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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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... Rerminiscenew of Dufermlne and Ndegkhour- hood. B Alexander Stewart. Edinburgh: Scott an! Iergusou, This belongs to a dcas of books which, with a little care, could easilybe made interesting, and hir. Steowart, the author, has both expended the care and sustained the interest. Although he has been resident in this city and its neighbour- hood for 31 years, he is a native of Danferm- line, and ...


... I MGUPLa, POR.TRAITS, AKD GWfl PcrUVSw [BY AQADBhCrANS, OUT- SUMEkS, AND WO1igN PADITER& 1.4,ns igaphiloopher once remarked that et t ini _g1- ang my widepread national love o beauty. What the savant declared was often mistaken for it was a taste for costliness. To this day hundreda of people who never before entered the National Gallery now crowd into it to view the Blenheim Madonna1 not ...


... LITERARYNOTICES. I oned. M de l Poer. London Loado llitemamy 1S500et7, 376, Strand. We are unwilling to speak unfavonrably of a story written by a lady for the young, but we are compelled to say that we do not like this volume at all. From first to last it is full of improbabilities, and they must be very young and credulous children Indeed who will acoept the story as it Is placed before them ...


... P LIYRPOOL INTERN ATIONAL 11 EX IIIN . _ THE CLOSING DAY. The doom of the Liverpool Interatio'nal Exhition were finally clused to the public last night about ten oclock. The executive spared no pains to make the last day of The Ship. penes as attractive as possible, and their efforts were crowned-with success, Alarge num- bor of visitors froitifferent parts of the country weae present; and ...


... Wle are to have a second series of monographs like the wellnown English Men of Letters. The title is to be Great Writers, and the editor will be Professor Robertson, who has been recently appointed to the chair of Liters, tare and Philosophy in the University o the Pumjaub, Lahore. The books will not differ materially in character from those edited by Mr. Morle but they will be published ...


... T: C I TMe HnLF COATCRTS. I An arrangement to which Dr. Charles HaUi4 and Messrs. W. B. Cramer and Co. are parties, and which ensures the presentation of concerts of the highest order each season in Liverpool, again caane to fruition last evening, when the first of a new series was given at the Phil- Iharmonic HalL The orchestra which has grown up around Dr. HaU6 is a combination in whose ...


... The sales at the Autumn Exhibition in the Walker Art Gallery now amount to £7066 12s. Since our last published list the following pictures have been sold:- Old Town Bor- dighera, F. A. Rawlence; Street Scene, Venicc, £14 14s., T. Mazzaroli; Sunshine (marble), £40, J. Beglioschi; After the Toil of the Day, £75, Tom Lloyd, R. V.S. ; Going Up with the Stream, £350, G. S. Walters; ...


... I CHILI AND THE LIVERPOOL i EXHIBITION. ' TO Tra DurORos OF THE uevgPOOr, AlcRT. Gentlemen,-If your readers will but compare the hasty and bombastic remarks of the Commis- sioner of Ohil in your issue of the 18th upon the Exjnuror's very just observations stated in your issue of the 8th inst., I think, after a few observations I may make, they will come to a con- clusion favourible to the ...


... t CHILI AND THE LIVERPOOL I .EXHIBITION. TO TEN EDriORS OF5 TEEZ LVERPOOL MERCUTO. Gentlemen,-Having had to attend to the dis- mantling of the section nuder my care and to the different matters connected therewith, the letter signed An Ex-Juror, published in your issue of the 8th of this montb, did not come under my notice until yesterday. It being, however, an anonymous correspondence, I ...


... LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. . - ?? The third ordinary meeting of the 76th session hi of this society was held last evening at the Royal * Institution, Coleuitt-street The chair Was occupied by Dr. Carter, the president, and there u was a good attendance, including a number of w Mr. James Poole, the Mayor who at tho le last meeting was nominated Mr. al Roberts, EX.XA.&S, for election as ...


... | TO TM EDITORS or TEE LtVERPOOL MEaRCUrY. Gentlemen.-The guarantors are asked to say if we shall have another Exhibition in Liverpool next year. I snould like to know if we are to have another Exhibition made of Liverpool? Surely before anything is done we tradesmen of the town are to have something to say in the matter, I do not like to venture on your valuable space, but hope some more ...


... I L ITEMY NOTIcES. Duke's Winton. A Ghrdn.oule of S-dgemeer. By J R. Henslowe. Ltndon: John and Robert Maxwell. We ca speak of this hitorical novel In the highest terms. Te pictare of SRfl~i life and maners 200 yeazsago Is very wel rawn; the syle i extremely e wsing, while the anaysis of character shows Chaithe novelist i cable of far greater things. The a isatrikin con- trast between Pernel ...