... BR6Uo I WVrIT OTHER BALLADS OF THrE Ims NlGN OP TRmnoxt. By T. Duncan Craig, D.D., Dublin: Sealy, Bryers, & Walker. BALLADS, these, that ought to be in every Protes- tant home in Ulster. The first of them, Father Mlearty's MidnightDrive, narrates a realincident. Pathos that moves to tears is in The Old Squire's Death ; They are coming home to-morrow-I am goingz homne to-night. And llruno ...


... MISCELLANE OUS BOOKS. . Alphabetical Reference' Index to Recent l and Important ~aritime Law Decisions. CoMr. piled by Robert B. Dougld. (London: Stevens & Sons, 1688.1-This w/ork gives a convenient I abstract in alphabetical form of most of the recent, and several of the more important and less recent, maritime law decisions, and is I carefully planned. Mr Douglas says hel thinks his work ...


... SJPER-STITION OIN THE STAGE. Parisian actresses appear to be very superstitious mortals, and a correspondent of Galignani has t been collecting a few of the notions entertained by i some of the principal members of the profession. SARAH BERNHARDT'S PET AVEMSIONS. The reading of La Tosca was fixed to take place on a Friday. Now, Sarah, who affects not to t believe in God, is, ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIBS. _ _ _ v _ * . ~ . THE COURT. Osborne, Monday. The Queen weat out this morning, accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice. . The Hon 1D Plunket, M P, has lef6 King.- town for England. Captain Willoughby, 4th Dragoon Guards, Mrs Willoughby, and family have left Ringstown for England. I Major and -Mrs G. V. Hamilton have left Kfngstewn for England. Captain and Mrs ...


... -y ?? T-e4em. - vT a Were any proof required dl the very great a itimportance which attaches to the ouestion die- IP vecussed in this volume it would he supplied by N( -athe long list of patents -which the author has ap- i. pended to it. Although the pebuliarities of the doi e ?? have prevented him from making it, *~ b auy eanscomplete ' it includes 45& thi 2. bstractts of specifications for ...


... 1C 1CINDEREL'LA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL. After a week to shake down into its, Pple end allow of thle facility and ease whichi comes only A by working, the Christmas panttortime Cia- derelia, at thie Theatre RoyVal, in1 now going 5.merrily, b~riskly, an~d well, and many of the drawbacks incident to first piertormn- 'ances have disappeared. In almost every -.instance altrtions, slight ini ...


... A STORY OF GOID IN WALES. Mfr. Wilbraham Taylor, of IHadley Hurst, in a letter to the Tinws, relates the following experience :-About the year 1860 a bustling little Welshman entered my room in London, and, after making sure we were alone, undid a heavy parcel tied up in a coloured bandana, displaying a lump of rock, and, almost bursting with conscious import- ance, said, There, you see ...


... IJ1ThARY - OT!IS. 27w £bazsast qf )eace By Marvin X r NVnedt D.D,, L0Sel4anm Nlisbeta adM 1 Co. herms serim;of tw ent sernoS au - eminey pastoral characte, n which t# Da * autor the Rev. Dr. Vnc~et, I deals in a ID$flfl ransiin~eas it is diretb and pracal Be r with certaen bard, painful or pasi pisee W. of Jiristiax ~xpe~j~n, an 'nil as with cerin Da duty and pcspnla4 (Ckiiw amceptioeu ...


... RE CENYT PUBLICA TIONS. !Publishers would greatly oblige bystatingh, ep.o bk Any noc3 undr tls hcd do not preclude further review, should such seem, to be necessary.] We have received the following books since our last issue I TuVENILE LITERATURE. A. L. 0. E. 'Driven into Exile: a Story of the IlIguenots. (Nelson.) [A story for the young. Pp. 222. Illusirations.] GREENE, I-l. The Blind ...


... S O M E F A C E S FROM VANITY FAI R THE EARL OF DURHAM. The present and third Earl is the grandson of the Ambassador, and was born two-and-thirty years pgo-the elder son of twins by a head-to the inhe- ritance of a great name and a great position. He has so far done nothing to illustrate the one or to maintain the other, beyond passing some years in the Foot Guards and succeeding his ...


... LYCEUM THEATRE. (Sole Lessee, Mr. HENRY IRVING.) Miss MARY ANDERSON as HERMIONE and PERDITA, TO-NIGHT, and LVr EVENING, at 8.15 punctually. in Shakespeare's Play of THE WINTER'S TALE. Mr. J. Forbes Robertson, Mr. 1F. H. Mackin, Mr. 3. Maclean, Mr. G. Warde, Alr. V Stephens, and cr. Chartes Collette Mrs. Eiliington, Miss Tilbury, Miss Ayrton, Miss IIs SaR. fesmond, Miss Daeia, and Miss MARY ...


... ART I-JION BALLOT. The Birmiubham Art Union ballot, in connection with the Royalusociety of Artists, took place at the rooms of the society, Newv Street, yesterday. There was a good attendance. MAr. Ei. Mann presided, and there were also present-Messrs. E. S. Pearson, Jonathan Pratt, W. Reeves, XV, Glydon. J. J. Hughes, IV. E. ernme, H. Mart, and S. H.' Baker (hon. secretary).-The HON. ...