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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. flOAL AIL AND SJIOc11ioS'0r SEA uouiiff'o TO LARNE AND 'SUTANRABR. W~rurirti Igo &slonFireIle Stverrr Atli rn-ie And Stran- raotr. OroiarY arid Sl1rejrirIl GaRr'iitgr' TrLio tirroirgit ?? vnd 1.ir1idon, boil, via. L. and 14W. 'lfidianld Ritrlways, Daily sairilings (SollinvIrt tarepodl). Train 6crvice as ?? -I.(ftvc ]3c'ilfait 60Thk Roed) irt 4-5.1tlmi. Lou~oni (I~~tt;fitwg£ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. VIBET SEVIC ]JXR S STA.MERS, ,Vil t~ ici~iih~is (nnlaysklv etleepttls) - Wl elBEIAFAST TO LIVER11OOL, NO\'1A,Nlisl.'t 188. AL 8410 r.ii.; 14A'iUJ1l)AYSAt'140 'I .Netle-OOFrIidTi3l, l1tti unil V.7thj; acid~ head-Ic,, i~ttl: and Tariolpiy, 16th, tile 'Iteainiec ill iljtiltOO iielfait tdill Calm; I'gr,11bit thiiult Tnitiyage. MOt QTI ?? ';slartlfl Otto 01 tour beifore the j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CASH v1;1:3us CREDIT. IVt, ALWAYS HOE]) A STOCk OF THE , v' -( St OUC01 :)o h: .tde. Otte ('a(Rh Prtltie: f.. I hev clitic - rle ?? tety lile d 3 r.,p r N;Chl ?? t o il lioro l0gid? :-O a ~ 1 (4 .oj s. Sanipkal and quotationi s on Ui~i 03 .O t ielk. i C NE:ILL CLOTU CO. 1148I - - - - . L - - - - - - A. TAE L[ILLE14 & CO. ..E ..I(Ga rijges antd Broughaes WE}:DDINGS / turued out neatly. FSbrouds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. Pimaa Nlote Alterationse in Satliniqla aA iuaiceated Service, CLTYDE SHIPPING COM1PAXY. B'ELFiAST TO LONDON DIRECT EVFISEY WED)NESDAY land SATURIDAY. LONDON (St. HatlialhOe DOu*1,) TO IIISLF.AST LIAUCT EverY TUISiDAY unit VWtDAky. VEhlXAST TO PuyMOicuTrH DIREtOT every WElD. N-ESDAY sand SATUIIDAY, and to BOUTHAMPTON Pn VVEDINESlDAY. eatirying Goodsa at Moderate 'I'hrcug'h Rtates to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .'TO BE LET OR SOLD. HOP TO LET.-A coinmodiouri Shop to Let, ks corlner of Bryson titreeb aud Neswtcwnads Poad, ;Suitable for grocey, provlit), or draperyt bueine,is-Alply, Sh1op0, M50, Xed.Lr-Ltler Offico. (lFFICES an(d Suites of Offices TO LET in 0 Queen's Builditgs. Royal Avelnille rrents unoderate.-AI'ply, 1 Carswell & Sos, Royal Aveuue. , 20.IW : T0 JXT, the PRE7ISES in ROYAL T A`%1LXU1fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ()ERICOATINGS. : ?? A vE:Y LARGJ: S'iLlFC- ItLUN the Neve9L (;ods ot this ' riclioa, Lext-fi)loiwd D.icaYerz. Il TIM H ilC l n ill 0 E1 O t- 12'i 1t. BcSZ goud:), 1eW.. WvUIr`n1a11hip, ?? ImLLere ilrioes for cash. Xn',cewtiol ;Ilid ?? iObcited. CORNEILL CLOTH CO. 11481 A. .tIELILLEi & CO. Cm riages %na Broughame turned out neatly. Slhrouds, Coffins, and every I L2~ERALS, requisnito supplicd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. THE FOLLOWING PREiVISES TO LET BY j TIIOMAS FISHER, HOUSE AND L.N] AGENTPr 28, ARTHUR STP.EET. 7, CLARELNDON PLACD, MINAY STREIIET. r TARGE and Superior HOUSE, lately in the Te f.4 occupation of Dr. M-Oleery. It .ontains Front aud Back Parlour, Front aud Back Draw- ing-room, and every conveuience for the accom- modation of a largo family; Stable, Coacbhouse, So and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L PREPAID ADVERTISEIDIENTS OF, SOITUAITO'4A' tAN TIJ or VACILNT, }Mt, ?? itO ]:Tor WASTIm1) t11, IENET, ?? \VAN'I:D Or to l.11r, km)1: W\ANT]:D O1 OFrlTMl11. - tJtlC~s:> ~ ?? or fur S. AnTIiCI.ES L or Fo 1'nu II, -Mi'l21! A WII.1.I VASTI'E for SALE, ITTi'l:i.Imils VvA'lvU. er OW-rirooc, Arc ijserted it the following 1,1CCat, but only when S, rcpaid:-n M'oNord6 CO, or Six for *-S Gtid. o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SM&LL PrErAID . DVERTISEMIENTS S IN' SlriTtAT! W 1tio ?? VACANT, - i(-Vgl:F to i ,I:T or VAi;'rT.D to BlEsT, *LUOnIN(S \'I.irO) or to LiT, BU, Iii) \N`A_-IlTl) Or O11 51. :i, .A;I'rlN W:AIs T \ i;oLI or ior SI.E. At: IL 1,1S lotiT a iO 01 O ), I (Prle llz.E. \ >l. lor SALLE 1'AIRTSK E:i:i-S11 WdASTI:D 01 Oruo, E, tsl Aro inserted at the lollowilig rate, ?? ouly whon va1 FrE id *0 AVI-~ o ?? or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOUNTD. LTl:BRlKLT.,A--r1ft Icst wacel bs a lady, in .7 22, D])o0e0ll 1'aco, a Silk Uumbrella; owner tau hliaic it. 191400 L.O:])GIENGC S. llOAIO i t GCutIOU:li'1' falmily ?? of'cl~rca BJ to a I ,ly uesiri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OVI LtCOATi NGS. . ( j 5! 11 \ itX it V iARlU SE LrEL C il; oit i :e S\.Vcqj (;ods of ihis ' ! : ?? id( 'o , S. it- ii ishtd I cI VS, t i t ee s 1h; S~ vh's i1 l~lanc e O) l 1 P' ' ' t g .wiL. rbest ;yorlOInial~llil, ?? . :.i !r C sI. 1lIel. ct iO: ?? , . :, .iicit eI. i. C) is NIll iL CLOTH CO. 11481 Alk. MELVILLE & CO. KDDINtl~yCSt ( a. riages and feoullg amrs turned out neath'. -* ~. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 9PECTAIL PRICED COAT. I.13 O(iF 1XI\; jW 1~n GSM1 USIC CT.O7II, . j Ivl ?? Bl, i ; 0cOcuute, at 1lid ?? ?? ?? Of a LIpz1r tl s!,l; d v ill vtie ctrxellent rea r. 1U N\KCJS (CU.Rl.LEY, W CAL N1) C El*1N RAL OUTFITTER, &3 U,1ll SN a E ET. 111U0 A. MIEL ILLE & CO. ca riages and I'ro ihlams turned out Lxeatly. ! Shrouds, CoI;nS, and every reqluisitesullplied with econlomY I ald ptluctuality. ! & ...