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... BIRKENREAD SCHOOL OF ART. The 32nd annual dis t of prizes in con- . nection with the Bigtenhead Government School I of Art took place last evening in the largo lecure hall of the mnstitatio by Professor William .Matin Conway, MLA, of the Livepool Univer. sity Colhee. Mlr. C. E. Gtayson (in the Absence of Mr. William Laird, the presidet) occupied 'the chair, and amongst those present were Mesrm ...


... MUSICAL NOM I ?? 1fa h}as done weL through t1he has h.'s agetss, to 35ect a reduction n the taiiff ef a the renacin concer of the f Tea Ihe change Dn queation relates to the *ersved portion of the hall in which tbe areto be inl future -harged at the rate of The result remains to be seea, and t it isboped, be ssacsoRX . Meanwhile thsal nO litht reeess conventio~&l at this od sdll giv-e peopie ...


... tF IELD CLUB CATTLE SHOW. I I ?? .. ado Jn wather the arnnal I L-a; keen weather the annmal ' t Sia'thfad Clb was opened be °t the Agricltutral Hall, ,i~bpeti the finest exhibition as been Eeen sinoe the in-! s Pa 0i tebobvy'. Certainly in point' t bers ncC~ has been such a show. W; Oa entns ;n U1PV cthe cles, 1E3 of Rrvvovp~ toa 5d6. This total was'. re3 bedm li&, vwhes there were 543 gf v ...


... | BY UNCLE OLDMAN. is A friend, with whom I was talking recently about the wonderful instinct of animals, told me this 1, amusing story of a dog that kept the paper clean. io A lady, whom my friend knew well, had a little dog I that was taught to fetch the newspaper every mornig. It was the custom to give Carlo a penny, Ir which he carried in his month to the shop, receiving F the paper in ...


... ART NOTR Attzthe Nker Art Gallery to-morrow even-'S ing M ?? Verstchagn, the famous ; R in n m painter, Pwho may be termed 13 the Zola-of the battle field, will bold a reeep- ,, tim, for which cards of invitation bave been issud, and emphan his remarkable Colketi of pit-reascinea wkhizh ?? from th i urko-R a war,.and ot the doly land I and Britsh India. There are also eme fi realistic pictres ...


... THUE ANNALS OF A QUIET VALLEY. BY A COUNTRY PARSON. y No. XXIIr. Of the many changes between then and now, s there is one even in the ?? which is most marked. 9 The horse which the bill farmer brings to market has changeed, So have his cattle, and not least so himself. But his womenkind, his daughters, have changed more than all. And I will here set down what I have observed it this ...


... |1 WALKE ART GALLERY. I MI. VERSTCMAGIN'S PIaUR~ES. M. Vassili Verestchagin, the Rusian naturalistic painter, has, in connection with Messieurs Dowdesewelle, of London, placed an exhibition a most remarkable collection of military, sacred, and Iandle petares, illustrating scenes from the Turko- - War in Europe, sacred scenes from the Holy Land, and landscape and figure pictures from British ...


... PUBLIC AMUSFMNTS. AlEXANDRA THEATRE . E Mr. and Mrs. ?? Merivale are again in of evidence bere as writers of phy -, Last ek of The Butler, set in a humorous vein, and last evening Our Joaan, cast in a most melodramatic mould, were presented at the Alexandra Theatre th There is in Our Joan little, either co.sti- dP tively or in a purely literary sense, to claim St attention, yet, deeite ...


... PUBLIC .USEMITS ALEXJMND}A THEATRIL Mrs. Churchill-Jorell. who is consumnod by a St, desire to be regarded as a member of tbe ancient Me fraternity of the stage, came tef ore a large e audience at the Aexaudraa Tbeatre bst evening n Me a skeleton version of a part in a reduced edition of a fare of French origin, which some yews ao waa au played with moeo or less frequency, sad which B is of ...


... !- MAI mu_ - I 3P~esamthi wethe mty' Of muici ev tsdab td e }H a of TUsd8aet. The ?? in one t most interesting af the poesent meason, esp- tionally so it only romi the fact that I ,t com pon is bxftated between the work of Morart sad Dvorak, the former being repes Dented by am of his Dnjn e sous pbonies im D.and the hr1& -,aift writen under the Vignature. Om oca;st is Wim Emnily WinAnt, and ...


... en BY A COUNTRY PARSON. en No. XXV. ho It was rarely that anything oecurred in ths valley re- to arouse the dwellors out of the even tenor of their ed wy. And looking back Over a long life not more or than two or three such incidents WoWld ?? them. rk selves. One, however, is still remembered by many, It, and although it ras not of the Valley it vas very nearly b connected with it, and might ...


... OF, AXNNALS OF A QUIET vtALtBY. * B3Y A COUNTRY PARSON. No. XXVII. CoNCLUDING ARTICLE. Icthe, senica Of t~ides If itii hs tecn ID thngone I hav°e eddeavonred to record the IiniPi° aimal oft~va~eY~hv~ tied oteI of the lives of t rhelS iteuNeentfn, it is true, an arl brokfl n uon xcept'by 'some homely trage~Y Little of dramatic interest Occurs in remote mo -0tcl aes, and but few fluctuations ...