... TJEICESTER RACES. T VYnTZeoAVx-Thcree was a wonderful change in the weather, T and although it appeared Eninewlsat dloubtfusl about mild-day thre aflesisoon proved beautifully fine, the atnilen here being bright let nod then sun eilsinig with almosti; eurnisrllk owarmth. There wasa lihtincirseIntheatenane.The sport,bhowever, was only or is modierate class. Tiseires farer! better than on the ...


... - DONCASTER 'RACES. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY. 2.0-The FazrEwnsacAar STAKES of 6 soya earls, with 200 added; two-year-olda 7.6 71b, three Sat 21b, four; live, and ?? Sib; selling and other allowances. Three-quarters or a tulle, straight. _ age at lb age St lb) Stourfield (800 save).. 4 523 Subduer(3). a8 7 Heirnsley (600) , .3 86 Ihytlam(00) . 3 7 i G rand Composer (600) 5 8131 Jugglns (300). 3 ...


... FASATURDAY'SFOOTBALL MATCHES 'ASSOCIATION__RULES. STAFFORDSHIRE CUP. WE5T Dno105WsCsn ALsBION vc, Lccic,---Ths5o teams met on tce Stony Lane Ground, West Broruwlich,in the presence of a large c0oncourse of spectators. The visitors set the halt in motion, kicking upbill. Fron'ntics outset tics gems was fast, buet was devoid of Interesting or exciting Incidents during the first imalf-Isour, and ...


... I SPORTING_ NW& - To the Editor of the Daily PoQ&-Sir,-The week just eniding ha~ been a comparatively quiet one on tlie turf, flamptop, Newton, and Alexandra Park alona deomnding attention. The sport has only beeR of a moderate quality, and no event merits any comment. The acceptances for the Northumberland Plate were published on Wednesday, thus anticipating their appearance in the Calendar ...


... BOA ;SEOOLS ATHLETIC ?? ?? ,;DjfSPLkY. ?? HiS- Laut night the third anhal 'gymrniistic displriy by scholars atteniding the Birminghoim BoatdI.Schools wi~s heldl at the Tdwnd Ball.'Th6 Matyor(Aldbrffian Sir Thoma~s iMarti~cau) peided;-' and afictogst' thoso' on-he platform .ver6'Mis8 Kenriiolf. tho Rev. Dr. Crosskoy, the 'Rev E; F. MacCairthy,' .Dr.,,Laujford,1 Mr. 0.G !L.'Kenriek,l Councillor. ...


... Yles'rTcrDtv-Raiher a sharp frost set in at Plumpton ldarisn the early hours of the inorning, and was followed by a slight ail of snow. All traces of the WintCry Weather, however, had jii. appeared before the time arrived to make a coriosiceirenat, i the ground was in capital order throughout tie day. 'Ilj atteodaneC, though not so lirge as usual, was a fairly good eo, and if the card was ...


... *SANDOwN. PARK RACES~ . wa YxsrenitAY,-ln glorious sautumli westher thws meetingwa concluded In the presence of a very large company. The mrem. bets3 ?? arnd thea principal enclosures were wail putronii5ed, while the hand of the Scot~s Guarde again enlivened the proceed- logs. The teeing was of a very interesting description. Bookers, however, bad rlone the beat of the deal at tho close of ...


... YESTERDAY. Tbc BERMNELEBY PLATE, for 16 Bitch Puppies, at £3. ibs. 1ach. Rr.lawodsBeview beat Mr. Mlorganes Lily IX. htr Dareso BueLlghtI beat Mr. 1,eigimlon's Ladly oi the Ynle Mr. Banwell's Little JAt beat eir. Breddy's Beatrice IV. Mr. Dent's MbiS Maudl IT. beat Mr. Smith's Countess t ?? hr. Mor~ane L ady Brownia beat Mr. Williams's Glenosabra MAr. Pies riritisi Lhdy beat Mr. IBrewer's Bed ...


... BAGLEY MEET12T41. SATURDAY, OCT. 2S. Jkofte3tr Owarwridc. t1Wpar: A l9L Tbe third and encluding day of this drea- fally span-ont meeting was favoured with erv beautiful weathet. thaaks to which the sport .wis h tlrgh y enjoyel by the small number a f visitrS lreuent HEres again proved very ?? to find, %nd lkilly four hours were! ocenpied in bringinr off the seven coarese re4ared to finieb the ...


... SPORTINGN r I KEMPTON PARK NOTES. MONDAY NmG. a ee iudirationg- of frost. to-pight, bat not e ment to threaten interference with the Kemnpton Park meeting, w'uich takes plate to- morrow and on Wednesday. A eavital Progrumme has been issued, sad although to-night's arrival list i small, it will be ncreased to sunh an extent in the morning that good fields mav be anticipated My seeections for ...


... Il ON . OAST .L AND i I 1Ail PJROUP 7I Z oi, 7 n oi S a, MZ. ta the g A of U a:. Crast of ?? wa pnvde wsi~e f at ~o the g t wbe, as %nd th ~ lwtydweoesse by trir 3i' ~ ote mahe ci the Gisdt ' e' 'Thes dint. was f£e Uber Os t4t by s and ei c t w e Ic who -dw wfidigly er n this duty. j.-:n were i:et ~ e, beide r :d~ olad toe, andlh& ' Drw i' ba t Ve Wma p' Wfit ?? t 4 ai d D= Gib the ...


... The above club commenced its annual autumn meeting yesterday, at Hoylike. As compared with former gatherings, the turn-out yesterday was -ery disappointing, the nnly crack golier tro:n Scotand being Mr. J. E. Laidlay. who has been csrrying all before him in the North, and was fully expected to have done the same, NesterdaY, at HIoylake. as on Tuesday last, while plaving a friendly match of 36 ...