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Advertisements & Notices

... B A LMO)R . -IL C A P ES. -E SttOWV AT' PP.ESENT A VA URIET.T U ; asil o c and cotch PIulre Wool Tweeds, Liaht. War-m. and P1EREECVLY VATtEI- PROOV, for Balmcral Ce; and Donxigal W~rappers. CORNHILL CLOTH COMPANY. |. ~ ~ ~ 114S j A. MELYILLE & CO. TELEPHONE NO. UN|RFNERAL I . , MNI) 362. GENE RAL POSTING. *.TOWMNSE.ND STREET. 22097 ANNUAL CLEAR.ANCE SALE. BEG TO I N T I M A T E THAT MY ANNUAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUB1L10 NOTICRES. [ I -D 1 E Y T IH-E A T P IL iS Grad Usy Perfonnance.1 TO-DAY (Sattdy). Jdaunty st, at I 90. - A&nd Eveuninlg at 7; 30. Tot ?? ran-tommie, ANOTHiER G411-TY SCtCES. BLE BEARD. ltoarso. laughterat thle BLOSDD;'> DON[EEZ Gorgeous os maraes, . Magnificent Sceners, : }eanti'lul IBalletg) An Unrivalleid Troupe of Artists, 'The GarveiFITS L011;S And the - VANISDING MAN. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. MrCROEOO, Auctioneer aind Valuatr, *eg L .to shtte -that he con~ne to make LAberal .Dmh Advancea on Freehold and Leasehold Interestsin E Lands and Houme, Interestin Grocery, Wine, and 9ptrit Establisabnlz, and ha all kinds of Merchandise ar Chtt~el Propirty that nay be trasisfetred or COn- igned to him for bona Ete Sale, either/by Public ?tuction or Private Treaty There are always on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ofl i S HnANISOPP i EAROTET A~t PATS OF N'GLAIND AND CTAi i LARNE AM)NT STRAAE `I-ans go, alongside Stetnzner at arn5 ?? See. rci~ay ad leepng Canages runk through etee Stanrar and ondo, bosh via L. and 1GW. - Stiluad Ra~lwys.- Daily Sailings (Sundays Znd Christmas flay exceptedl. Train Service as fol- lows :-Lss vs Belfa~st (York RosSl) at 4~-15 p-m.; London ?? foll'owying, --tnig at 1--i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. O LET1. a NEW HOUSE, Aginconr.t Avenue;, T b bct and cold water; plate-glass windows.- lEI. & J. Murtin. 221)32 . 0 LET. Furnisced or TnliLruisbed, DE- i T TACRED I-HOUSE, nich garden, near 'Botanic Gar lens: thzree reception aud Ei7, bed rooms-Address, B., 22260, News-Letter Office. F 0 mLET, DWELULNG-HO USE. STABLES Lanxrd large YARDo.6. ?? VILL~A GE: ROAD: stables ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NISEUSOEUS CEUISTMAS A1D NEW YEARS PRESENT,8. J. EDMUNDSON AND CO. ., (LIMITED) Have a Large Stock of Useful and Ornamental Articles Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, TRE NEW ~Including DT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A OWN Cr GOIXD ar 3Coronet , Ipeirls R, ibe priv.Lege of iew to have, but any Lady can rejoice in a glorious Head of Hair- Natare's own diadem and title to dinity- the + use *fL Mrs S A Allen's World's Iir ertoer. , 31RS. S. A. ALLENS IVOR.D's HAIR RESTOPIEPR IS PERrFMCTION For resto-ing (Grey, Whlti or F.J,.h d Hlair to iv. ynnthfal Colour, CIosS and Beauvy. lv renews its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NMe:noriam Cards at Earon's; the largest assortment lif Plte ci;:; id :t l atons: sililtpessetilt past tree Oil aippli- ,;itioii; the newest, clieaimt. aid best ii qpaliaty, design, Price, are at EaYrts. s l sh, n h and I relaL patiterus; PaUrfl 's Photo Molrtuary C:aec-s a speciality; Canerch Porch Laid Oratory (aiteds i, great va:eietv: ?? of Dye-aths, k ,iUeral. aut(ecticltlto aiort) Office ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. DRAYWING-ROOM and one or more BED- A1L ROOMS to Let, convenient to Gardens.- Address given at News-Letter Office. . 22607 _ HOUSES, ETC. NT E D, until May, FURNISHED W Aouse in Bangor, Pickbe side; two sittirg and* three bedrooms.-Apply, stating I terms, Z., 22600, Newcs-Letter. nTANTED, by the month, a well-farnished ( W H zOUSE on the Antrim Bond; three sitting-roorms and six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr~~wv~~ss edR~~~x4 uwrC' ?? ~1 12y. $ b&-fs& CxaOLU 44~ vA 4 XrowB ,1212 .3ny12al _sd qn d-ai f ik~ 'un, c pa iS3i4 i0i 4o~'flĀ¶0'S$ 30202 ~ ?? pa Iondetp t ~ HT:XowoRy;$s~at1,4Wa atn 4z. ?? waopdei. 4O4aklA. VJ~ Uu + Nz. v W) 2SZ e sa,- dm Itro -U, to; rsh, 401 IPX S~~-a~n:I-i-csppur itefoo ?? c,;A> I ,14 ?? P-os'r ?? psdlo. I L2%2,ur.own ba ?? ziwzo on-a. pablin oW'. ?? 6.2.. %xF,'sZc 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLYDE SHW11PING COMPANY. ELFAST TO LODON DIRECT r L1ONDON {i.Katharine Dock) TO BELFAST DjIREC'T Eacryr TU ESDAY and EPaAY BLLFAST To PLYMOUTH DIRIECT every WED. 10 NESDAY and SATURDAY. atnd t OTAPo 'n StEDNESDAY, carrying Goode at Moderat Through Rates to EXETER and principal towyns in the South of England. 5- DIRELT SERVICE TO CORK pi EVERY TUESDAY, ANND TO WNATERP0BnR 1 on TUESDAY and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE. j)A I X TVI T HJZATB}D, The Gadahrinust Panolu e, BLUE BEARD. AqOTHERR GATX Y SUCES13 Boa of lagte t tfie BLONDf DO!IEY. Magnificen S eeti Malt . Am dbe4 Troupe of Aztsts, - A'nd tbe VANSH~G 3.E In Usefr Peait horizonwa bar act. C mhouiputian Lwer Tr And the Gonental IleTroupe. urbeumded euthusiasm Unp-ecodented succesS. - Day Performance, SATURDAY NEXT, JSn 8th, at 130. ...