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... Pantomime at Covent Garden Theatre. Air. W. Freeman Thomas and Air. Purkiss are proceeding most actively with the arrangements for Jack and the Beanstalk, and several important matters were settled on Wednesday, such as .the placing of several thousand pounds in a bank to start with, and the engagements already made are numerous. A committee con sisting of Alessrs. Lewis Thomas, Lloyd, Crowe, ...


... OUR CAPTIOUS CRITIC. PLEASURE. As I passed into Drury Lane Theatre the other evening in my captious capacity the police in spector standing in the entrance said to me with a smile, So you have come here for pleasure, sir? Whereat, living The pleasure displayed is, I fear, of an unnecessarily vicious order. Its character is only too plainly foreshadowed by the poster whereon Garrick between ...


... . The Witch, Mr. Mursliam Rac's adaptation of the popular German drama Die, is not a play that we should ourselves, have expected to prove so much to the taste of the public as it does at the St. James's, now occupied for a brief season with its representation. It has a strong sceno between a couple of sisters, the nobler of whom has been jilted for the weaker by a knight who is false to ...


... MUSIC. JENNY LINT). A GREAT singer; a woman endowed with intellect of no common order heart and hand ever open to the appeal of melting charity; admirable in private, as in public life has been taken from us, and it is with pleasure, not with melancholy, that I comply with the request of the editor of this journal, that I should furnish some account, of her Career with some personal ...


... MTJSICJ. SPOHR'S CALVARY. THE Novello Oratorio Concerts, established last year, have taken their place amongst the most valuable of our musical institutions. During the current season modern works of great importance have been for the first time presented to metro politan audiences, and on Tuesday last a welcome addition was made to the Novello concert repertory, in Spohr's second oratorio, ...


... . No contrast could well be broader than that between the second and third plays in which M. Coquelin has appeared during his present stay at the Royalty. M. Paul Delair's L'Ainé, with its strained sentiment, it elaborate analysis of motive, and its laborious development of character, is as essentially a work of to-day as Don César de Bazan, with its dashing incident, ingenious intrigue, and ...


... . THIS theatre was opened last Saturday for the first of a series of Promenade Concerts, under the management of Mr. J. H. Mapleson, with an accomplished musical director and conductor in Signor Arditi, who has engaged an excellent band, including twelve first violins, ten second violins, nine violas, seven violoncellos, eight double-basses, and a full complement of brass and wood, wind and ...


... DRAMA. GLOBE THEATRE. A BRIGHT, airy, but very unsubstantial entertainment is that now provided at the Globe with the revival of The Snow ball and Crazed, and the production of a pleasant new comedietta, After Many Days. The pièce de résistance is, of course, Mr. Grundy's comedy, a more or less faithful, and decidedly dexterous version of Oscar; ou, le Mari qui Trompe sa Femme, one of the few ...


... . MR. MAPLESON has this season set a good example to operatic managers in general by faithfully keeping the promises con tained in his prospectus, so far as fidelity was practicable. Gluck's Orfeo would have been given, had not the Euridice on whom he relied proved false to her troth. Of Leila we have already spoken, and have now to congratulate Mr. Mapleson on his successful revival of ...


... . WHEN a husband attempts to keep from his wife and from his mother-in-law such a secret as that in which the hero of A Tragedy involves himself, he ought to know pretty well how heavy will be the penalty of failure. This, however, is what Mr. Gregory Grayson never seems to realise until he is in the thick of the troubles resulting from the discovery of his theatrical freak. He writes a ...


... . IT is a pity that Mr. Mortimer did not see his way to giving more dramatic interest to his last adaptation from the French. A Parisian audience is satisfied with much less of story and situation than is demanded by English playgoers, and it would allow the cleverness of MM. Barriére and Capendu's character- isation and the wit of their dialogue to compensate for many deficiencies. The merit ...


... . Court Life in Eqi/pt. By Alfred J. Builer, Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford Author of The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt. With Illustrations. London: Chapman and Hall, 1887. MR. BUTLER, as will be judged from the circumstance of his having written the book mentioned on the title-page, is an Egyptologist, and has had peculiarly favourable facilities for the compilation of his Court ...