... D3ITIY LANE. ., A RN or LVCX. A~ thI'lTEN by Henry Fettittand AnttStust EaITIs. WS T Last nIghts. X5 . Forlescee, MarAIIYSA, .dith Brnes, Bloneha Mmsa and ?? Williams. tli1 l Maud 3M11ton. ,,_7 ftard X16olls, lt w Gard ~~ ?? ~~~ArliI~ IItes A. plng, 5 t1 fierbert Standing IS LESsEE 53rD M IscAG~rsari5 ut5r~orntS'g~ A RINNwrgrt ?? yony (J. A O La . s rery Lane T bestta, W .O. EtkYtN¢T ...


... IAMSEMENTS; HATMARRET THEATRK. A series of Wednesday performances, be- gan on the 5th, with a revival of flasks and Places, Mrs. Bernard Beere being. the Peg Woffington, and Mr. BeerbohmaTree essaying Triplet. It has had numerous ex- ponents sinoe the comedy wag originally acted on these boards it, 1852, but the oha- racterisation in Mr. Tree's hands is quite apart in conception and method ...


... HATIMARKET. Mr. Beerbohm Tree last night commenced his second season here with a new drama, entitled Cap- tain SMwift, written by Mr. Haddon Chambers, with which a satisfactory experiment was made at a matinee in June. This piece may rank among the more striking dramas of incident the present year has hitherto produced. In its constructive method and directness of purpose it recalls the late ...


... DRURY LAME. * AUGETUS HARRIS, LEoSxE AND MAScAGES. E E VE N IN G, A T 7.30 EVER (concludlug at 11.5). a hew grand spectacular drums, entitled a Bomance of 1M8. Henry Hamuiltont ?? Harris, Bo0X ofies open daily from 111to 6. M &V~t ARMA&D A at D R U RY LANE. T ilred Emfery, Edith Brace, Kate jaiem AaNelo v~ksd Stand Milton l .eonard Boyne, Lui4i LuMislh, ltdwarX G~ardiner. Vietor Stevene, A. ...


... I The verdant-5nstntle. anD( the iosy bloom of summer fbde-, 'hije autu:nn's tinted robe o'er tl:e v-,rth in all its lOelinfSl. ?? is swett to sie v tle changing of the 'eaves, 3';eb In tbeir aried s~Iendoflr, yet they bring Nc to the soul dealehts enmpturouS. iey rt.ther seem to 7whisper man behold JHw thou ?? wither at the autumn time, Ad be disturll fromi ',Se's delicioms dream 'j*Sy ...

Young folks' Column

... ai RIsGHTS CORVED. Wjquug tolho, 9, olumse ?? Dear Bsirns,-Have you got a good memory ? Thbs is a more serious question thae you may suppose. A really good memory is a great blessing to its possessor, and aso frequently to thoie around. Remember eve-ything good. I have so often lately heard young people say with a langb, My memory is wrctched, as if it were a matter to rf joico over, that I ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... 'i dt and itravy 6g044 e Flow Is it that our English illustreted papers cannot pro- duce coloured pictures of delicate tone and finish like those in the French journal Paris iKustre? In the last issue there is a remarkably realistic group of sleeping wayfarers -mran, woman, child, sad donkey. A figure by Jul3s Bretor, from his picture in the Zalon, is alsa given in the same Lumbsr. Mlention cf ...

Extracts from New Books

... (Extrads from gtw gooks. THE SUFFRAGE IN CHILI.-Among the various claims of the Chilian Republic to be regarded with interest by the student of political progress, I must note the fact that it has for some time successfully adopted a system of suffrage which is supposed to be too complex for the people of our country. In political elections for representatives, the mode of voting is, I believe ...


... It6long down the riser from tbe keyetone of ohe arch, Far way between the green and billowy banhs of trees; WatCh:ig how thue water shimmers on its cesieltss march: Listening to tbe mnurmur ot the sighing southern breeze. ](cDn he ond the gentle slope of white, untrodden sand, Where the tsietedhazels image flickers in the flood; where the rippled shallowv laugh antd lash upon the strand, ...

Chats with housekeepers

... ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. hto IWith Ilwdwtp~cro -0- By PHYLLIS BROWNE. OUR LOWVER 1REGiON-S.' Some ?? are in thle hatist of spea'singof nj kitcheos aind. offices as tse lower regim3,' andI they do, this presumably because they have made Up theiraminds, that thie kitchens can) never be as n~eat, ti ly, anl I jr, able as the rest of the houme, and that i t is a, ma:' necessity that chaos -and ...


... NEWCASTLE SPRING FLOWE% SHOW. On Wednesday the annual spring flower show of the Drr- ham, Ncrthumberland, and Nevraastls-on-Tyne Incorporated Botalical and Hofticultural Society was opened in the Cor Excbange and Town Hall, Newcastle, uud'r favourable .Fapices. Both in respect to the quantity and quality of the exbih.ts it is unanimously admitted that this show f :r exa do any of its ...


... I (FROM OM t OWN colltht.SPOSflENTS.) THE GROSVENOR' GALLERY. A Wldy corieapondent, wmirrtig to us on private view day, says:-I do not pretend to be an art cntic; my ttodest ambition is to set ?? my roade's such c,,rtful description as shall euratle them, though :ar away, to behold in the lmind's eye some- lhiug cf. tbo paintings the Londoners are privileged tosee with actual vislto fand ...