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... Yesterday the Dublin Art Club opened their jwinter exhibition at thre Leinster Hall, Moles- worth street. The collection of pictures is, taken all round, an excellent one, and the exhibition can claim to be the best which the society has yet succeeded in getting together. The committee may be congratulated upon the way in which they got tbrough the difficult task of hanging the pictures, ?? ...


... -THE: H TMAAS [ AMUSEMENTS. -, * a _ _ ?? lTHE .PANTOMIMES. Not perhaps since the commnencement of -the Christmas holidays have there been so =nhv people abroad as were to be seen everywhiere throngh the city yesterday. Boxing Day is. per excellene fthe one set apart by citizens and visitors from the country who have been within d..oors during the celebration of the great popular moani- ...


... f1lrTOnY OF TrE Tis 1'J1.5DYTnA1UAN Cnuacrr. By the Rev. Thomas Hamilton, Dr,., Belfast. 13ddiuburgh: T. & T. Clark. Tuis work by our townsman is specially intended as a handbook of Churbh history for Bible classes and students connected with the Prefibyteriau Church in Ireland, and is a iinely-executed piece of literary Forkmanuship. Mr. HIamoilton, thougb a aoe.nparatively young writer, has ...


... THE Paris corresplondent of the Daily Telegraph says :-An amusing comedy in three acts, L e Tailleur pour Dames -the ladies' tailor-by a young author, 'Al. Georges Feydeau, son of the famous novelist of that name, has just been pro- duced at the Theatre de la Renaissance. The play abounds in comic incidents and situations, and is acted with such sparkling and spontaneous gaiety and Verve, ...


... THE AUTHORSHIP OF SHAMESPEARE'S * p PLAY0.' LECTURIEt ;BY Dllt. ESAit IN connection with Dlay Street Literary Associa. tion a leoture was delivered last evening by Dr. Eiler, on The Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays. Rev. R. J. Lynd presided, and the attendance was large. The' lecturer gave a rapid sketch of Shakespeare's early life, an (Ia vivid de- sCriptioU of his birthplace. With ...


... F IsON1 I AD VARIETlES. Aa_ 'ITHE COURT. Wmdsor Castie, doudiy.a , 'The 1)iees: iei'etout th's morning, ac-omjpanfed i, Princess Irene of lles. PrtI'cese Bflatricc. attended by .Miss Bmuer. also went rc }ourT i 'hbe loys., f Cizsti. H- o-pioalp o icte foundatio in (1 King Churles 1I came from London to-day to exhibit their daawing- and charts to her Majest;. Tha Queen, accompanied by Princeas ...


... FASHION AND VARIETILS. Sir E.'Harland, Bart., has left Kingntown u for England. c Colonel and Mrs. Ready have left Kings- towa for England. T A. E. J. Croly, A.31.D., has left Kings- P town for England. Lord A. Butler arrived at Kingalos~wn yes- a' terday from England. * ci The Hon. H. Gibson arrived at Kingstown yesterday from; HEigiand. T General Dormer arrived at Kiingstown P yesterday from ...


... FASHION -AND VARIETIES. Lady Helen Stewart has left Kingstown for England. General Sir Redvers Buller has left Kings- townfor E and. Professor and Mrs Hadden have left Kindgs- tonri for England. Lady Carew arrived at Kingstown yester- day from England Captain May arrived at Kingstown yester- day from England. Captain Shelton arrived at Kingstown yes- terday from England W Jennings, R M A, ...


... THE DUBLTN SOCIETY'S MUSICALI RECITZAWLS. The eighth oi these delightful and instructive performances was given yesterday at four o'clock in the Thluatre of the floyal Dablin Society House, which was crowded. The teats were oecu- pied so early that there can bie no doubt that if j the The-t~re ha d been half aslarge ar~aiu it wvould| have been fillIed. The first piece wav fozart Is fine ...


... CIIRISTANIAS AM11USEMENTS. ?? Whatever custom wills, in all things let us do it. If this dictum has any woeieht at all, and that the ordinance shuld ble obey d, there call I 1 be but little doubt what our dtaics are at this r season of the year, the mere particularly so when i| such efforts are made to provide us with oppor- t tunities fur enjoyerent. Father Christmias, with f his rubicund ...


... ! I I FASO:AND VARIETIB&. THE COURT. Windsor Castle, Friday. The Queen and the Duchess of Albany drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by Lady Waterpark. Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg also drove. The Earl of Limerick kissed hands yesterday evening on his appointmnent as Lord-in-Waiting to her Majesty. 'The Queen drove out this morning, accompanied by ?? Highess Prinoess Beatrice. ...


... THE MADDENT LIBRARY. e 'esterday the sale of this interesting collection wa.s brought to a close. As on the previous dav, ha there was a very large atteudance. especialiv I towards the close of the day, 'vhen the c.isA taken from the faces of, sote of ' the men of s'9S w-ere to be disposed of. Dr Kenny, 31 r was the purchaser at £zO of the vact of Robert l mmet, which was taken four hours ...