... * :It is in iteitture as in Finance-much Paper and) a 1much roverty 3aay coexist. 'I Cultivated Americans are fond of assorting that- v with the singlo exception of William Makopeace a Thaokoray-George Dawson -vas the most brilliant S talker who ever visited their shores. It is nearly a c dozen years, so rapid is the flight of timo, since George I :Dawson leaned over the lecturer's desk ...


... COMIMON SENSE ABOUT SHELLEY. A REVIEw OF PROFESSOR DOwDEN BY MR. MATTHEW ARNOLD. AwH'IILE ago we gave a brief outline of an article by Mr. Matthewv Arnold on Coult Ldo Tolstoi, contributed to the Fort ifs//v Revzi-rv. We welcome his hand again in the pages of the ?? Cewtury for this month, though the no(;tc of his Criticism this time is scarcely so pleasant as before. Mr. Arnold ye VC; ...


... v* BOOKS. 15nUSThTAL PE.ACE : Its Advantages, Methods, and Difficulties. A report of an Enquiry made by the Tovebee Trustees. By L- E. F. E. PRICE, with a iArea ce by ALFRED I1ARS:iALL. [London : Mlacmuillan rIn' Co. Tie title acoted explains the nature and purport of this yoauone, which has a fine engraving of the tine face of Es 0ld Tsynbee, whose name and work were highly lo-:,redt t Oxford ...


... TlE11 MAGAZINES FOR JINUARY. Tur 1IJ-oen'j TlTforhl mtay now be pronounoed aa undoubted success. Not only are the papers which it contains various as regards the topics touched upon, but they are invariably well considered nnd gracefully writ-ten. The illustrations are also as charmingr as Could he imagined. It is long since woe lave seen anvything better than the drawings which accomelnny ...


... FAASION D VAJZTIZSa General Sankey has arrived at Kingstown from England. Colonel and Mrs Maillard have a'iv'ed at Kingstown from England. Major and Mrs Paton have arrived at EKingstown from En2gland. Major F H French has arrived at lKings- town from England., Lieutenant Scott, 24th Regiment, has ar- riyed at Kingstown from England. Lieutexant Woodgate, 24th Regiment, has *orrived at ...


... aa Haiii :pzW Anh ?? ttri~ ~~M fu#i$~:qk Nloa ?? ~llif t.aug ?? ' ' W 0of ?? W b i . rs be Ba- W ~*itihaIgy tdit f biott' :, ?? at a, 4p 4 110 . thbati§b.*U ito igy xr~1iab-y b;e bee p b y. 0'e~i? bt~i ;~i part of&# a Tx ?? tthiflfl*- ~ t eed bs wit4d ofi .an* -tM KamedaTI ~it TA'S6 110OT slia 6 ull , Q1.0_ Tonce perf0oilmo Viis ota t,~ue iwith th t ua 1~ fut' ?? VOX- ?? er, . Alt , h te. : ...


... O O Messrs Swan Sonnensohein, Lowrey & Co. mave published IWork and Worship : Sermons preached in English Cathedrals, by the Rev. George Edward Jelf, M.A., Canou of Roehesterx -Messrs Wm. Blackwood & Son have pub- lished a new popular edition, in one voluune, which is certain to justify the ?? oE S&Gsorge Eliot's Life as narrated in hel Letters! and Journals, arranged and edited by her hus ...


... FASHIONS AND FOLLIES OF THE WEEK. N EW YZAB'S DVESSES. The most distinioive feature of the fashions of tile cuting year will be the absence of drapery- etliat iH, suerfluous drapery-on gowns. Straigtbt liles will be more closely tollowed in thoe muailng of akirti, pleat, wiuid folds reonobug from waist to feet, drawn in towards the bottont of the dress in many oapes, and secured with a bow of ...

Our Library Table

... Stur JKbrarj IabCe. Mr Gladstone has addressed the following to the editors of the ?? Review:-Sirs--You have deemed the work of Dr Dunbar Ingram on the Legislative Union with Ireland fit to be subjeoted to a searching examination and exposure; and, in the pages of the Nintcctntli Contlo'y for October, I also endeavoured to provide the publio with the means of forming an estimate of its true ...


... ?? I ?? lr? -,-7-77777777777?7-'- ' ?? TA ?? 9UN01tbAUX-Itt . I I . - it ?? s 000ou-', % sar~ lia n,~* .5 t eirsvnoi- baa a vely ole : ibii~tion- itx spite ofs those ii~toruol slao : whiahs thlj:,t$;ds of nrtV hear wlith rexrt T~e c Oataloguae by6 2XLr F. (0 &F.tepluiu,. is ftil of . juitbr~t h rical .ad litterry, thoegi it is not irce frbbt srispr'iuts. The Very first pioture tl~ Wlrklc'e ii ...


... FASiIiNs FOR JANUARY. Yellow is the favourite shade this winter, from butter- cup to straw colour. In darker shades navy-blue trimmed with watered silk of Cambridge-blue look very effective; also dark-brown trimmed with pale-pink. A new oolonred woollen crlpe makes up well with gold em- broidery or ribbons, and would be very useful. A gown of white muslin for a young girl is charm- ingly made ...


... HIS DREAM ONl HIS SEVENTY- I G'EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. Whether it was the snowballs lately shied At the grand pate which Reds have deified, Or the rough passoge in the Folkestone boat, Had mtrch disturbed bhn, yet this fact I note That on the twenty-niath, his natal night, Our Gommy's dreams were scarcely a delight He tossed and tumbled in his bed, until The voice of objurgation, sharp anl shrill, ...