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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... rr'I3LIC NOTICES. _, 'I AI 'TY T H E A T R ?? MONDAY NEXT. April 11 (at ). ENGAGMENTOF D(;YlT CARTE'S OPURA COMPANY. Firet tintl in ?? of W S fliUl:T AND AR'I'HhiB SULLIVAN-'S Necw and (nt.Itjajl Sapernataial Oper, in Two Acts O-. ' TIF WITCH'S CURSE., Now o ehmn pi:na ed to cr-owded I, uscs tt; the st '.il T~li7:.iTZE, l.O(lNDN. l-'r~e aiS u'.l1lt, tol tS i. iil ;C .s i-lsn n~ow b seicre-i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ArCTIO 3N . I;OTIC E TO TEE LICENSED TRADE A5D THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. fHE EXECUTRIX *f the late, MR. MICHAEL CROOKE Begs to inform the above That she has lisgeicd of her Interest in the Lease and leeoodwill in the busiuess of the well-known Auction premises O 10 LOWER OR3MOND QUAY. To MTIESSRS KEO(GH A-ND O'NEILL, WVho for sr, many years ha-ve been connected with The late lamented Proprietor, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. I ETY TH EAT R E. G TAIiT EVENiNG (Monday). April4th' SPECIAL PEF.FORMANCE For the benefit o MNrs- PARKER, tidewellknon an faourite Dahlin Acetress. Several distinguiblid Atsi'9 and Amateursh jaos~t kindly volunteered their Services on the coca- xionl. Tlhe periorniice wil: commence at eight o'clock with b7bn l'dladdisofl Morton's Farce o DoNE, ON BOTH SIDES. Mr Whiffirs ?? ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' at Faton's; the largest anortnfltit 1 . ,oe ciry .se Laton's; sznhpiedsentpust free onippli- tos; tLh; newts!, cheapest, ,n:dbest in quaulty, design 2^ -; at. l-a;IiiS fiah, k itih, ?? irench pattee; e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AdPPOI0TMEN.3rzT, wANYTED P.0l-t', S alt: ar 1pcowabn ?? -1ala, 10 ve-irs is r~e.CC sell y'emrs inl last etIsP1vtli!t, uassrsond bot c~tstii5, aso ,ebia work, spirit counter j, ?,relerahle; highest, rWeneri' Irv last an oi Lie0- ,,ove. Ades 44 Fet.i01c ui~lWL'Elts' Assista ta ong Man, nearly 4 years' jX L~ rence, thoroughly ?? ?? usnscn rell reecomended Arddr-s7414, Freeman offlce. dl 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS QYMPTOMS If your vital forces are denrenss if you have afeeling of general loss! cIYMP~oMS tesle and wealness, are easily fa tigued,bhave ntght sweats, are shot SY~p~oMS of breath on every slight effort, am( Y POSexperience feelings of melancholy ant rlv ewrseson-1 00 are suffering iron YIPTnOM 'GENERAL DEBILITY, AND) HOE BFllERS WILL RENOVE IT ALL, fY3IPTOMS8 If youhae a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4PP0,rYTM EA-75 WANTED _L~ ; oi;citrjis openlac'pn smnazion GOaAnliata~t tin town or country Office; is conversant with all broches of tie ?? will be found reasonable; highest reterences, security, etc. Address 893.3, Freeman P and amjiry, with a% thorough knowledge or the trade iii ill its varied ?? open to Sti enigagaenett jl' ral tertune., toenr. 7$52. Freeman Offce. di DI % c A icarts a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MLMcLANEOU A ND BLOOD DISF.&SES- imd Spinal ?? It is the maw't se&ucb~zig blood cfienn Yet, discovead, aad it will free thre system from au known blood Pui--. be they 3aiml vegetable, or mIae5 t G Arithis to cure twe ?? fing eio t4m ises rop otci es, Pisaeersand tgrupietkĀ£ ralsto (od i Swellings, Scrvatl and ?? Slle5, Disease or tbe Bones IWhite Sisef.=ss, Peter SeOM. Wip.J~ii8 and Spinal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APP ?? VACAT AL~~WOMHN, Milliners, and prnie wanted; Ijdeomn runtrimmed strewsasgodatd bonnet mihiners, outdoor spprent8Sad! poes Kellect, George's street- p65 HEOP Girl wanted sor ac ?? kjltate terms and give ?? 2385, Fre-eman OOllairmce.r ans 'RlRTMaiitstB wanted a first class Sldtsee;as Ogood Boily iands. Apply to the Misses Oaet-otand Redmond, 89 Grafton at- p2OS3;$ ~fSly ne and Co. 88 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. O T NI G H T L Y S A L E S IF OF HOUSE PROPERTY MIACARTHUR AND CO0 L7 LOWER SACKlVLI STI'IET. Order of Sale: fIIIS DAY (Wednesday), rthApril, 1807. . 40, 41 PAREGATE STLEET. ELY LODGE, XATl'FAIINII '1 3 ver j -28 O ?? GAIcDLNE1I St'REET C/tEMONA. SYDNEY PA1ADE I10 DRUMCONDRA ROAD (Gentoeel) roll particulars and copies of our printed catalgcue Of selected investments way be ha-d from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES J%- 1iI E T Y T if : .A T R; E, GA1 'SNTHT SABAT.RE D, M1OCLA.EL GUNN, Ir.agamithanking the Public for their continued pa. &5056. begs to lay before thet, 5 is his cust, a Listof the more important ENGAGEMENTS Already made for the ensuing season. On EASTER MLONDAY, Apnil 11th, And Following Nights, MrDOYLY CARTE'S OPt-BA COMPANY Will appear in the new and must succestfai Opera ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~i iCsct.. eatiteas at Ytron's; ?? largest asesr1tatetIJ toe ta J- a.t Latei o ss; c plesetirt tree ec apyph- - tile nit IIsn, ileaptot, aid test ItU cuabry, ?? 'a:StCre 4Lw': I tot ErEgotb, atd tesrterI Ipterus; tDc's Pboto Mororarv C'rds a. eneciality; Cinu'ch Porct tI O'!ater', k ,I, :;1 ereat oiacet: Notice vi Deatbs, ier.,: ?? Annlounicemrentssent t'r ?? al: ! , EtCO;t, 95 wraiton street ...