... 0 KEMrPTON PARK RACES. YESTseanAY-v th notigto interfere with thle meeting in the Sunbury v'alley, the atenance at I'emplton. Park evas; en exceedingly good one all round. Rtoyalty, however, was not represented, but there was a large and aristocratic company in the meanbere' stand, while the oltfir enclosures were fairly well Pseteoniced. The werather fotncaussly continued fine while thle ...


... s SPORTING INTELIGENCE. RACING NOTES. To the disaP POli utmnt of lovers of coursing, and especially Of thosewho had assembled in the A ltesr ground this morning, the I stewards found it necessary to postpone the commencemnnit Of proctedinga in the Waterloo Cop until to-morrow. The start isI lixed-fer ten o'clock, end tine first trials are to be run at Hil11 House, wheirb the ground Is better ...


... SPORTING NEWS, ):rT~rD~v ravure. wth eater f tlemost charming description, acid Is) striking contrast to the two preceding' days, til iiietac to witness the racing on ties Cup Day, In cite elsucal part, wvas as large as we ever recoeceer, or at least quite 1its ennsrosn [so sit any time in recest Years. T.he las-n presented a Lmtent geay and. asimateci apspacirtece, aind tiles toilets of the ...


... SPOING NEWS 0~UB OAKS ARK RAOES, -osorigtlre counter ettrecttons, the Dank Fou0 v r ales runy tbe describeda~s a success, the nunrL 0 Ilieattendlance large, The ?? of itp.iet h ints were wrong, ani t ibs rues had to tie A (us race sees, however, substituted, uinder ~niistthe citi0 ?? ?? 100ar' ?? TU ?? 411,r lve anil u1pwards; list ?? ;r aI nd g winn ert tub sold for IOU tove, If for 50 ...


... - PRIZE SHOOTING AT STONELEIGH. Yesterday the annual prize slooting of the 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Reglment, took place in the Deer Park at Stoneloigh, kindly lent for the purpose by Lord Leigh. The weather was fine, but the attendance of the general public was small. Amongst those present were Lord Leigh, Sir Arthur Hodgso , Colonel Fielding, Major Grundy, ae. Tht shooting commenced ...


... STOURBRIIDGE CRICKET CLUB ATHLETI I SPORTS. The tenth hnnual sports of this club were held ysterday after. nosoh en the cricket ground, in the presence of a vdry ltrgo assemrbly of people. The weather wae all that could be desdred, Tile judges vcro: Messrs. Beardsall (president N.C.A A), E. T. Dowiby (president ?? LH. H. Lockrane, S. Golder, W. J. Turvey, H. .Turvey, and Major Webb. Mr. T. ...


... MR. DAVITT AND THE NATINAL LEAGUE.: A PROOLAIMDMEETING. lv Jaconnectionwitlj the evictions on Colonel G'Callagbans wt ,eteM.Davitab addressed a publict eale iteneighbourhood of. Scariff, yesterday mCin. OO pul announcement had been maade of the* gathering, s 'but the authorities appear to have come to the conclusion . that a meeting of some kind was to he' -hold in the in district, and word ...


... S R. ?? YORK RACES. . 1: PROGRAMIMEE FOR TBIS DAY. 2.15-The GLACsaeu PLATE (Handicap) of 153 svsoa winsaie extra. . Thrac-quarters of ia mile.. age St lb Liftey * 6 ,. 7 Governor Wailer a.e , . 3 BItashCef ?? , 4 9 4 Mo0sque * ,. - 7 712. Orthodox - . .- 4 9 4 Aztec. .. 5 10 St. Vincent a 0 0 Eight Bells 3 7 10 Jeareel.-. 4 12 Dilnbaiei. . 3710 Music Wlaster . it B 9 Brbdste . 3 7 7, Brownie 3 ...


... SATURDAYSFOOTBALL MATOHES ASSOCIATION RUXLES. ENGLISH OUr TIES-FIFT ELROUND.; ASTON VILLA v, H1ORNOASTLE. Cerisidarieig that thide match was looked upoer as ia moral cre. tainsty for thle Villa, thle attendanree at Perry Barr en Saturday was a very goon one0, Sonlic tics thousand persons being present. As was antIcipated, thle Villa won easily, being supe~rior to their opponents at all points ...


... ' ' ' SPORTING NEW ?? ?? I DERBY ST1EtPLEOUASES. YflTtRbAY-.iA hard frost Let ins after midnight on Mondclay, adrsscieggppiered.I sjsossibie in tble.rurminlg. E;veqnseaas, liaosesr, ¶ere adopted ts the execuative ito avoidd postpbssment, and assisted by the sun's rays, racing was found to bie practicable at; the tintsadvertised. The weather constinuted flo e..nit Cold cultrpgthsep eteige, but ...


... NEWMAR{KET RACES. ygor'r~AV.Thofins ?? a~ssociated with thle three pee. reile dsy5- fairly broke down, atny forebodinge of which were nolerlen~red. when the morning opened daill and cheerless, and ,,oe nooi rain began to fall with a steadfltiee that prognosti. tl,il c.,lvliig bet a pleasant time tor those who patrosniand the Tlbs raint continued to fall osors or Ices dunring the day, eind ...


... [ROYAL LIVERPOOL GOLF CLUB I i he spring ?? t bis ch4 Which ccM- rpexwd on fase awas tooutfted yesterday, golfer and ohirntertid rX the game. D scoring, an omex t~~s.l plaz toolr plae ?? c spiies were deeipathd fruni th~e tee; jUr. L.SW1.ker Mr. Leal n MiJ M l ard Giene r M~ ea XS .Aoyd and DU. A.b . C SI. IL Vormeand Mr. 3A Wlimo lbr. X WzosnANdr~ Zan Wilkis M. . i). Lanes and 1r. T. R. ...