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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. POtl'tnrnVisit~ (for f; igbits only: of Mr GereP Hai4%rcy's Comipany.' THIS EE(NG (Mumlob 3Ma dud (at S\, ITho Comedivtt. (in Ot-. Act', oy (eo B Hlawurey, fGOOD GIIACIOUS. Altr'-'hfl ea' 59 .awthx' enorniorutiy-sttczessftil -nc.p(nTre Acts), Eil PiCKPOCKET. ?? v7 to'o hd hot: cs, for ('xcr 211 times, t{I (AI, ?? Loi-iot'1 t 3 a~] I U to 5s. BOeX 0111ce ta- Cramer's. i-;d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a: L -, Pii' ar Erote tne larger: absortrimet| : i ?? e>, -cii.ditseetip ;lice., Obt I1 r L .Ice, ; ?? ii b l, Ci:i 1 :It; iul Pertu, e it a tt I iren> otce or Dcu tlhe .* 1tr. a~l.etc: i,^) (ij;at At riolteexelt eussetit I* ' .rc w t!lt, Xi i.fatrli :tteet arid l- t a itLP: kliz A\.. ' I t I; * ?? at 1llieic, Dorililec Street. ?? -9 44 ¼- ccy descriptipo. Brady, i :i ?? lit rc ln. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOlNTMENTS WNE.__ ROOCa'S A~ssistant; a rC-r5 able Lcc, at ?? re ro- whlolar; good xtecommendation. Address 4 272, Vireena-fl 2 OMice. jW8OCERS Assistant ; a resoectable young Ma3n; 19' a Gu~nrderstands beoth coun21ters- and neftar thorongiuqls- cir-ican t ?? reference irons La etu CW ?? ('tG-'LSAs-icrarit, a Sm-art and activeyug a; at- \Xesesutcms ?? inl the counitry tsrog zc i d--ritends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIOINS. WVICKLOW STREET, GRAFTON STREET, CITY OF DUBLLh. Highly important to Wvine and' Spirit Deslera said Others. SALE OF I~ablnbe leasehold intrest in well-established T ktetail Licensed Wine, spirit, and Malt.Drink concern, known as Nos 42 and 42% WVI(KLOW STREET, Held by tease fors uniexpined term oi 57 years, at45per an-uin. 'The shop is cemmorbous and is titted rrp in a modemn ridK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENVTS WASITED L'\'NG2EEI; a young Man isopenfor enltagteitnt. canI Eticak chirg e a coasting steamers orstisiti-laY engines;r caolds B T cerciftoate coinpewly- excellent testimotrilsir is a tota~l abstaier. Address 4904. Freeman Office. be4 IYNIG Employment; experienced DE3 Bookkee~per Klton ive two or three evenings in lthe week ?? Dr Balancing Books, Famnishing Arcoutnts; termst yen- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A FT Y THEATREA C ?? rire Nights only. Mr GeOar' e P Hawtlrev's Company. THIS EVEN ISO (1liiesii5). ay irS (at S), Aftier which George P liawt e's enormcously-auctessful! Farcica Concedy(in IThree Acts),R THE PiCKPOCKET. Played to crowded houses, for over 251 times, at the Glolbe Theatre. Loioen. Prices a' usual, lid to Jo. itox Office Rt Cramer's. ]arlv ?? s'n'n d i ritta) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALES DAY. ] Clo uts Sale ready. PROGRAM-ME OF SALES OF ROUSES IN DALKEY, &O3WER MOUNT STREET, ASD LOWER GLOUCESTER STREET. t3 J AM E S H. N O R T Hd- WILL SELL BY AUCTION, ol THIS DAY (Tuesday), 3rd May, 18S7, si AT One o'clock in the Afternoon, Ire THE S !:STATE AUCTION BOOMS, 110 GRAFTON STREET, VI LOT 1. el The well.buiit n Semi-Detached Cottage situnate in the cl Town of Dalkey, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Lcitanl Carcs at la:olia the largest assortment . 'LLetu; T W.Lai Ol'' ,s ,eotposrfree on appli- I ?? e~ lewsC~i!;, .Ifi IA it : (J~ldlity, designl . tt it-u ; lt z:tD, arm Frencd patterns; tPi; ?? lvtuaizr i 3 sp ¢eiaiit!: 2Conureh l'orcs 03u UnatQor (U Us twreat a 2rte' SOtict Oi Deaths, V2 i-~ 't~tlele;'o j ) Ofitue Announcenlenltssetit tet llum }ct. -1 ajlit S Eatoui, 95 Grafton street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISC ELLAN E U'S CYMPTO0MiS II your vital iorc-, are depressed YM1 TO3 S if you have a feellr- of general lasai- 5YMjpTOMS tude and weakness, .6re easily fa- e ~~~tiqued, have nwilt swseats, ;ute slao¢t 5YMPTOMS otbrcah on evory sihlit eefort, and 9experience ieelings of imehncholy aid SY~p~o~s ut>epression-you v:-e safferingg 4:or ~YMPTmS 'GENERAL bE1)RP1,11i, A-NDHO BITTERS WILL P.`MOVE Er ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS, SALL E'1lDAY, 6th May. 1887- Lmportant to ?? Ffernishifle, Grocers, Spirit Dealser-, and Others. Sisle of a Collection of MODERN HOU-EI{OLD FCBITUB E, Rtmnvved frenirundin, a uth Circualar read, and Tereneure fou convenuence of sale In2cludaing pianos dcawhiiur-com suites, dining and beel- loam~ furalture, earpt,.g-tsaliet', Mahogany r bsar' aacrobes, chests of drawerc,, etc. run BE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES _ fli AIETY TiH EA T R Ix For Four Nights onlyj, Mr Geor-e P ?? Company. THIS EVENING (dveauslflY)3. Miay Ith (at ?? 'his Colltedietta. -(;OOD GRACIOUS. Mftcr Which Goorge P> ?? a enurmously-successful ' Farcicl Com' l(it 'lThree Acts), THE 1-CKPOCKETr. Prices as usial, Cd to 5c. Box Office at Cramer sa .arly ?? (odi exttla) fronm 7 to7 310 to i-. talls, Second Circle, Pit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AppovTTMEYvTS VACANT. Gla~dt: wiante astogGirl, about 15, to midcide Eanhep i lgh hue toe'. 14 Connaught ?? enroug-h road. ?? IL1L wanted, direct from the cuty otana -,Tgeneral servant for tfnsile Of two; ms ego ok )fz and wili ngt to learn; small salary, btcnfral ullne. Addrees~for one week,3.31 Central Registry toornS, beea Graf ton street- P33olce fl IRLL; was~ted at.- o. ae-tli e ...