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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... l ARL1- Marquis of Hamilton has leftt Kingstown for England. Eatl' -of Ayan. has left Kingstowif for 'Viecount Sudley has left Kingstown for England -: Hon Hugh and., Lady -Mary B3scawpen have left Kingstown for England. 'Major the Hon Le Poer Troneh - has left ?? for England. Z.. Major Roofifort Boyd, R E, has.left Kinge town for Englan--. Earl and COuntesS of Kilmdrey arriged at. Xing-town ...


... ; FASRgig AND V ARIETiS. The Ear of Enniskilleu arrived at Kings- tovn yesterday from England. Henry E. Doyle, Esq., C.B., arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. Colonel Tremayne arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. Countess Grosvenor arrived at Kingstown yesterday from LuglautL lion.- B. 3. Plunket has left Kingstown for E nglard. Iion. IV. L. Plunket has left Kingstown for ...


... . _. AN IRISH HISTORICAL ROMA.NCE. I ETENE. Being a truthful history of the great: and final settletneut of Ireland by Oliver Cromwell, and certain other notevorthy events, from thelBe- cords-of Ethne OConnor and of Roger Standfast, ca tam isn the Army of the Commons of England. Edited by Mrs E ME Field. London: Wells, Gardner, Larton, and Co. S ---lNot on since . Mr. Gladstone, in writing 'o ...


... FPASEION7 AYND VARIET7.2. ,t Lord Lurzani nnived at Kingstown yester- 1 terday from England. . - d E Dwye:r Gray. M P. and Mrs- Gray ar- rived at Singstown yesterd:ay 'rom England. Pierce Mahony, MP,; arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. s Viscount Stopford has left Kingstown for . England. I | a Ladv HMacnarara has left Kingstoarn for v Eugland, a Mr Broning, C B, has left Singstown S ...


... FASHION AN)D VARBTigs. _ S : The Earl and C-,fitess of Pembroke have ?? for England. The Countess of Erne has left KingEtown for Fngland. Colonel Hon Ca Cricibten has left Kinge- town for England.' Captain Peyton' has left Kingtown for England. : for Major and Mrs J Pearson arrived t Kings- town yesterday from £nglha . -. . Ins Captain Itteddiesarrived at Kiingstown yes- , terday from England. ...


... A1WION AJXL YABRJTiR. Hon John W Plunkett, M P. arrived at Kingstown yestery fron England. Sir Robert Stewart arrived at Kffingstown yesterday fron England. Sir Richard Dickeson arrived at Kings- town yesterday from England. Lady and the Misses Gore Booth have left Kingstoqn for England. Captain H C Cox, 14th Regimnent, has left Kingstown for England. Cautain Scrimgeoir has left Kingstown for ...


... FASHION AND VARIBTI'Z. VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excolencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Mar. chioness ot Londonderry gave a dinner party last even. ing at the Viceregal Lodge. at which their Serene High. ne see Prinee and Princess Edward of Saxw-Weimar were present. The following had the honour of receiv. ing mnvitations:- Dowager Countess of Shrewsbury, Earl of ClomAnel, Hon C F Bourke, Hon W ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIBS. _ _ _ v _ * . ~ . THE COURT. Osborne, Monday. The Queen weat out this morning, accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice. . The Hon 1D Plunket, M P, has lef6 King.- town for England. Captain Willoughby, 4th Dragoon Guards, Mrs Willoughby, and family have left Ringstown for England. I Major and -Mrs G. V. Hamilton have left Kfngstewn for England. Captain and Mrs ...


... FASHION AND VARIETI.S. Colonel R Beatty arrived at Kingstown yesterday from England. Sir Frederick and Lady Hughes have left Eingstown for England. The Hon Horace Plunkett has left Kings- town for England. The following are amongst the latest arri- vals at Kingstown per Royal Mail steamers .- R, Scott, C Gervaise Bo:aUl. Arthur B Rayder, .r and 'Mrs T J Leaby, Miss Beutham, J hn T B wers, P J ...


... I. It is a pleasant reflection that the Dublin Popular Concerts are becoming an established in- stitution, and Mr. J 1 Sullivan, under whose direction they are conducted, deserves all praise for his persistent efforts to develop the taste oi our citizens for those m'ost agreeable entertain- ments. On Saturday evening the Leinster Hall, Hawkins street, presented quite a refreshing in- dication ...


... FAS!ION IND) VAftrETIBs. Sir Ricliardt Martin, Bart, arrived at Kings town yesterday from ZLgland. Cantain E. P. Stewart, arrived at Kiings town yeste:-day fromn Enltand. Colonel Pato)n. arrived at Kingsrown yes terday from England. Colonel Forster, arrived Kiangstnwn esa terdla:y ft umn Enuglnd. Lord Charles Kerr arrived at anus. town yesterday front England. Vice-Admiral Iton W J Ward has ...


... IFAS-JION AND .ARILTIRi. Lord As hblurrse arrived Lt 1 u -ert:.y freon ilarisne L~ath nav..euin sallred t 5' lsi . 5 terday from E-ngrid ' V' Lady G wendoline Cceil arrived irs town ynSter6iaY front EngLand. Captain and Mtrs Miavlin- arrived at R town Yvste&L- from Engas d. ?? Stolkes alnd Miss A Stoke at Kingstown yesterdav from Enclani Lady Mandeville has lefs linastrsxr%: England. Lady ...