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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. fH FOtLidVING PRtEMIS3ES TO LIlT BY THOMAS FISHER, Li HOUSE AND LAND AGL'NT, 26, ARTHUR BTREET. q, OLARENDON PLACE, NAY STREET, M ARGE nud Suporior HOUSE, lately in the Sbt sJ occupationI OT Dr.- MCloery. It contains Front sail Back Parlour, Fiont ad 3Back Draw. 1iig.roem. end overy ooliiV~oflCO nor the accore. enodationl oi a large family; Stall, Coaohhouse, aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIHPPING. IIOUTI TO ENGL&NZD-flrxre.qs Tci 33A.ic to ciii thcs f'ri;cciji o'ewncu Ico Englcndc 1bUIAJJ mAllI ADial- 1;TEAML),ItS MANX QUEEIZit pON-GI:Rr1ONOD~RY, cecil) Every I-Acinlccg Sundavys usrceptuci) frecm Jil1-.thAST'Lb atI- pi.m., and 1ar p~lcoW~ at ic-U pa.,). orit cc. oon Ils tidlepermits. I8P7Tes-CuiIii, NUc l6d; Stc-c!il1hO, Is. Itetnrc-Clicbin Teteriteii No. 1. 1458 I ilcetSwre, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Births, Marriages, & Deaths. 0,,,winruemnt; undcier thit heading are charged for as e foleu's :-Mtrriage, JIs 6:; Death with tu7,ef.' notice, Ps' 6d Obituaryl Notice, Is ad; p^rth, Ms GA. in reveri catse sit annllounvceinent * .-t be prevaid i1and dilig autlhenticated. B I 1t T' LE S. 3) \l.LtNG-ilctJhti 20,Oat Lurgitl, t!:e wife of J. D.i iOr;liings, i't.B, Or ,, con. xi 1 i: -(lti5'c 1'), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIALMORZAL CAPES. i s1 p 'i'Y 14111 Ry MA]) 1 i is&uSn /or fiwBAL3I)RAL 011Pl'lES e , , rl. Ihavet av erygood 5Stoc'k dr !' 0U t'1.alcrials saitablc Jor tihse G'ar- t(1 FR AN\CIS CURLEY, T CLIRPICAL AND) GENERAL OUTFITTER, 1 63 >o, l ilGII S'1' ZET. 1ltv0 _ - ti NV A. MELVILLE & CO. a3 a] T, EDDVE s Carriages and Broalgbams B lEDDINGS I turued out neatly. Shrouds, Coffinu, aud every l XEi~1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERT1ISEMENTS SrO r!O, %VANT1,3 or IACANT, SITUATION6 SV'WA N TDr t 11 A .N T, HolSL8S' to li:r or 0VAtnD to Eimr, LoDOINXS WANrED or to 1iE'r, WBAAD S'II or OeFu:InF D, t u~vsrNr~se \NANTID or for SA.L' C AnTrcrcu Lesb r C'oUxl, n S PEI.(FIC AlTICf,21S WANTI)D for SALE, PAI-T-I'.IISTPS 'WANT111) or O1r;nl1o, 'are insorted at the tollow)ilg rates, but only whor 20 'eords Gd, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. Vots Alterationss it Sailinstg and increased Service, CY11f 9HnIPP]Nci COMPANY. BL'S OLNO DIRECT EV ER I)N E:'DAY and SATJURDAY, ~VFASTl TO 'o1 *PDOI Ii LOT4( eytiry WrlD. riWI)~ESDY rarr-in Gods t Modlerate ~{EC ,8~~VcETOCORK AN,\D TO WATE-111rORD On1 TUESDAY anul SAT URD1AY, artTycclg G(oda at Low Through Ratua to Lim~erick, Pflitle Tipliorary, and ptritlcipal towns Iin tite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. B EL F AS T. EXTENSIVE BUl'SU 6S PREMISES CORIORATI.8N STREET. ¶ O BDI LET FOR A TER2\ OF YEARS aios may be agreed upon, the Premises Nu. o4, CORPORATION STRELET, conaistital of four large Lofts, with ground Floor, aujphaltef, adttairably adapted for any business requiring light and air, together with the Yard, No. 68. Curporation Stroet, which hau been connected %vith the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O'E-1 i COATINGS.. Al 0 1A Y LAIlGD S, LX-C !t 4 tihe N\vct (i37uds of thim I ?tO'C!! )tnised Bavenrs. O !-' m'l ;!c llew styles in Falley OVIER- I . 14-, tiq goomds, b(>st wior~lnllwlilip, I at :v~z;:te I'icis for eashi. Inspection L C Lj5HIL CLOTH CU. 11481 A. MIELT ILLE & CO. rEflDlN G S Carriaiges artd Droutghams I turned out neatly. Shrouds, Cotl u, and every ;l£%1LS, Irequisites-upplied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bk&lL lVtEPAID ADVBRT1SEMENTS OF. LIXATtI~O.%5S WANTEO or VACANT. flousnw to 1 . 1T or WAsNT. to lREHT, i.OIoiNOS WANTIsD or to L FT, II).%ltp NV N14t5 Or OP-en nrED, .11A1?dNk:S'!stt WANTEn or for SAsLa ii Avtviv ILawior Ioir e FNU, Spwvlvi- Awric]ls1s SWANiEI) ter SA,, Vk, It 'VoeTm WAN Ir or Ovtreinrnt O e ,sd Mt i lb. Iilowing rates, briL eilly wltelb at fI W Mrs (1S, or GdOix for S i 6 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. Eo~~j; No. '25J,1 BR:IKTAlAV13NKU-E,| i LiEburn ILd, from let November; rent, £35.-ApplY to Jolhla Fergusoti, 62, lelgravia. 7l[RE1 fIOfjr1T u 23, Badford 1T ' Street, fro, let Nove'nber,-Apply to john ForgusioI & Co., 31, Linlelball Street. 19344 r i LET, No.100, OEA LL f3T1REE.T T. bavinR fine suite of otlices; well adapted for Wrofessiou or bUQiucsB; resit Moderate. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DiEjrPlLLs l'itlify. the Blool, turreot eU ;f^eli-rs of the i.ivor, Stotnaoil, I;illl)esqllud 10 , S- sre ' I! !> ;U:L|!lt? iJI (;|| COUI )}llilltS iu;d61z Itll Xreulleptt>8ilnil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL p1UiPAID AVE zltT1SNlN iIiTb or I SITUATIOEt9 )V ANTED or VACANT, ol051:5 to I i 0lO 0VAx'r:1u to lIENT, IfI~)111 ( S W IN~ 1o rto Lvr, B .OAR D \'\':I. Cl ( )r'.T:I , fo il 1l:;lwl 'AIT .:NT :D or for A .!:. A ITICL!; IPIS Jni Fn* NT', tI1 SSI-I lIlFII Cl rI I)-) \\!A Nr TI to 1X r SA 1.1:, 1 PANTXC'~Ii II'S~ ; \ W AN'rl:T) 0 Or (31:10 P Arc insertcld at the tillowiilg rateo, but only ...