... TREDEGAR. ?? his Honour Judge Owes.) CLAI OEVI MONEY LENT. DAVIES v. WALERis.-This was a case in which the defendant William Walters, a waterman, owed Elizabeth Davies the sum of £47, and had been ordered in October, 1586, to pay 10s. per month for two months and 153. a month afterwards.-Mrs. Davies said it was for money ?? said his wages were 18. per ?? Davies, husband of the plaintiff, said ...


... ain Jify W. ing, en- via, red iof de- by ass lad 7ho reit in, red ner ale, go. ner by lee, lo ew We er) ut; )r.) no, red by ap, ler ng ifa on red dr. 'ho art Mit COA DIFF. Fam ?? Mr. LAHOLRY, Registrar.) Re JESS2 BRILr, Provision Dealer, &c., Commer- ci nl-streot, Bleesteg.-In 1881 thi e debtor filed his petition, and paid a composition of 3. in the £. He afterwards re-commenced business with ...


... ABERIDARE TRAMNG SCHOOL. THE ALLEGED IRREGULAiUTIES. ! A F I At the weekly meeting of the Merthyr Board of a Guardians on Saturday, Mir. B. U. Rhys (chair. c flien) presiding, Mr. D. P. Davies said that last o week he called attention to an error of £65 99. in t one of the accounts of tile superintendent of the Aberdare Training School. At the meeting of tie L committee on Wednesday the books ...


... |BIUIIINGHA ASSIZES. YESTSUDAY. - I ' ' ' : ' 9CROWN COURT. -Beore Baron Huddlestan, AN RAIWTE0Tl AND ?? v. Berrnl.-t -Mr 1 Hugo, Young (instructed by Messrs. Rowlands and Co.) appeared for the plaintiff, MWlr,'VV. Lake Dennis, an t architeot, of Cr poration Street; and Mr. Alfred Young n 'instructed by Messrs. Hortori and Redfern) for the de- I fThdsints, Messrs. G. 1errill and Son, ...


... YESTE3EDAY. -Before AkC;srs. Kynnersrcy(Stip.), Timm: ins, and Maivui.R. STREET RUFrIANISM.-James Glaves (18), brassfiler, of Hospital Street, and Charles Davis (18), Summer Street, were charged with assaulting John Fletcher, of St. George's Place, Great Hampton Row.-Prosecutor said he was wheeling a handcart along Hampton Strecton Satur- day, when Glaves, without any provocation, came up to ...


... THE TRIPLE MURDER 1N PARTS. . ; __ I - ; ,, ,- , 'raneini. tho man who is oharged with the murrder of Maria lheginiult, her servant, ind the latter's child, nrrivod at 1aris. f rom larseille, on ?? evening. Ilo trv.eclle . all tll, way in r. first-class carritigo wsitlt 5t. oreni one ol theo heads of the criminal dopartimeint, and other nolice ollicials. Ile wam hbandciffed , whlls Ile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- BIRThS. iway I At 28 Sk noSpiorr, Aberdeen, ait the 28th nIt., the wife of r the EliltAil fiAviii, 5tOlitetttt?, of a flail. At 2(1 I irntjiti.eenue, Aberdeeli, on the 211h Inst., the flUID. wife ci UIFAIusi Irnile, gardener, of a daughter. ?' tho At It St Nicho a5 Street, Aberdeen, en the 86th iut?taot, stein the wife of JAIl 55 5'ATIISO.,, hiil.pester, ole eat,. At 71) Fennte.iahsli It. ...


... T-HESHIP -HOTEL- ROBBE~ AT BDINBIRGH. lay ; pRRESIN ABERDEEN %P. : ' - Early, on Sunday morning, the 30th of January I -risf, theaundy~of~the Ship Hotel, I ast Register er- Streef, ,Ediriburghinwa diedovered to b/ee ie n to onfire, and en. during the excitement which was ( aueed. by the ix-: occurrence, a mnuzber of thefts ot mrni/y and goods wvere comnitted. It. is. believed by/the ...


... COURT OF SESSION-SATURDAY. (Before LorD Las,) AlIRDEENSHiRIE 5UOIES9tON CJASeL To)*-fay the action was on the roll which has been raised by Mrs Buckner, the wife of a chip carpenter, reAding at Woodside, Aberdeen)rand which raises a tnesticn as to a share of the estate of the late Mr harry Leith Lumsden of Auclindoir, Aberdeenshire. ps rtsucr says that the residue amounted to about £3o,000, ...


... LAWEORD'S GATE PETTY SESSION. YESTERDAY, Miagistrates ?? W. Sommerville, jun. (chairman), R. W. Butterworth, W. Snlith, Edward Robinson, and A. J. Stanton. A STOWAWAY. John Gregory, a stout young fellow, who had been charged at the previous court with vagrancy, was charged with concealing himself on the Dominion Line steamer Dominion with a view to obtaining a passage to America and defrauding ...


... - ?? COUNTY OF mONAGHAN. I OPENING OF C0iB coi1rusSION. MONArIJT5S, E1ir).ky.-Tbis afternoon at twO o'eloctk 5r. Justice liusox, acornDlpannicI by W. S. Brcnoker, tsq., l.P., 1'g,,h Sheriff, nd 10 . Swaan, ELsq., Sub-Sheriff, entered the Crownu Court of the County Courthouse here and opeaarl tile Commission. The GrandJury, wlhose names have already appear ed in the Belfacst Ne'es-Leater, ...


... SERIOUS CHAEGED AGAINST AN ADTMIfALTY OrFICIAL, ALLEGED DIVUCLGENCBE OF PLAkS TO p F'OitElti!N GOVEUNiMENTS, EXTRAORDINARY CASE. ThNmn5', TcsoaDAx.-uluch sensation has been caused in Admiralty circles by the circulation of ea rumour ?? a. Government oldtci'al holding a re- sponsible ?? in bhe constructive department of the navy has been detected in an abuse of trust by furnishing to the ...