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... e- The grodwof the Llveqpod xibtion loozed all the better-yetwrday Iorthaan whish-ell at interr-duringthe day. 0 £core thee shoers to some-extent xoteded with the attejdanee at the autdor sport, but that was an occurreaw which could not be pevted. Last week the eotchmen had a apecial rweck, and the. Scothh sports were well atttmded. This week the speciala e ccions re Old Englsh sports and ...


... MUSleAL NOM. The fentave of the p wftk at the Rzhibi- tion hasabeen theexee lir OfMr A 1 n Blri To'thlxe within a cer i ecle, this, a. gedtem has log been known as one of tha not-accomplsed pianita in e comnry, and v be has now.eiv caulse for the enosenientof' Tsuch an ?? by a very large section of the e generl pubLi. It is to, be hoped that bavn thu8 brocken mew ground in Livrpooa go Phieal ...


... |THE L1VEgRINL.L EXHIBITION. I Tbe attend e at the Exhibition on Saturday was one of the largest since the opening day, and it would appear that the efforts of the authorities to provide agrleeable entertainments are meeing I with greatr approval and wrmer support11 on the pars of the pbli than was the cuse| at the commencement of the season. The building is full of attractive exhibits, aund ...


... ART NOTE& THE LATE. J. W. OAKFS, A.R.A. The many Liverpool friends and admirerc of the distingvished landscape painter John Wright Oakes, A.RA., will be sorrv and sur- prised to hear of his death in his 66th year, which sad event took place on Saturday last at his residence, Learn House, Addison-road, Lon- don. The deceased artist was born in this city in 1822, where his father, John Oakes, ...


... Id EBAlRY SELEC'TIUNS. AN rOFFENDED AuiTiu4,'e ATONEMBENT.-305t before Mortinier Collins,'s diiih t, ho tiappeited an somte way to run coinuecr to hol plrejudices of 006 Of the mos8t In illianlt atid raigged ot lolli of letters, with whom ho wats personally acqpUainted. His Isin brought upon his be ail-in ft, ?? or Ntte~s end Qaeries-at very ittvii- flood of tia ilii g denunciation irout the ...


... THE EXHIBITIO.N. TO.ZH iDfOVl-O T3SZJLfVOl L suaY. Gentiexen-Penait me throgh your colmns I , to inquire wbx is r esponsile for the idea of I the two gevangs in removing the military .Iband from the orI stand in thbee of the I Lancashire Village, to various positions in the J .neighbboriwodof the Fairy Fountain. Is it with the intention of further diusting the seas I tickete-holders and ...


... THE FRENCH PICTURE AT THE EXIBILTION. TO THn EDrTORFS OF TtlE LIVZRPOOL MN'ftoUy. Gentlemen,--All readers of the Art Notes in your to-days isue who had the good fortune to view this exceedingly clever wrork at the Liverpool Exhibhition, must have been fairly astonished at the extraordinary action on the Part of the committee in taking the picture from the walls of the art col- lection. ...


... ?? 1 &,I TAfNAS OF A QUIE I VALLEY.I Y . 0 CUNTRY Pi ?? .wt ?? ntwl'to pari n oerks no not s ?? to - ie ion ptecc-5 of parish rule £ ?? s(l e]ived, and hw I n to have k'now7n ,s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ill,,n is ?? :! e oei, of^- th''em,' wa elas cc er ciima when I r- ?? tornbs sfotl l lire It a{ groat age. Dnle'nfrlk ju-t ;o-Andteupon tlhiO. I voill( rem ., linun ,k mayl elail. eorllY. n or poor e'l ...


... i =D Wbile framing the charactew of his Throoa,| BSwdeu must hebaedcarstartyin-his mind_ 1awm Saa ecadeswne y cmr. .1 : men who are ~o~id new and agaim by renore bat-who, no matter how benign the inuence that may be brought to bear upoaS theni, remain to the last UDnstembly seffish. Thcodora is felore st in an atmchere of mock cdamizi= A master of censtractwn, the Axademictan does not go ...


... I L P .. E - - -I.- - I at ,doce of the-pblic At th I -. the Rea~er s nW8J Zw in the Scotisb and pas;ties haing d V 4?funoecin tbtsdirmL Iu addlta1nt'be % owar took place ?? U _ _ rV o~r s ntivw of the Boyal Naval e volante kroe and the cit-poline ~{~iy Tatoo, a way ntreset tbinm E bived tbe ?? W of tdose.#o and beard it.Thenrdn pro s sd 5bSan hs i tea otthe 1Ast Royal SCOtS ~ p~j5~5flt str. ...


... ART NOTE& Althugh the fine art section of the Jabilee Exhibition has now been open some weeks, com- plaints are ma and inacoanieum is experi- enced by vinsit for themant-of a descriptive catalogue of the pictea. Many people, too, object to being personally and orally o-ducted round a gallery. They want to understand what they are looking. a ad also to take their own time in doing so, and to ...


... GOSSIP -ElH TlEM |dff BY UNCLE OLDMAN, Something very strange, dear uncle, occurred in the garden this morning. Indeed ! and what might the strange ocenrrence be ? I asked my small friend Ianghaway who, in a brand new dress of rose leaves, had seated herself upon the little red pincnshion which stands on my writing table, and which she uses as an ottoman. Well, you know, there is a very ...