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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. I THIS DAY. ADELAIDE ROAD. Sale of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURSITXEM1 AND APPOINTMENTS. . - Full comupass pianoforte in walnut case, Mahogany dininrr tables, pedestal sideboards, bookcases and cabinets Chimney and pier glasses; Brussels and tapestry carpets, Turkey and Persian rugs, Oil paintings, Framed prints .nd engravings; Plated stal, gasaliers, 'Morning. dinner, and evening sevices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .9PP~lVTMFNT/S VACANT. . fLLLNERt: a good MiiinG5- wanted; giverefertene ad 1M1salary required; indoor. Treacy ado.Ptikid- Cork. I~jLLLN ER; wanted - first-class Milnr o it lowC. Appiy at once t 17 rea office. Oq ,7 1)ESPECTABLE Girls wanted for Ironing; 49 per weckI R~to commence. Prescott's, 83 Talbot at.' tp6791rnp i QALESWOMANN; wanted for a town house, toroughly I eomoupeterit Change Hand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - PUBLIC NOTICES. I fl AIETY THEATRE, DUELIN. Last Six ?? of Mir and Mrs KENDAL AND ST JAMES S THEATRE COMPANY, TliiS EVEN. IN; ( Monday), Sept lith (at 8), TUlE IRONMASTER. . Being an English version, by A W Pinero, of George j Oihuets dramna, 'Le Mlaitre tle Forges. Philippe Derbliy (his oriinal character)tMr Kendl! o Cla iretile l~calr ; her ?? cha~ract~er) ?? Menala FriLdy ?? of SIr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4Appo1.WTMNTS W'ANTEZ r'AftETAEER eer Yard MIau; a yone Ilan, 30; can mill, Ukeep Acc0o11ty7. and willing to make himself generally Seaedu; cmn be highly reco~minetdd. A Man, Priestow I.Ir Co Meath. P-58358J CARPARER irlainR crtkro estate. or pre:- test referuicos last employer. co Kilken~ay. Dania Ko-I caedy. BlrowutOiatw, 00 Kl~konity. n5184b1 It IG; Junior Assistant is open to egenntas- J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4 PUBLIC NOTICES ('AIETY THEATRE, DUBLIN. M r and Mrs KENDAL AND ST.AAMES'S THEATRE COMNPANY. THIS EVENING (Saturday). Sept 17th (at 8)7 Last Night of The late Tc t Taylor's ?? sful Play LADY CLANCARTY. As recently acted for 150 nfights at the ST JAJ1)1E?S THFATRE, LONDON. L'nder the Manatement of MR HARE AND MR KENDAL. Jord Clancarty .. ?? ?? ?? Mr Kedad l Lady CiancartY .. . .- ?? Kendal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S M:: ior:is Cards at Eatons: tthe lalgest assortnentei; E! t:L . i: is at E ?? ?? seat pollt free oel ap- t:.: ci.le,, (cSt, ecaps at, aid cst ?? qult desigm, ?? a, Eat 'is; ib. En sEI!St', ard ?? etch p-itterns; i- ist, Ma:ixarx Cn'aris a speeii;ita' t' Chureih lob h - ?? UCalds ib 'treat slriety N tiev cS Deaths, F:-sa, :!Isi ratlts ?? i) Qrlce Ai:tmouaiviliutas se!-t tssrainoss. M ?? S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. QAIETY THEATRE, DUELIN. G }ast.Night of Mr and Mrs KENDAL AND ST JAMES'S THEATRE COMPANY. THIS EVENING (Saturday), Sept 24th (at S), THE, IRONMASTER. Being an English version, by A V Pilero, of George Ohnet's drama, Le Maitre de Forges. Philippe Derboav (his original character) ?? Mr Kendal Claire de Beaupre (her origioal character) Mrs Hendal Prices-Private Boxes, 2bs, 40s, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? :in Cards nt ELttoi's ; the largest assortmrent -L is i;t E.ton'I sarrrptes sent po't free on oro t.i iire test, cneiptst, anid lst in quality, desietr, r. L~u ,,s; Irsh, lrelosr, and Ft etch iatterns; :: * ara- i arls s. sprorality ChUrch P'orvh . groat aacite y t: Notice of Deaths, o~n-e do o i)t0sicc An iOuiceientS oclt -: n.M d S Eatos, 95Graftonstreet and ta LI D lI in. kliz 'i ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. _ , A I F T Y T H E A T 1l li GT For ronr Niglis oznly, I& COH HAW IREY'S COMPANY, F-on the CGlobe'lleatre, Loednd . TIIIS EVJENINGl (Weiln-deay). Sept Sth (xt s), 'The Coniedieuta-' StUGAR AND CtlEAM. After which 2,673rd representitioni of the Erormously Successful Farcical Cvnred (in 3 Acts), THE PRIVATE SECRI?TAIS. Adapted fron Von Mosers Der Bibliothekar, By C H ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBMC NOTICES[ fl AIETY THE ATRE. YJ Last Three Nights of the CARL RO0SA OPERDA COMPANY. THIS E VENIXG lThursdayl. Sept 8th (at 8), IStime of Vincent Waflace's MARITANA. Waritana, Madame 'Georgina Burns; Charles HIng of Spain, Mr Cnarles Manners;Dop 30sMr Celli; Marquis de Mentefiore, Mr Brook~n; SrcbioneM ide Moutellore, 3ui. Melling; LazaiO, Jey Dickerson; and Don wesar de Bazn Mr Valentine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIISCEILLANEOUS A1N ELECTRIC SHOO.C The Belfast, Ireland, 'Lals)orr Advocate, publishem a remarkable letter from Mr 3rhn itCalmpbell, pro' prietor of the Alair Arcas Hrcot. liallymena. Mar 'amlpbell wr ite.-, that ca ...