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... THIE SONG OF THE GAB. lv,N ?? feei: eirivps weary and wern, C AitIh *pos beavy as lead, N A h l~nto,. as he event to town, Jl .orsIef paper read. ?? I L tti hi thlirougli in the cab, P AId than, in a voicr that seemed to beseech. C us III, he 'song of the Gab. C 'T dk.-tatlk..tahli I .It, thieir cliuinq are crowing aloof C w t!le ot trs ?? olt tila roof. to 11bv a rule 1 Iite 'b oi the ba ...


... I Wild asa hawk, bldek as a lamb: Br4ne as a lion, strong as an ox, Fierce as a tiger, cunning as a fox; Nimble as a squirrel, Spry as hcat; proud ac a peacock, Grey as a rah. Duumb as an oyter, ripe as a cherry. Bel as a lobster brown as a berry. 'Wiie as an owl. 1Back as a crow, Briaht as a button, Dull as a hoe. Bich as a Jew, dirty es a pig, Dizzy as a coot, merry as a grig, tine as a ...

Extracts from New Books

... wIll'Itrad? fromgm 'Rooks. -0- HABITUAL CRIMINALS ri FRANcz.-In France, two-fifths to one-half of all brought before the assizes, and two-fifths of all brought before the Police Corractionnelle Courts, are released prisoners. No less than 72,000 recidivisies are arrested every year; 42 to 45 per cent. of all assassins, 70 to 72 per cent, of all thieves, condemned every'year are rtcidivictes. ...


... . I The Black Cabinet, by Comic ?? (Longmans, Green, and Co.) is as enthralling as a novel. The object of the book is to show that the son of Louis XVL. of France did not die, as alleged, a prisoner in the Temple, but that be escaped, married, and had a family known by the name of Nauendortf, a member of which prosecuted his claim to the throne in 1852, assisted by MI. Jules Favre, who, though ...


... ALL RIGBTS RESERVED, IFAIRFAX OF FUYSTONE: I A NOVEL. dI e BY MRS HlIBEDfT-WAREE e Author of THE KING OF BAsn,` LIFE's SEvLEN AGEs,' d His DYseARrT Wiasi. ' FRIEND ELLWOOD,` &C. e CHAPTE1R XLVIII.- A PRACTICE CONFESSED. r | ;'ih a practice confessed-the prisoners are all dis- a missed at liberty, impatie ntly exclaimed a man wrapped in a horseman's cloak and with his broad brimmed hat ...

Extracts from New Books

... (extratto fv w Tas. CHOLERA iN NArLEsa-Hardly had I made the incision and exposed the vein, than they all shrieked aloud; and as the child, to my horror, collapsed a moment afterwards, the mother cried in her despair, She Is dying ! she is dying ! I sat there with the inanimate child in my arms, fully alive to the savageand suspicious eyes that were followingmyslightest movements. lexpected ...


... BALT AD OF TIUIE' BOO'K WORM. Deep in the p. St I ;'Le wid sed A clhii I:tpoi the flitL ery fl-v'' A 1-t,, Wit3, teXT i1, ii- ttii Uiho a-k o, I;ky (tOivtr, for m- ! 'Alie timb 'r -I bi. L ¶,yIi is IV'. An: otr iii leettoc ?? to' Sbil. Itiw! Itep he divsin air oie - lh., o 'E>s 1 loved, 'l love ?? oWl. (tr'e gi't the fair;.p gavy ?? 7iley 'oo.ioOiili iiesvvwed 'it yorel: 'Ik1' loe of Bhooks, ...


... ALL RIGHTS RESEiV). THE PASSENGER FROM SCOTL.LAND YARD. 0 BY H. F. WOOD, Author of TaE PROLOGnU TO A DRAMA, SauTCHES OP 1'AERIIAN LIFE, &C, CHAPTER XVIh.* Tbc Mysterious Affair of the Gaze do Nord-Imlportant Arrest! Dcanzocn le 'Journadl du Soir!' Dcmaic: 'L'Echotier!'-The Crime on the Northern Riilway- Curious luaicstions-A Strange Story l 'L'Edtwtier 1' Firmt deparaitare . ! These ...

Art and Literature

... ft art And g;itgratum -0e The Earl of Rosplyn has written a Jubilee Lyric entitled Love that Lasts for Ever, which the Queen approves of and has desired to see published. Mir Weale, who is well known for his researches among foreign archives, is engaged on an elaborate history of the art of bookbinding. The subject of this month's Paris fllustr- is La Danse, in which dances of every ...


... LOVE, M D. Oh, she -ines in silk awl satin. She is ?? in rma, ' f ,.tin, As well as ev cry r-ot that urcs belo v lie mrolher earth; She n ails *an.krit, she re ds Coptir, She's the apple of rny oswic: Of degrees she has a lengthy list, and Girton saw her birth. Withi my pulses at a hundred, 'Tis not strong- that shte IIsL blundered, Ard doctored me for fevers when I didn't have a sign; 'TIqs ...


... ALL RG HTS RESHEEYVED. By MRS HUIBBERT.WARE. Author of Tins, KiaQ OF BATH,' LIFE'S .9EVE5 AGcre Ers DEARESTr Wcsni, FiE IV00oo), &C. Mcre than a fortnight bird elasped since that sabboath day destined to be so sadly memorable a one to the nouseholrl at.N~ewitali, inasmuch as the arrange and terrifying SwfoOS, or trance, as her father called it, into which H1,llenf Fairfax lad fallen ...

Extracts from New Books

... WxtvgdS from Ag¢'S#h THE CHARAcrER OF CLIVE.-He meets the most formid- able accusations with bold avowal and a confident justifica- tion. He makes no attempt to soften his enemies or con- ciliate the public, but stands on his meritsand services with a pride which in other circumstances would have been arrogance. Though stern and imperious by nature, his temper was proof against a thousand ...