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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOS SALE THIS DAY amd To.M&IXROWP. - CoNDITmO S-y n SALE READY. - EXSCaORS SAL. WILLIAM H. BEDftEY 35sq, Deceed LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ROCK VILE, BL4ACgEOl. -A desirable Gentlemuanly Resdence, standing upon about 12 acrett , S Residne of Household Furniture and Appointments, P Hothouse Plants, Garden Implements, Vee A phaeten, a quantity of linen, Tr etc, etc.t TA M E S H. NORT t sl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. U1LA I E T Y T REA TR E. {JTHIS B;VEN'1N G ffefe$11dYl27 Ja 52ith, at 7 30, *5th Week of tshe enorniouly auccesl Pantomime, BLUE BEARD. The reign of Blue Bearui at the Galety is row ap- Oroching a caonclusloo, but the popularit of the per- ermnnce shoess no signs of being on the wane; on the sontrary, the houses for the past few weeks have been ,rordoed 3aid the andiences ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; AUMTON-S. Ae ?? THIS DAY IN yOrNMt7-ATION. In re the Trust Estate of FS and CO.'T BE SOLD BY T AUCTON, BAINES and CO. THIS DAY (Wednesday), VA1UNES'and% CO. AtM WRSTMORLA.NfD-ST, BAI3 ES and Co. The remaining portion of BARNES and CO. STOCK-LN.TRADE, ?? Pipes, and AR4NES and CO. Miscellaneous Property B) Also Fittings. Iron Safe BAR-lESE and CO. ScalJ.:, Weights, ?? ?? FS an. CO. Sitable to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . TO BE GIVENT AWAY, CASH riEZES, - n enmmnthoratioan-o the JUBThp~r of ITor M-t1-~ end Fifty Poundls in Cub,~ ritjes xviii ibe Pce'sented enz- 1s~~ re-airasseing the ?? lete 'ci`iii 'Serqbzl -Prize ?? Third P ?? ?? F~rh 1P r i ?? ?? in detinto TW'FNT -FVIV edictr Cash P' r&I 0, ?? JKLLINGS, ~eachi, nct~iiu roud t:'ca! inv 0i es UUXDPLED~ AND) FiFThc PQLND'5liS GClI DIIED CASKH PRIZES. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 71N en ran Lards at aowns; the largest assortmienlt I VI-.: city ts.t hawoi's, saiupiesbeilt post free o0 appli- af . n n.iii~ewrst, ceaper sa lestin quality, design, e ..3re. ?? ; ln b, Esgisb.r and French patterns; 9 *>t-i5a Pntro Mortuary Cards a slaeci-.litv; Creurefh PorchL X .- Orar3 Cards it, great Variety; 1Otz. e 0W Deaths, r e A. e.-r.,ud'ilenuezt:ojlori) Cite e An aosl te:llto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _V Memo Aami CardS at Laton's the 13rgest amortientE .1w tbe cdy is at Lazton's; cmplessentpost free on appli. ,3zioa; ;be atewst. cheapeat.. aud heat in quasty. design, price. Arm au EaMOUi ; Iriah, iUgiibi, and French patterus; r:ato;'s P'hoto Mortlar Cards a speciality; CMurch S orc _d Oratory Cards in great 'A riety; Notice of Deats, I neralmcin Cllemtnlto Noci) Omce Anuounc2enttse cT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A 1 E T 2 T REATX RE. G TH fi31 EV;EN1NG (Thurs'ay), Jan i3 (at 7 30), The Grsd Pantomime, BLUE BEAUi. TIP-Chrigma s Panutomninne at the Gaiety has nows en. lered upon its third w' ek, andi the goodopinions whch Were ?? of its merits on the opening day have in no aylimbisea w e ehasoths in evidence inthegood atudiences who ensemble nightly to witness Blue Beanrd rhe Panwmime ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~~t,_W~izr~ 3i c' ?? re- M g nlso-zV~a,= the ?? ssnk~g hvn e~er~ei~ pen cei, at' present Oz Ib~~s . sat s I. sdLYcs.1 3359, e02n.ce.oli cN b highi:; roon~~ Inisuhet is7: LL.IVandr Smale.3; just disenglitz'j, yoting Lady iwises isusjonas ?? faist yerar' pf i?411; Ff and Salt,: w'anted ..saivtoa as atasa by Lay;2 ar exnrreeoe; ecelicus rdferelie. gse.addrj,, 62)Z4, vr~ein~ar 04lie. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j:ive;i~ : at Ea:o' a; the iargeat amortment : 1. ?? I ?? S.; ..rv Ittlt puat free oil Tpil I; ?? c.'a .r 'at tr ?? , design, i . _ 1 ?? . ?? F£itc patterns; . t4,ea a ?? .Uturci ?? A. -l t I-ali t '-rTiltf . .Ntilt'o of IJ-evs, ?? .: ci ?? C'ILt a Arnailoneentsseotls t.: Si .tzd;'tn S ?? ' .1 ii'ne staC: arid ?? r;DllJ. t1 Fz and %a.L1'.ius.rea at \'alec a. Ienrille street. AI:.u ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. _ CROOKE,Auctioneer and Valuator, oeze Y1. to state thiat he cosnharlilS to Mza3k Liiberla Ca~sh Aciaem on Freehex't and Leasveholkd In;.erests in Lauds and U'touse*, interests in Grocery, Wine, and Soirit Establi.bmeoes, and on all kinds of Merchandise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L CROOE, A ?? and Valustor, to Ante that be contearzea to nake IAbegd C~h AAMIhM on Ytehed Md LeTsehold ?? £t~dn and 'HocSeS, Intereds in Grocery, Wine, sd 3allshm, and OD a~ll ?? r ort-bamflse pr(ut~el Proper.y that mnav be tr:ausforrid or ceo- gned to Ern ;:.r bona idde Sale, e~tlier bv PoUbe c .Anfon orPr)vat- 'ru.aoo 5re are ?? It hS1 EO~h5 5. *~ety of Liceaned floassee tor -is- by Private ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A IS T Y THIEA-XT RE. i L'TCSIElC, (M1tondafl. Jau 1)) (at r,30), ?? lkmtomixne, BLUJE BEARD. AYI'HRF,- GALEF- SUC-CESS-. Roars of lengirte at the DLONDLN1 IONKEY. Gogou agnificn ony tieautiful Ballets. *an Uuri'esd~mti Troupe of Artists, 'IToL MniusLEO VJLLE-$, Akndtbe VANZSHING M1AN. Fn~usmtkc re-ttptwzit of Th(Lwi grest LitOi.OttaI bai, 't, itn ?? Troupe. Uxzboutid-i ea'utlu-i.,#suz. ...