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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... llI rqVI, rancie on e ay of applicntlon without bond Mon vote of li IIito farmers, dairymen, ca. oivrr, iouaseboiderf anall reepautalle borrowers; sktirh a~lgtE die4tavie no ob'iecioo. Appy 9iff-titS. l .afF Bruiswictic b% Dublin. ; p8139i ts4 O'i.!Y AdvaNcOd w all classes of' respectable bar- .Lr. cjers atnnoerate chartges by the OlE Established a. ?? ry, Ic, SOiices. SOlRoyal avenue, Belfat, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X PUBLIC NOTICES. GA I E T Y T H E A T R E. Mr Michael Gums begs to announce the re-opening of the above Theatre on MONDAY NEXT, 1st August, Wh 'will hesresented for the first time ina Dublin the fardical com ety enttlted DANDY DICK, Bv A W PINERO (Author of The kagitrateb,1 and Tne School- mistress.) this most successfnl comedy has been played nearly 200 consecutive times at the COURT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APP0.MTh7ME2'S WANTRD - VSBDWAP.E od FancyaTrade; youngMan, oover4% j [yar'ears'sperient to abo~ve; wnts t . situation; has a ihorough knowledge of the bulnsnes; highest referene. Addre re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENTS VACANT 1 ScaParintf erringGasrdiandsar; mustdo bne alelti d Tas Indoor Alppreitice to the l'awrnbrolcing Iiuainess; le~teraltvfflte. _tpplitsfnt must apuply in his otli hasd- ssiin.rlt1913. Freemran Office. In -VAIAN; wanted a Steady, strnatv ~o a i& as av0e; IrI u st ha ve go0 cd d is charges; a t ?? 1e6rwiillI :,et a prcicrence;. stages i7s 6d per week. Apply per-- eorrell? enoi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- - AUCTIONS. I THIs DA Y (edneSday). flOYAL CIRCUS AUCTION ROOMlS, .iA- 11 mod 12 BACHIELOR'S WALI. SAL ; BY AUCTION, At the above Rooms. THIS DAY (Wednesday), 20th July, 1887. A portion rf the STOCK OF THE IRISH L1NEN AND LACE Who are1COMANZY, W~ho axe relinquishing their business at Belfast, cornprising- Irish linens, haallisonie an-ti laborately designed Swiss wnd oriental parloar, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCT!ON -S. THIS DAY. EIMNSTER HALL. lighig At-tractive and Important Sale ORNAMENTAL FOLIAGE Annd other ?? i-l-foWErJNG PLANTS, Uu'l c:t Srhe luto Cithzens' Jubilee Ball, ro BE SOLD BY AUCTION, AL by the hired p-omts~iou. of Michael Geunn, Esq., At th3 Teinster Hall, ITANIYIN' STRtBPEr, On TMl;S DA5 (Satarday), uhl July, 1857, A uage selectic-u of ?? and other Plants, or. view up tr ths heour ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NFiemenscreudssat Biten's the largest assortment iL t~ ciii ci.? ltttsii'5 e~atspl~steitpat treetsos aapli secr: Lne ieieSieaps, aud best in quali;y, design :ee, 4e :,t l I u ?? rl3gieh, and French pitterus; Lii:.'si'i.'ticolrttuaiy Cards a speciality; Cr.sireh Poreh .2 Orn'S . ir:lis -ii, treat svariet; Noticeoi Demahs, k-Cu. r i-eilesile tis) Ofice Arnesuncemieenttsent ?? rci .2? and S Eaton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN h' leurorrrW, Carlds at Biater0s tile cargest ?? In tireC isatz Earc's'; &iii>C!e'i t pastruecr i.J11- catio; thre IesCest, ciChe; rE :r.rld best al qud rty, deecur P-rce, ;re ;at E rIos'i; iShI, ]:r;gl ali. c reichi 1i.tterus; icten's Photo Nortuary Cards a specialitr: C cccii Pehin and Orator; t:rdls i3i Kleat satiety; Nioticeci Dealths; irtneyai. and l.. I 0mcinlo nP-i) OUxe A:::oliire i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTION S. l fESSRS KEOGH arid O'NEILL, Successors i to the late 31 CR001l F, Auctineers and Valuers bee to state th:at they contilire to vmialie liberal Gash Advances on ireelioid and Leasehold interests in Gro- cery , ine, an d Spit I sts ?? nt-, and one ?? ?? o ,i;;erchandise or Chattel Property that may be trans- . ferreel or consignet to then for bona tide Sale, elther by Public Auction ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p PMLIam e .&IE T Y T HE A T R E. Aed her Cnopny of French Artistes, who supported -bor i her Idle great tour of Azarims TA S EVEI l tday) July 1st (et 8), MEMX-IJ.U Comey in 5 Acts, by MM Meilbc md Halevy. Gilberto, Mdme Sarah Bembardt. 50O*102EfiW (Saturd¶y). Jul 'nd. Adeineenutnear, Mdme 8arah Bernhardt. ?? (RBe~arsrd), i5s, Be4* Rows, its; ?? v5ed), 7s 6d, Back RowT 3s; Pit stis, ..pit T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 1 lti-tai ,I, aiob att I Len's tbe ?? amsortluen c.. uI I i: b. -ll I'lteleliitpv - iret appt 0-y:C. ,ati ?? it ?? (ieiil )rrr, i' i.i c1,t b: I )i.L. Iu.'ieh, CirU lejrth ?? -t1 i' o i ott.:r .rii ,tt a' . spr rd Cc C orci l'orc u . ?? 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AppoINTTMENTS VA4CANT. rr MillawyerS' wanted Ma capable of working rack- Tbencih, ealfrme o horzota saw; sharpening, etc. ~'nply Henry Sha3rps, C1ron eacer, D'artmouth r SoaLls=h 1190 Pnsulterers ,wanted a good Workman ; most be X honiest ccii saber, to whom constant employment Wil be given. Address 1515, Frehnsufl Office. 1 P-r Prosisioni Assistants ; wanted Iin good honse axpe. T ...