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December 1887
26 10


Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


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Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News


... . AT the concert given last week under the able direction of Mr. Henschel, an interesting novelty was found in Richard Wagner's first and only symphony, composed by him when in his nine teenth year, first performed (1832) at Prague, and subsequently at Würzburg and Leipsic. It was placed in the hands of Mendelssohn (at that time director of the famous Gewandhans Concerts), but was heard of no ...


... . WE have already furnished a biographical account of the late. Mme. Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt's career in England and on the Continent, and have great pleasure in adding some in teresting particulars of the Sweetish Nightingale's successes in America. Our American contemporaries frequently do us the honour to reprint the critical and other articles published in our columns. We rarely quote ...


... . Tiie Eighth Saturday Concert of the current season at the Crystal Palace presented an important novelty, and was in other respects interesting. Handel's Concerto in B flat, No. 7, for strings, was warmly welcomed, and was followed by Schu mann's pianoforte concerto. The pianoforte part was played by Mme. de Pachmann with but moderate success. As Miss Maggie Okey she bade fair to reach a high ...


... . at the Comedy Theatre Mr. Ilawtrey has been fortunate enough to secure a suitable home for the exiled Arabian Nights, w uch lias rapidly developed into one of the great paying successes of the day. Air audience which filled every part of ne house was attracted by the first performance after the .Ulster from the Globe and Mr. Grundy's smart, albeit tagar, adaptation went with a sliout of ...


... . THE opening meeting of this newly-formed association took place on Monday afternoon in the Pavilion at Lord's, under the presidency of Lord Harris. There was a large attendance, which included delegates from several of the leading clubs. The first business was the consideration of the rules which had been drawn up by the sub-committee, and these, with one or two alterations, were adopted. ...


... TIIE HECKMANN QTJARTETT. Tiie excellent quart ett party including Herr Hockuiaun and Herr Forberg (1st and 2nd violin), llerr Allecotte (viola), and Herr Bellmann (violoncello) arc with us again, for a short tune, and last week gave the first of a series of three concerts at Princes' Hall. Their programme opened with the first performance in London of the difficult Fugue in B flat, Op. 133, ...


... . Tub annual meeting of representatives of the chief counties to arrange the fixtures for the coming season was held in the Pavilion at Lord's Ground on Tuesday, and amongst the large number attending were Messrs. A. J. Webbe and I. D. Walker (Middlesex), W. H. C. Oates and E. Browne (Notts), J. B. Wolstenholme and M. J. Ellison (Yorks), S. H. Swire and A. Appleby (Lancashire), 0. H. Smith and ...

Perils in the Transvaal and Zululand

... Perils ill the Transvaal and Zulu/and. By the Rev. II. C. Adams, M.A. Griffith, Farran, Okeden, and Welsh, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. Me. Adams relates the history of the last Zulu War, opening in nil English school, and making a young assistant master, George Rogers, his hero. Many of the actors in the story are real personages. There are a shipwreck and some lion-hunting thrown in, but ...

Kidnapped: being Memoirs of David Balfour in the year 1751

... Kidnapped bcina Memoirs of David Balfour in the year 1751. Bv Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated Edition. Cossell and Co., London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne. We have already had the pleasure of commending this book by the most delightful modem writer of the fiction of adventure. If it is not as wonderful a book as Treasure Island the best that has been written, in our opinion, since ...

Monarchs I Have Met

... Monarchs I Hare Met. By W. Beatty-Kixgstox. London Chapman and Hall (Limited). 1887. MR. BEATTY-KINGSTON has been for a good many years of his life a special correspondent accredited from a popular and exceedingly wealthy journal. He is a good linguist, a man of the world, ready witted, eager to do the best service to his chief by being everywhere at the right time, not very much more bash ful ...

King Solomon's Mines

... ICing Solomon's Mines. By II. Rioeu Haggakd. Fifty-third thousand. With Illustrations by Walter Paget. Cassell aud Co., Loudon, Paris, New York, and Melbourne. If it be possible that anyone whom this recommendation reaches lias not read , tfie omission should be rectified at ouce. Those who have read it aud that they must be many is shown by the fact- that this is the fifty-third thousand ...

The Saone: A Summer Voyage

... The Saonc: A Summer Voqaqe. By Philip Gilheut IIamekton With Illustrations by Joseph Pemiell and the author. London Seeley and Co. ONLY a limited number of this costly work has been printed, and certainly the edition will be rapidly exhausted. With the same skill and care which have made The Portfolio so deservedly an art success, the host of pictures in the present volume have been produced. ...