... Al - MU7W7T~DA ! - - G- Eh aidT; badtaserion i effeto n the , lc t Oh in)au .iei& TS s toiis ofte. ctastophe ha a , be pi a her is refe tst.o Bu t tie piece of> wodwor theonlyre ! l of tbe> audfien i a sort fof senc gsa peti. lariut. artile in the -leain news-; 1 s paeste ames Sfor: ne-poln.oit .ou 3. th trt h ept the inchs~tflS. s auique, teflames fro theo flies- ha ...


... THE M-YAL ACADENlY. WINTER EXHIBITIO'N. To many the great attraction of the present Mratr'Ehibiionat Burlington House willb the Unique and valuable collection of relief IC sculptijre, bronzes, and plaquettes, almost ti entirely of the Renaissance period. Full of p a fascination, charm, and interest as are these -productions of the genius of Luca anda Andrea ?? Robbia~, Mine da Fiesole, ...


... TO-NIG H T'S ENTERTAI NMi ENTS. LYCEUM THEATRE. ?? Ltssre a IIEN'Ity riVs-liL) Mice MARYE' ANDECRSON' a biVR'i-illANE and PE;RDITA, TO-NIGHT, and EVI3RI EVENiNG, At A'.aZ; puRistNity. i - H't , r,3,-d'4 1! ?? Mir. J. Fortes.- Rohe~ssas, ?? F I solii 'J Macie-an, Mr. G. WarPl, Mr. W Stepllces, and Air. Charles Cil e; \l bi r ro Al is- A .l'y Miss A rrn hiss, Vorre. M Desmoetd, Mliss DaK andl ...


... MUSICAL NOTES, It is probable that the Philharmonic. r directorate have bad ample reasons for again abanging the bill of the next conmert; but be this as it may, consideable disappoittment has S. been manifested at the wtd-mw of Mr. Carrodus' zawe. It will be recollected that it Mr. Schonberger was promised for the first concert of 1888, but being unable to fulfil his v .engagement the name ...


... * x'Neuo or FreeL Its h~istory and DO0 AlIttiliitit's. By the Rev. Walter Wood, apt li.S c. rid editionl, re-arraniged and en- Sel ii'l.Editiburg~h D Iavid Douglas. B ,Il'i clonic, Lofere uis is a republication, in a Ito, irlvextentd cI formll, of the collections hizstory I1111 antilluitIes ir.- .rtmal gvnP1 I *oi llitt tlii2 uinder thle above title by Se( L'tiiiurc 'It nitister Of Eite. ...


... : as ^ t A= s - - ' f ' - - f ?? 2. Air Lo~~a So~ndS the ?? Aesido 5. S1 cr. O AiMfeie ?? ves 10. The smphony which, all the wsorld aver, is knewa to be o'f al others tie. ismod. unfailingly attractive ea pb r audie` to St Adreiws-zlU on thelast eveaiaz I. 011587t. AgrinstthfeqUst reappearance in our oncert c ?? -of the Patoral sym. zphony no lovar of Beethoven coud have a word tosay, ?? ...


... On Saturday the third annual show of pigeonss, deE cage birds, and rabbits, under the auspices of the me Fdginshire Pigeon, Cage Bird, and Rabbit Assrocia- bae1 tion, took place inlie Cortn Market Hall. The show clia was the largest and most successful ever held in Coll r Elgin. The entiries numbered 436, nearly 100 more Elf a than last year, while the quality of the exhibits on Jai the whole ...


... The anual hot-pot supper of the Atis's s CIb vill this year be held at the Neptune i Hotel, Clay-to-square, on Wednesda.y, the 11th I inst. Members can ?? tiet at the club e room Boldet I The annual dinner of the Liver Society of i Art3ist will take place on Saturday, the 14th I iat, at the Bear's aW, Lord-street. t - At the approaching election at the Royal & Academy, which will take place ...


... THE FA1UM, GAWIDEN, &q. T ONIoNs.-A smlall bed of ailve:-skinined onions sowu now under the vaiie conditionls as ihe carrots will be uselul for drawing for salads. d ?? is loo enrly )et to prune the geuernl c collection of roses, but a 1ow that are ranted to flower early cany be pieund, and the risk run of lG the young growth being t ti back by spliug frost. le ORoCHID ovsa.-AII 'lauts that ...


... MAGAZINES FOPL JANUtARY., - The Nineteenth Century, is a most interesting number. It opens wvith an able artivle on Progress of Cremation, by its great advocae, Sir Henry Thompson. He deals with the sigu meat against crimnaticn derivedfrom the impus - aibility of detecting poison in. the deadif the system were adopted.. His propsal is that no bodjtl crimated withojat thee consent of a medi- ...


... IN THE HIGHWAYAS AND BY AIYS. The fire at the Grand has affected the receipts at more than one of the theatres this week. I was talking to Mr. Augustus Harris on Saturday after- noon, and he told me that his takings for the last three days showed a decrease of lo per cent. on the receipts of his last year's pantomime. But a panic only lasts a few days, and on Saturday afternoon the theatre was ...


... Dll NATIO AND L UIESIC.' INT'1ELLCE N-CGE. !It has been stated in certain quarters that the huge ,andience assembled at Covent Garden Theatre on Boxing night seized upon every occasion, when the police were mentioned, to exhibit animosity towards the force, and to show sympathy with the opponents of law and order. No more inaccurate statement could well have heen published. On the colitrary, ...