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... EAST LYNNE. Lnst night Miss Louise Moodie and a company slecially organized by Mr J. Pitt Hardacre's company commenced a six nights' engagement at the Theatre Royal, and appeared in the drama of East Lynne, founded on the late Mrs Henry Wood's novel of that name, The piece has long been a favourite with the play loving public, and its production never fails to draw gcod houses, and the ...


... M MR, JOHN SHERIDAN'S BENEFIT AT THE CABDIFF THEATRE. A GRAIND AND GIGANTIC lao APPEARANCE OF PAGANINI 11MM- engg nVIVUS. Fell y On Wednesday eveng tiet mist T~papuler of wit It acting marnagers, Mr. Joins19 Sheridan, will tkak his ?? ea annual benefit. Few pcison, outiside dhie pro- dut ~.fession have ainy idea of Liii ianount of care, fo r thought, and experience, and frequently ti's inces- ...


... CHARLOTTE BROINTE.* ,MR AUGUSTINE BIRRELL'S touch-and-go style is far better fitted for ' Obiter Dicta than for a systematic summing up of a somewhat com- )plicated case. It is not in the least to be desired that any one should , say the last word about Charlotte Bront6 for many a day to come; but Mr. Birrell's deliverance, so far from being the last word, leaves us no forra'der. True, he ...

Theatrical Mems

... ICII)CA-trical eemls* \lis Nellie Bouverie bas been offered Bliss Fannie 1,slie's part in Jack in the Box, Mlnre, Modjeska is now a grandmother. DIr J, F. Sheridan, with Fun on the Bristol, gpcecetd: Mrs Brown Potter at the Gaiety on Monday. oler the lady's opening night at the Fifth Avenue, ,-.w York, on October 29th, Mr W. K. Vanderbilt has Lcoked all the ieats not required for the ...


... THE BISHOP OF DERRYS POEMS.* 1HE two chief poems in Bishop Alexander's volume-and to these two Considerations of space make it convenient to restrict our attention- have for their subjects the great personalities of Augustine of Hippo and Bernard of Clairvaux. St. Augustine's Holiday pictures to us the great saint and doctor that was to be,in the seclusion of an Apennine valleyto which 3e ...


... I I THE: .T E I- .. W.A.. . The thing pe:4epi about the new produced at the ?? e4;t q Foe a a, , e Ig prt Iae - s top!, dza PoIbly thi iane ta& their pis ox it L06tw wa oseiw h att o eii~~l toaasslme teh pie b ny te ls vaguthanty * now ly. Va. thi so, t lly @ not Iotnmi ther i s o thr company,, w -4epting the anthor * John A. 6seveae, ?? actor cvho 14ayad -the hero in. his owm piece-,wet ...


... DonuW AND PONY HOW. The costermongers' aumrel donkey show was opened yesterday at the People's Palace, the tromD of which aee well adapted for a display of this kind As a teit of the care with which the owner treat their animals the show is invaluable, because the conditions laid down are that the exhibitor shall be a geuine coster, whose ' make has been engaged in the work of drawing a ...


... i-4O, A 'ND VA RIE, TIES. 1 I Thbmas J Condon, M1 P. arrived at Kings-- town yesterdlay from England. 'Captain 0 Ball arrived at Kingstown yes- terday from England. J Murray, E sq, 14th Hussars, arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. :Lord Athlualney has left Kings town for England. liontand Mlrs Kingscote have left Kings- towvn for England. General and Mrs Wynne have left Kings- town ...


... i:.- - . HER TRUSTEE. That a Birminghliar dramatist should within tfie period of a week mencessfully provide the evening's entertainment at our two leading theatres is, we believe, an uniprece- dented event in the history of the local stage,and MIr.saemes J. Blood has good-reason to be proud of the achievement. On Filday 'we recorded the success, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, of his ...


... i_e following letter appears in this week's Guar- I dian .*-— B_— The Bishop of Southwell's letter, published in your issue of last Wednesday, though addressed to me, is so clearly intended for the guarantors that I refrain from re- plying to it publicly without previous consultation with them. I have, however, written directly to his lordship, pointing out what seem to be inaccuracies iv hia ...


... NEW BOOKS AND NEW EDQONS TE MOUNTAIN OF THE MONKSsl. ,,cent ?? have placed Constantinople ,itlin five days of Fads, and in less than a weekamter leaving the Ireneh capital the traveller may be threading his way amongst the beantiful islanis of the Greek Archipelago. Those who sail throagh the blue waters of tbe Npgean on their way between the great metropolis of the' ast and Athens may ...


... .THE CLOSING DTy 0p TIE Box I ~~SHOW. Owing to extreme pressure upon our on Saturday *we were obliged to hold e the details of the following eompet;oi which took place at the Summer Show eof Royal Dublin Society at BallsbridaT upon th. previous day. In the jumping conspetition, for horses notiless than fifteen hands and fo years old, catch weights, thle prizes Were-p; £15; second, £10; ...