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Advertisements & Notices

... APPOJNTM31BT.S WANTED. (tUGGER'S and Spirit Dealees. Assist-ant: a yokng Man ~azfr~t~ ocnreywith yers' experience,%wants a citnation, as above; will be highly Tecommendod; no objec- tion to town or country. Address 8323, Freeman Spiit ercans; espctaleyoung 1ROGER'S Assistant; appointment reurdba - (J'peorabie young man:tu er'epeineadjs aci-ergaged; will be strongly recommedd drs !'BoS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? i e:a-ons; the largest assortnen 1 senlt post ireeottappi'- .r ThU .ea t inl quaLtty, del gn, I Engiish, arid French patterns: t ?? Jsiur C: r ais s specia : Church Pmah ?? ?? laa; lu-rl.'ctv: Nofice o! Death.. Jr::r ^ ?? ! a~ S arno, 9S adi-aitonx etreet and ?? A:, e; fi .1.p3.6X1 . _ er.. IC. lfuitites a:. Wvaller's, Denaille street. 1: I M en ariarn Cards to select from; all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENEMAL ASSEMBLY. IXI.STlic ns'ATTENDING T'l E SPI;CIAL q 1 1 .1httitl:q Of' .1&slemntb/ ill fvld ill dither S,:op - Fs;, Se1. or CLERICeL CLOTHS nid G which7lG~ 1t he;l lre ever of~lerdl. iIO,so nlld Clealks, in ad sizes. 1PANCTSC CURLEY, 6) & G3, I-HIGH STREET. 11GiO A. )IMlM1ILLE & Co. t tv Ij)INGs . Cardart!es Rod Brougiiami C turined olit uently. t t iShtoudls, Coffilin, anid overy e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMATLL PREPAID ADVERTIST MENTS SITUeAIs NVAN TED Or VACANT, 4 I S to Jar, or WA-.TI:D to RENT, .1,,oISGoSW AVNiED or to IA'lT, roAIJ0 WANTED or .l3IJSLI.I; \WA:TI;e) or for SALE. AirwlE''(llS .LOST O: FOUNDU pcc:r'lric An-riutIle \VAXVraIP3 tfr SALs, iPAe'rlaa'1ie \WAN';lsD or 01Fremen gro inhetL(d at t61e loliewilvg ratoF3, but only whien 2l 0 W,'ordn 6i], or Six for 2s Gd. 30 Words 1e, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. THE FOLLOWING PREMISES TO LET BY THOMA S FISHER', HOUSE AND LAND AGENT, 28, ARTHUR ETREET. 7, CLARENDON PLACE, M.AY STREEIT. ARGE and Superior HOUSE, lately in the L occupation of D)r. N Oleery. It contains F0ront and Back Parlour, Front anid Bank Draw. ijg-room, and every convenience for the accoin. inodation of a largo farily; Sitable, Coobhonee, and Manservant',s Room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS TIS DAY. BRAY. SALE OF YiODE;RY; HOUSEHOD FURIN URlA, Mantelpiece Glasses, Brussels and other Carpets, AsndsomeCheftonier Cabinet5 in walnut wood; Ran Furniture, in oak; Prints, Engravings, Ornaments, Table Glass add China. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 4 MARTELLO TERRACE, BRAY (Strand read). ti THIS DAY (Friday), the 8th of October, 1SS& THE FURNITURE as heretofore fullyparticularised in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T H E A T R E.1 LA LastNielit but One of Mdiss KELLY FA^RREY. lkt F7RED l.ESti~lt, Andtheentire 1 LONDON GAIETY COMPANY. TO-NIGHT (Fridavl, Oct 8th (at S) ! .v -hree Act Burlesrque Operatic M&-odrinaa, ITTLE JA.CK S EPPAR'ID. A.4 plased, with enormous saccess, over D0nights. FulI Chorus and 3allet. ?? 4s, ?? Qid, 2s, Is, and d. D ZcMX (01ce at CQrner's, 4 and 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. 0-y-AL 51 t -,IAj-N-D ~SRORTES~T SEA EOU-T-E -TO Al'PARTS CF ENGLAND AND SCOTLANu ViAl] 111NE AND STRANRARlR. In e3ogitiiee Sleamer at Larne and Stran- C irm r fid Sleeping Carriages I-til through I Z Loendoig, both via, L. and 'o- oidjl-ild lailt~asa Daily Bailiiigas (Suindays '1'rrjlIl setrde nol follows :-ieave Belfast Qs! a 41).n . ILondon (St. on, following g't0k at B .M., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES, MissNLYit KN An-d tie itt LON1JON CtI Comp-ANY. A ~-N, I~Ic t a rP') le ?? i' tm;j ~ T1Sh P RD. ?? W,2sIs, ?? Ot'a, t (ta:Ier's, 4 anid 5 Weetmorel-and .tcret. uhi-isl tiil extra.L (tarn 7 t'n 7 ?? to ~ rat Se,'oi iclue, It, antl Gallery.- - 4-i) AI1E T T HELAT tE. * I 1~~1 c . mci Kenne~~~r J CTh. I% --I try A3ni:I Le,n ?? ij re ' a t'wad tho r. eti i[ ziI'ioPJP. ?? ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ARPO.LVIMSNTSFACA2N-P I'S &ERAL Servant wanted by family wthi has few, II.3loidgers; must be strictly honest, sober, aind wrillinig to teart. Apply fromt 11rt 1, 35 Upr Des-sat st., p5220h ?? ; wvanted' Stron Girl ; musjlt wash tand muake uip Nwell ; good divscharges ; ?? £7 andi !oenne Address :91-3, Central Registry 051cco, 9P~a Gr-afton street. p6215t1 GLtat; wantedd at 24 Mountplsasant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. RO-OKES SOAP 'At ale y Er-anti* Oand Pn ; 6:'fl and Brass Plates :ror ?? ri 1:sc Pai --s ,.t rlaile i or - ror' ; v? a bar in your Batbroom i' (Os e anur bath-tub bright s in ' our lavatory make your n.ridle w olite j n she -czory. tor m ictitery and soiletl hands !:elswife srieund j t rk'nai'.; Friend I or e-c 2thing :l'w ?? SOAP-MONTKEY BRAND. S! ?e:- vLverywhere. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl; ' ?? at Eaton s the largest assortmen ! ,l MDi- : 1 iao s 5anlpl ps sent prS s - rre ol Yet- cc ?? cie-qesn, alit best in quality, design, JI's. yre It Lit0 s: iriso, gininsh, ,nd Freuch patterns; Iall ?? ?? Ittrtuare Cards a spewalte; Cnurch Porch ;C itcry t.,ru5 in great Var-et-: Notice of Deaths, :ri4 ,,ard 0uen:enrto i.Mor) Office Anno~nlcements sent ter r- '! :oe. 'I ard Eaton, 55 ...