... S-MITIIFI7I I) SETOW. is VISIT Oi IlE PRIXCE AND PRINCE:SS OF WA LES.J I'?1 -- 11e LOCAL PI'II: V WINNERS. .Tlue eighty-n lit aln nul caeittlesll ivhofvt Itilemith- ImideI Club, C1 IVIicI 5I- Cimi10 MP. is preestidemie er opened at tho A pircultur va-haill. Ilgton Cif 1Y Monday morning, the judger commencing work I citrily aftor nine. Ali tihe animals Lie ir gorod to ihet tip. the veterinarv ...


... ' 'ITALAN OPERA COMPANY. The revival of the enterprise known as Her Majesty's Italian Opera Company, alluded to yesterday, does not necessarily imply that Italian opera itself, like the fabled Plicenix, is about to renew its existence. Pending the long-talked-of production of Signor Verdi's Ot4llo, Italian opera appears still in a moribund condition. But opera in Italian isquite another thing; ...


... AGRICULTURAL NEWs. THIE BEEDS FAT STOCK SHOW.. [FROMs Oug OWE REPOflrns.]1 LsnnsS, TuesdaY.; The Leeds Smi;thfied Ea stc shw ihoee this morning in the Leeds Coloured Cloth Hall, can-a not b-sdisinguished above its predecessors either in: she extent of its entries or in the quality of stock exhibited. Breeders from the north of Scotland used. to be fairly well represented here, but the prizes ...

Our Library Table

... -our JUbrarP Zablt* ZI~sfa~cos IdedtUtie. ] J. B. Wa re- (Londo: i Diprose and Bateman.) hi little Jvolume is a colnetioi of the stories 02 debrated coases of imposture. from the Martin Gnerre to ?? case. They are a remdarkhble series of 3 Farra'ives includi ing the courier of vyonm, form in others. V wemay remind Mr Ware, however, that the atn gustioe Bovill tried the first Tiobborne ease. .5 ...


... l) T/4P; Cwssre~ct rtf-'cZi' Dcnsic A rcl7itetcfs1rf I o 'Sco'ind. lodernl usage has now so much limited the application of phrases like domestic architecture that it is seldom thought of except in connec- tieD with mere cottage or street work, and then generally, it imust be added to the credit of the profession, how convenience or utility and 1 health may be best securedc alone with such I ...


... OitCriES 'RAT, CONCERT. r~or't, 0ra50 hi D ?? R H' ?? isic. \V I~. etrho Cor ?? Wo'n- * Sa~si~ ii M~lS?,i ?? jr.4,t:5l II Sourtt. Aim a'ler He 2ia er ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .. The now overture by Tr F. Hf. Cower, 00th` frthe openieg of the Liverpool Exn'l. and Performed her fo h is ime Is:.l right, is one Of a, cls fwrs, the producti ii ~iwhich, has recently becomne epiemlric ina ot r ...


... Yesterday the Dublin Art Club opened their jwinter exhibition at thre Leinster Hall, Moles- worth street. The collection of pictures is, taken all round, an excellent one, and the exhibition can claim to be the best which the society has yet succeeded in getting together. The committee may be congratulated upon the way in which they got tbrough the difficult task of hanging the pictures, ?? ...


... I A WRITER in the Queen, dilates on the season- f able topic of daucing dresses. There are a variety f of stuffs to choose frlmt this year wlhena dancing. 3 gown has to be decided on. Tulle is always the l most costly and the most legaut ; its soft filni- ness culiarly becoming to youth, and young a married women who dance introduce haudsome panels and embroideries with it. The skirts of tulle ...


... N F'W ZeLA'6~AZ Im, d Tbera ia much 12 ;in ns, n nm whejh ?? imagaznL. 0ecia'ugood tloton c ?? the wond'esl that, it has not linked itself with liriodica1' literatura efore'now. Tbe.magLaziO that berlt ,for theaI firat:tinieii'not, lioweMer, a mere oftierthoughtZ 'It was I suggedtedflong-ago, whia the fieldj wse perfeotly open, 1 and wheriit wroldrhave been'easy, for it to Winavour everywhere ...


... -4 COVENT GARDEN. So successful was the grand circus entertainment given here last season that the experiment, on a yet larger and more attractive scile, is to be repeated this, under the manageussnt of M![r. A. Henry asi the eques- trian manager, and of the ever-csurteous Mr. Douglas Cox as business manager. At home and abroad, to judge by the programme that has been put forward, circus ...


... LITERARY AND ART NOTES, ETc. The Queen has accepted a presentation copy on satin of Mr. Humphry Ward's new book, ?? Art in the Public Galleries of London,' the first three parts of which have lately been published by Messrs; Boussod, Valadon, fand Co. A new work on the Federation question will shortly be published by Messrs. Swan Sonnenschein and Co. It is entitled IThe Unit of Imperial ...


... PRINCESS'S -THE3ATRE. (Under the Management of Mr. C. H. HAWVTREY.) TO.NIGTIT, at 8.e1, will be acted a New and Orizinal Play, in a Prologue and Fterce Acts, entitled HARVEST, by H. HA5IXLToN, vwith the following cast :-Messrs. Arthur Dacre, C. H. Hawtrey, Bradn ''homas;,W. H. Denny, VYorke Stephens; Mesdames Amy Itoselle, FannYBrough, A. Meanor, Carlotta Addisonl, &c. Pereeded by a N ew and ...