand Vfrrd~eiezee £ ledwowi,.2 Saiub's Arch, (Gr RAL Servant: a coutry Girl wi s9 al3gtaion woddgo as Ilounjidin ?? family - be highly 'rectnweadod by last inislress -Address 8~0,5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WMALL PrEPAID ADVERTISEM1ENTS S;~ruAI-IoSS WANTED Or VACANT, i{o;9to LEr T or WANs \to RENT, TODn11(;I W AN1';IP or to IJsr, BOARD YVANBIt 01o Ot.nTI;nr 'fit!, cs I!s rI : or for S. a.. AI!TICra1: Lo.-.r Or 1 OtND, Ss~ciiAric RFIxL:EtU WANTED (OE SALS, J'ARTNF 11IIII5 *VAA';I: or OlrrMEn, Are iuerrted at the 10lloVilug rittes, but only wheu I 20 Uoverd Gd, or Six for 2ss 6.. 010 Wor; IS, 0'or1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENE RAL ASSEMBDLY. IX\IYl'El;S .4AT21NDING THIE, SP1ECI.AT J5il f'eltinz of .4ssiiblb will find in either Shop E tAe trqpst Slo h of CLERICAL CLOTHS and Ol iW).4 T/lGS which I hove ever opfered. Also, j JYaterlruof (odst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONGONISING ITCHING EOZEM& A 0N£SING ITCHING ECZEMA, AGONISING ITCHING ECZEMA esessrr F INzwnnEtv & SONS Gentlemon-I ivo beenl sufieriiwefromn Er'tenear, Blood P'olsrndiig, end (teiloral~ Dobility. After expLtnsivo medicalen trC!,t. by doctors and ;dtynliruis, without any gtoi,{l reililt. I decider! to rive tho CaurTCunA lMlitIb- plys a trial, andtl I tine hap.y to iurorm yoe I do- rivelt great ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. THE FOLLOWING PREITSES TO LET BY THOMIAS FISHIlFR, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 28, ARTHUR ;TRIU3T. OXFOTRD BUILDINGS, Botanic Avenue; 0 large premises for business purposes: would be alterod to suit desirable tenant. 18170 . AN9 AD f15, VICTORIA STREET, WIRE- 9, 3)7 H()USE lately 'ooupied l v Messrs. Thoina N Keonzio & Sons, Limited, Agricultural tmd Seed 1ilerohanta; rent very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. . ADMIN'ISTRATORS' SALE. No S7UPR31RI- STBEET. On THIS DAY (Wednesday), 20th October, ISS, Wrell-mada o-t ern and Ulse'ul Household ruruiture aud Appoyitments T AMES HI. NO0 R TH WILL SELL BY AUCTION I BIS DAY (Wednesday). 20th October, lSS6, On the Premises io 17 lPPER MERRION'STREET The entire Well-made Hlous-holdl Furniture and Appoiutrnenti, Including D~nILg-room, drawingroon, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. RO-OKES SOAP 'At ale y Er-anti* Oand Pn ; 6:'fl and Brass Plates :ror ?? ri 1:sc Pai --s ,.t rlaile i or - ror' ; v? a bar in your Batbroom i' (Os e anur bath-tub bright s in ' our lavatory make your n.ridle w olite j n she -czory. tor m ictitery and soiletl hands !:elswife srieund j t rk'nai'.; Friend I or e-c 2thing :l'w ?? SOAP-MONTKEY BRAND. S! ?e:- vLverywhere. ...

YrinO,;- Carrts at E

... :on s; the largest assortmnen En tae c:yV IsBN Eatao's ball~pies sert post Sreeou appli- 'u11; tas re5 zes, cneapesz, arid best in quality, desagn, pnta, re a:t Lawoals; l.,th, Lnganish, arid French patterns; Parc'sphote lor erarY Cards a spTcialty; Clarch Porch ard Oratory Cardm en ren r 'arrcrr; ?Notice of Deathis, 'loners; aud ([erneerto ?orr ?? per return pe:. Mario S Eaton, v55 Grafton ...