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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LA\LMOflAL CAPES. ?? l ?? /B A1 ?? ?? ?? ; sUIAND & aui ibr 1,1B A [,.II (2/1, CGd P'S r f;zi. e,lw u 'eIwn . I . I ha a very ud, &Stocl; of ?? Jvat,.ri'llz saldable fi /nhse Gar- 1FV.LMCIS CURLEY. CL1RICA-L AND GLNIERAL OUTFITTER, U, .3, 1Il611 STREET. 11050 A. MELVILLE & CO. \VIIDI;CS I C;Carriages and Broiigbams ?? out neatlY. Gbrouds, CO;finO, and every UtNE1LS S requ ii to ?? with econoul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. Vots Alterationss it Sailinstg and increased Service, CY11f 9HnIPP]Nci COMPANY. BL'S OLNO DIRECT EV ER I)N E:'DAY and SATJURDAY, ~VFASTl TO 'o1 *PDOI Ii LOT4( eytiry WrlD. riWI)~ESDY rarr-in Gods t Modlerate ~{EC ,8~~VcETOCORK AN,\D TO WATE-111rORD On1 TUESDAY anul SAT URD1AY, ?? G(oda at Low Through Ratua to Lim~erick, Pflitle Tipliorary, and ptritlcipal towns Iin tite SouthL of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BA13LJ.1OlAL CAPES. An ?? VIVh'' Fl4,l DEMiAND T1i1&aswfi )r BALMAJO&'IL OAPB'S II ?? k e a ieryggood 0 toct7 14 1 ta1teril sujitable for these Oar- I Fr & tNNCIS CURLEY, Cr CCL;111IC-L AflND GENEEAL OUTFITTER. To 13 Lt 63, HIGH STREET. 1160 5i &. ?? & CO. ?? osDI>;G ' Ca riames and Broughlams AY turned out neatly. Shrouds, Coffins. aud every ?? witheconomy Rud punctuality. , TOAVINSoEND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E ALMO1RAL CAPES. r, '1*IEIU IS A VERY . AJl/9 D1EMBA1,ND ;- t :eason, for BAL111l0AL VJA1'AS flo (;f teue,' 1. II i'J:T, I h a e 'a er'I !ood ,S turk 0t4 iplah X1aterials saitable jbr t/iceS 6'cer- 11(ells, FRANCIS CURLEY, CLERICAL AND GENERAL OUTFITTER, 73 \ G3, hIGH ST REET. 11GS0 0 __ _ , _ _ _ - A. MIELAILLE & CO. WIlmDIjNGS Carria-es and Broughrams I turnzedl out neatly. l Shrouds, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... qBMALJJ PREPAID ADVERTISEMEN~TS 'Ii, SITATIONS WANErD or VAC.ANT,- 11cilocrc to LET' or WAa'r::s) to l'IbuT, r LWnmaOS Wiarn or to ILa;r, BOAuen W\ANTP or Os-vca:r,~. I NcM~ ~ANTVI:) Or for SAIX. ].irricin;s Lci.vr or) ?-r}:iyicAi::iWL N'v\.ka;c far SAis', Are 'insertecd at the Iollo~viii VLLLeS, but only wyhon rrp 2i~ 0 Wo(r6ds ld, or Six for 2e, li. 01o Wed so ix for s .IO V/erds ln 6d, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUND. * BIONE FOU LoNE.Apply at the : .A at,16, North Strort tct; owner can havete ae by pring proprty an ropert aud paying S expenBe5. 17551 LODGINGS. le vi LADY could have a comfortable HOME ia A. jitha a, qie it family in a smnall town in tt ,,ounty Aritilih.Addrusi, 1 J. M)L, 17541, OfficR of this 1 Paapor . URNISNED APARTMENTS (every descrip- Gi F'tior) LoL. Pari rties wishinig same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Not., AlldnrU ini tea Saiow and jrwrm..ed steidt4l. onw,~fa(l 21Nd October. CL~yDs S11ffi'I'NG COMPANY. j;1EL1PAST TO LONDON DIRECT v TWICE WEEKLY, V ltVFRBY WEDNESDAY and SATURIDAY. V L0,{O .~~s1lan~) )T I4LF'AST DiiIRECT V Brerv TUSDAYatia FIIDAY. sIATTO I)LVOI'I4('lH ?? every WRD. N~l)Y ?? t su'HAMtPTON .iiate t I4ET~t ndpzleial towns in M ])IECTSERICETOCORK s ANi) TO WATMIRFORD ont ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. #XRE FOLLOWING PREMISES TO LET BY THOMAS FISHER, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 28, ARTHUR STREET. 7, CLXRENDON PLACE, MAY STREET. ARGE and Superior HOUSE, lately in tho I1A occupation of Dr. DICleery. It contains Front and Baok PPariour, Front and Back Draw. ing-roomn. and evory convenince for the accom. joleialioll of at iti-go family; Stable, Coaclhhouse, ;ld IilanervWnt's Room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WMALL PrEPAID ADVERTISEM1ENTS S;~ruAI-IoSS WANTED Or VACANT, i{o;9to LEr T or WANs \to RENT, TODn11(;I W AN1';IP or to IJsr, BOARD YVANBIt 01o Ot.nTI;nr 'fit!, cs I!s rI : or for S. a.. AI!TICra1: Lo.-.r Or 1 OtND, Ss~ciiAric RFIxL:EtU WANTED (OE SALS, J'ARTNF ?? *VAA';I: or OlrrMEn, Are iuerrted at the 10lloVilug rittes, but only wheu I 20 Uoverd Gd, or Six for 2ss 6.. 010 Wor; IS, 0'or1 Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENE RAL ASSEMBDLY. IX\IYl'El;S .4AT21NDING THIE, SP1ECI.AT J5il f'eltinz of .4ssiiblb will find in either Shop E ?? trqpst Slo h of CLERICAL CLOTHS and Ol iW).4 T/lGS which I hove ever opfered. Also, j JYaterlruof (odst ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ONGONISING ITCHING EOZEM& A 0N£SING ITCHING ECZEMA, AGONISING ITCHING ECZEMA esessrr F INzwnnEtv & SONS Gentlemon-I ivo beenl sufieriiwefromn Er'tenear, Blood P'olsrndiig, end (teiloral~ Dobility. After ?? medicalen trC!,t. by doctors and ;dtynliruis, without any gtoi,{l reililt. I decider! to rive tho CaurTCunA lMlitIb- plys a trial, andtl I tine hap.y to iurorm yoe I do- rivelt great berneft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. THE FOLLOWING PREITSES TO LET BY THOMIAS FISHIlFR, HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 28, ARTHUR ;TRIU3T. OXFOTRD BUILDINGS, Botanic Avenue; 0 large premises for business purposes: would be alterod to suit desirable tenant. 18170 . AN9 AD f15, VICTORIA STREET, WIRE- 9, 3)7 H()USE lately 'ooupied l v Messrs. Thoina N Keonzio & Sons, Limited, Agricultural tmd Seed 1ilerohanta; rent very ...