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Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST TWNEEDS. Tti'- B'Et TO rlnItEjT A.XTT!NTION TO ~ tl(sC~eF b,.ti. (A Ine Tal l\inis. Lr;i 't q ?? Weigl1 . aIVTLI2 Ail:.l .it 'roc eS l r .e j hei supply a, specbiv. I O':-.S.IILL CLT1qI COALPAN Y. 129 KY a k.J . LOMD'O'N ANIDI PARIS lkl - 11_77 -1 - . NXjjEgOY LTI S>a .N ,(L- UR Y- AJPAG 1 i~NTS POD Ti l,/ }S-.m !ie . .g ?? ' i' e' ur'5 a a:e i7'f'C ?? a1.7 Ā°lor y2/! rel,-s, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rr'I3LIC NOTICES. _, 'I AI 'TY T H E A T R ?? MONDAY NEXT. April 11 (at ). ENGAGMENTOF D(;YlT CARTE'S OPURA COMPANY. Firet tintl in ?? of W S fliUl:T AND AR'I'HhiB SULLIVAN-'S Necw and (nt.Itjajl Sapernataial Oper, in Two Acts O-. ' TIF WITCH'S CURSE., Now o ehmn pi:na ed to cr-owded I, uscs tt; the st '.il T~li7:.iTZE, l.O(lNDN. l-'r~e aiS u'.l1lt, tol tS i. iil ;C .s i-lsn n~ow b seicre-i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ArCTIO 3N . I;OTIC E TO TEE LICENSED TRADE A5D THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. fHE EXECUTRIX *f the late, MR. MICHAEL CROOKE Begs to inform the above That she has lisgeicd of her Interest in the Lease and leeoodwill in the busiuess of the well-known Auction premises O 10 LOWER OR3MOND QUAY. To MTIESSRS KEO(GH A-ND O'NEILL, WVho for sr, many years ha-ve been connected with The late lamented Proprietor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4PP0,rYTM EA-75 WANTED _L~ ; oi;citrjis openlac'pn smnazion GOaAnliata~t tin town or country Office; is conversant with all broches of tie ?? will be found reasonable; highest reterences, security, etc. Address 893.3, Freeman P and amjiry, with a% thorough knowledge or the trade iii ill its varied ?? open to Sti enigagaenett jl' ral tertune., toenr. 7$52. Freeman Offce. di DI % c A icarts a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MLMcLANEOU A ND BLOOD DISF.&SES- imd Spinal ?? It is the maw't se&ucb~zig blood cfienn Yet, discovead, aad it will free thre system from au known blood Pui--. be they 3aiml vegetable, or mIae5 t G Arithis to cure twe ?? fing eio t4m ises rop otci es, Pisaeersand tgrupietkĀ£ ralsto (od i Swellings, Scrvatl and ?? Slle5, Disease or tbe Bones IWhite Sisef.=ss, Peter SeOM. Wip.J~ii8 and Spinal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r ;-r 4 AR lIT. 1I-? .I'OCn OiF ivNE -j LA CK iCC vz uri1i Jf 'ftStti COAT- 1 ?? .Pt Ilull) -- ccd Wr Cl, ric e v.: coilur ?? Ircc 'Suits, lto-s to 905s, highly recoin- tiC. B e!. PA-N CI S CITPLEY, Lxw TENNIS, C I rCiET L A. RCE E S T 0 C K. B' Q- AL I T Y G O O D S. LOVi 1251 CASH PRICkS. ?? T)- 1 CUL ?? ATELO i3t 243it TO~i& 3 - A: 2 I;lGII STREET ?? ?? 0' ?? SaaEFur, B .flr Trart ,7200 T I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. 0 LET, FURNISHED, by the month or j season, two HOUSES a ut funterville, Whitehead.-Apply to R. bIGifdn, 17, Rosematruy R Street, - S3 5 n 0 LET. from Ist .Jnne, large Fi[URNISFIED J T HOUSE, at modt4ratte rent, tol 'c-xa'ful 1m teuant; BoEtanic (hrectioio-A ddrcss at this OJ5ee. re 7fr FFICES at XLRraced Rents in Quecn's BUMld- 6 0 ing's, RoV;l AvenuQ.-Jamos Jenlkins' 15, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS FflQp BITTERS. EXCELLENCY roild WVOITITi Li C ~~~Foun iry d Thour:a) t %OP BITTERS. b; nowh Nov, I1-11. Hi ?? itu ~end in my testimony to t~ae ea 'lnry u 'OP DITTERS. won;of Hlop Bitters, Liter set- I ii ~BITTES. brnug for years roin; hidll os- _FjOPBITTIVS. '!9ol and othler c~ttpL.Jitst.ttOin I ~&i r?rbsnr. tols goatty tL.Ott.OOl YTPBITTERS.,ftehns to;o odco ER C~~~o ?? lad cvo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AuCTIONS. NOTICE TO TER LICENSED TRADE AXD TE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THE EXECUTRIX of the late MR. MICHAEL CRODKE Be5p to inform the above That she has disp~ed of hei- Interest in the Lease And Goodwill la the business of the well-known Auction Prem ' es o 10 LOWER OB1IOND QUAY. To MESSRS KEO(41i AND O'NEILL, Who for so many years have been connected with The late ?? Proprietor, MR MICHAEL CROOKE, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONSI AE TltIE MoST EXTENSIVI( CATI'LIC AS' N ATIONAL PUBLIS'lEES IN T:11Lt TffuREt KIN::DOMS 20&rd-M' Mdal an i'~l er:tifcate r ' Ni : l Ir r11 e Natd: 'at ' hbiteioi of Irish l' I:t .1:11.12, and thle IICI-.I and CorDS- U 't'~S-li ila i the Cork EehritiA1,1 I tH, i ti.. f meatii of roe Irish ..Artisln,' Exlli'itiOu, I \trc (O~ir Besesl tl5deetner Speak- ?? , art., of tie). ClOth 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P!CY! ,- -- j TA7ANTED. 9^4C0.Y. ail forms, and Cheese.-TBA- i D VELLEPk o3 eu, Srortil at C ?? connac t'ne .irat tirms in LDubliLl.-1-.o1riv, A.G., 776d, thistiou; second co nolle; till row ancaaed bv ?? ofC> ? t ptOACFI3t.Xt-.-WANTED;steadv$Iax, statewages.--.4eplv, bv letter, to B. O.. 7S31, l ?? of ?? Paper; ShL PREPAID aDVEETISET8 or S1TUATIOX S WSANTED or VACAcANT fouses to LET or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SKMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEEG2LTS 01' SITUAT-IONS tN SWN01n or XA!NT. _ 'RHOUSES to rET or WAI.-rLeIu to ?? ?? 3,0D 6S sANiTEA or to Lt.r, BoAnO 1Wa\Tu-J or OiFIlHti. I 3 tXiSYSSS 'WANTEiD or fur o.ILE. AnRiciFs4 Lose. or Focan). -R rcnc ECIF C Aa RTIcrI WANtAED for SALE, PLETNEPSrHsEIPS Wt AN-rVD or V1 TE REI, e -re inserted at the folioaijqt reteS, bat only when 20a Uords FtM. or Six fur 2s Cd. ...