... BAGLEY MEET12T41. SATURDAY, OCT. 2S. Jkofte3tr Owarwridc. t1Wpar: A l9L Tbe third and encluding day of this drea- fally span-ont meeting was favoured with erv beautiful weathet. thaaks to which the sport .wis h tlrgh y enjoyel by the small number a f visitrS lreuent HEres again proved very ?? to find, %nd lkilly four hours were! ocenpied in bringinr off the seven coarese re4ared to finieb the ...


... SPORTINGN r I KEMPTON PARK NOTES. MONDAY NmG. a ee iudirationg- of frost. to-pight, bat not e ment to threaten interference with the Kemnpton Park meeting, w'uich takes plate to- morrow and on Wednesday. A eavital Progrumme has been issued, sad although to-night's arrival list i small, it will be ncreased to sunh an extent in the morning that good fields mav be anticipated My seeections for ...


... Il ON . OAST .L AND i I 1Ail PJROUP 7I Z oi, 7 n oi S a, MZ. ta the g A of U a:. Crast of ?? wa pnvde wsi~e f at ~o the g t wbe, as %nd th ~ lwtydweoesse by trir 3i' ~ ote mahe ci the Gisdt ' e' 'Thes dint. was f£e Uber Os t4t by s and ei c t w e Ic who -dw wfidigly er n this duty. j.-:n were i:et ~ e, beide r :d~ olad toe, andlh& ' Drw i' ba t Ve Wma p' Wfit ?? t 4 ai d D= Gib the ...


... The above club commenced its annual autumn meeting yesterday, at Hoylike. As compared with former gatherings, the turn-out yesterday was -ery disappointing, the nnly crack golier tro:n Scotand being Mr. J. E. Laidlay. who has been csrrying all before him in the North, and was fully expected to have done the same, NesterdaY, at HIoylake. as on Tuesday last, while plaving a friendly match of 36 ...


... C O. LANCASRIRE v. DERBTHIRIEa Pleasant weather favouredtberopening of the ;match between Lancashire and Derbyshire at Manchester yesterday, but a very high wind, 1 blowing end on, interfered conssderably with some 2 of tbe bowlers. Winning the toss, Derbysbire 3 went in first, but fared so badly against Barlow 0 and Watson, the latter of whom kept an admirable 8 length against the wind, that ...


... LiS l udleft. nd the FOU OAKS XOT . ?? WXMMME)s.Y aqm 91 R Lthe Four 0a ineetingo-m^rd . a dke y.n HanE ply 'the anowt.l1 of lat]e- Ie ,FM cthe-eou'e, Wboh wfl biomnad in T ?? y e i s a we *Fdali a rwellhe~nthe f Onornr For kof te -a~ S ?? Quifctos -B~o~b .,t ?? Suton Humors' Fia Race 2Mifai Han i Wa D e Z CwST -ositio inBpam-* LONJox BETT Thecnbwvrepaaftt-dedrto-daybut tnd&. itaer wwravetry ...


... ?? I - , i - . - - . - 6l I- : SPORTM G. ' : : X ...


... I 'SPORTING1. I NORTHAMMTN SNOTES. Moisnv WNM Given favourable weathr, of which theme is every likelibooo *A the timo of tealgtophinzs large company may be eretd to atrey this old-fashio3 gatheing; bu aitostesbh events bre swvecred ;1siegile enties, th. betao likely goinuetitors Is not goe The EarlSpencer's Plato may Dot briiig §nt more than te2 runufes, *nd latet advijes lead me to stmd ao ...


... FIMTUnEs FoR THis DAY (SATURDAY). CRICM Ambroa v. Riverhdele, 8Sfton Park Dlrlenhad Paxk v. Western, Birkenhd Part Bipotle v. 1rabotosgh Pool, Bootle; pecond leveNe, Bromborough Orkenbetd VIctoria v. Ormnldrk, ormekrk; scond elevens, Bikenhead Park Broad Oreen v. Wots A team, Broad Gteen Boughton Hall v. Whalley 1a4ge, Boughton Olu Birkdale v. Northern, Waterloo; aecoud levena, Bfrk- dale ...


... I' ~ . SPOTING. NEWARKET HOGRSES AT EXERISE A fine mouing, On the Bury side, WAUGH sent Ripon a mile and a balf, and Tapatry mare a mile and a ouater Janvrss Fiasco and Oliver Teist, Guni's Wity Prince and 3ferry Hampton, J. DAwsc ES.'s Frehwater, Caller Herrin, and Retirement with Jsvmnrs Kilwnr- line, travelled a uile and a quarter; GComne'as Good Nibht, Midas, Carntge, Eccentricity, ...


... j .espite the fact that the frost in almost evey distrit caused the cancelment of Rugby matches,,i th, iternational was brought to a auccm fsl issue 'at Lbinelly. The Woishmen bave so much in-, proved year by year since the institution of the mateh ?? semow- ago that a ?? contest W anticipated, but-zo one fancied the English team- would have been unable -to score a major point ajat the - ...


... SP0ORTING. I pLONDON BETTING.I MomAY Ev31MrrG. A. few bets were maede to-day on the Derby, for which 5 to 1 wees freely tendered againist The Baran, while 503 to S5 and 50 to 60 booked to florentine caused the latter to be a good second favourite. Grandison found a backer at 11 ponies, and a little money was invested on Glenstsrae at, 40 to !. L_ _ _ _ _ _ LATHOM FOX IERE COURSING. An. ...